Make of this what you will but Sally and the Navigator had more trails to travel and story must be told - so now here is Part 3 - a Journey to be remembered
I said I’d do this - I wasn’t kidding around!
Do you “see” the does there? They were in my yard prior to taking the picture.
I have no idea where that image came from and how I happen to have it in my files, but that tis the image selected and now I will select another….tis above and tis resolute firm solid as soap in the bath and resolved for resolution - one way or the other.
You must know - one thing leads to another - I made this image for Tatyana.
~~ I play for keeps ~~ I play to win ~~ I respect Tatyana ~~ Russia as well ~ I play fair
Best to go back to Parts 1 and 2 if you want to have bearings for Part 3 but this will stand on its own - it is about a navigator met the love of his life and she held their child within and the travails they went through together on the path they chose willingly with each other in matrimony of their minds…..
Stormy weather recent….
Part 3 - The Land was Foreboding Dry
As they got back on the trails Sally feeling somewhat weary but also willful said to the Navigator - where are we heading now?
The Navigator was weary as well - tired and kind of full of indignation - he said to Sally - what you think of this:
And then he said - what you think if this also:
She looked at him solemnly after he responded with equal will and she just said - I love you and lets get these chips delivered and be done with it. That was why the Navigator knew Sally was his life’s ambition cause she suffered no fools but she recognized the task at hand. He smiled at her genuinely and they both got on a trail they were going to be heading for quite some time - good thing they both knew about the importance of storing water and only taking what one needs on any given day.
Upon the trails in the middle of a place so dry most of the time but not always they together embarked upon the path with each other. They had will in their minds and they shared it together in knowing that a baby was growing in Sally’s belly. Their will’s firmed together and resolution is what they desired.
PART 3 - Chapter 1: Sally and the Navigator Back on the Trail
So this is the part of the place used to be called Australia that Sally and the Navigator got back on the trail after their experiences with squirrels and Roland that crazy mother effer in his hermit place - and this map shows the trail they were fixing to be upon come hell or high water - the level of will Sally and the Navigator held within was nothing like the world of humanity had ever seen and good for that cause where they were going - there was not easy water anywhere whatsoever.
Here is the first map showing their journey and then a second with more detail - this walking in the relatively safe forest area with water took them a few weeks, but they were about to enter into the dry country and there it takes wits to survive.
Once you get there - water tis slim - Sally and the Navigator - they both knew and they were ready and fierceness was in their minds and their bones as well as in the baby in Sally’s belly as they went on their way towards the dry lands to the middle of the place used to be called Australia where supposedly some RC’s existed for whom these chips Sally and the Navigator possessed might make all the difference - at least in the minds of Sally, the Navigator and the baby in Sally’s belly!
After walking days on end the Navigator held up in a moment and said to Sally - this is what I have seen:
Twas a wolf or a bear the Navigator sensed as they departed the waters and headed into dry lands - they both knew what they were getting into and with the baby in Sally’s belly - they both knew they were determined to bring this to resolution - one way or the other - wolves and bears can watch or participate, but they had no effect on the will of Sally and the Navigator - that will was firm and solid in foundation based upon the baby in Sally’s belly - twas will resolute, firm, and fierce.
Fiercely and fearlessly Sally and the Navigator walked the pathways they sensed were chosen for them and resolutely they decided to deliver the chips acquired only because Sally screamed when she was afraid and saved the Navigator’s life from the bots the Base Establishment (BE) sent to kill his incorrigible and disrespectful ass in their minds - twas a battle to the death and Sally and the Navigator intended on prevailing against those who thought they could control the love twixt a man and a women humans to the core of their souls and in love deeply.
Chapter 2: A Stopping Point
After the Navigator saw the wolf/bear in the tree limbs with water flowing after they had passed on a way on the trails - day after day - the Navigator said to Sally - there is somebody I know, somebody I knew who lives here and after that I am “out of my realm” of experience and awareness - I’ve never been this far away from home, but this person who I have met I hope will take us in and then maybe she will help us on our way - she lives in this area on the edges - then the Navigator pulled out the map and pointed directly here:
So this is the place that they arrived upon. The Navigator could tell Sally and he as well were in need of comfort and rest. He was happy to see the place from a distance….but something had changed and the Navigator became weary in a heartbeat…
When they got there the person the Navigator used to know was nowhere to be found, the home was empty, and it seemed as if all life was gone. It was a “stopping point” but not how the Navigator imagined. He had come to realize that much of what he treasured in his childhood was now gone including the fine friend and companion who used to live in this house in the place at the homestead that was no more because it was empty of inhabitants - just like the place he remembered when the bots came in and he barely escaped with his life after losing so many he loved.
The Navigator said to Sally - I need a break - I need some rest - I thought we could meet somebody here, but seems she and everyone else is gone…they are gone - they are not here anymore…..and then he broke down and cried. He knew what this meant and the tears flowed from his eyes cause he knew another friend was unlikely to ever be seen again.
Sally held the Navigator in her arms as the tears fell from his eyes and she sensed there was somebody or something here he must of loved…..and after he had his cry she held his hand and together they walked into the empty place so different than what the Navigator was hoping for and the baby in Sally’s belly she could feel the pain in his heart, mind, and soul and yes it is true - the baby was a girl - and Sally already knew but just now the Navigator’s sense of purpose was first and foremost in her mind cause she knew without him she would be lost and all alone….she felt his pain.
The Navigator felt like somebody had ripped his heart out of his chest and to make it worse he felt ashamed of himself for not being rock steady for Sally and the baby, but somehow these feelings just bought more tears to his eyes and he laid his weary head down on the bed he had been in before knowing that all his life dreams were in a state of turmoil and he didn’t realize just how much he loved the folks who were at this place and the fact they were gone was more than his mind could take in and he fell into the bed on the mattress with Sally’s comfort and closed his eyes and part of him didn’t want to wake….but then the baby inside Sally asserted her desire and in the morning when the Navigator awoke he was a new man - reborn and willing and ready to do what must be done.
Chapter 3: Good Times Together
They stayed at the place there - it was still in good order - they stayed there Sally and the Navigator for about a week. It gave them time to refresh their minds and build the necessary fortitude to do what they both knew they had to do - they had to deliver these chips to the RC’s in the middle of the big place in the “super dry” lands and they knew it was the reason they were together with each other.
After his “bad-day” on arrival the Navigator awoke the next day and gathered his wits…..Sally wisely gave him room to reminisce….and after that day they both sort of looked at each other in a different way. It was as if they shared something deep down and long time and they both knew it but they didn’t want to share the details…..even though, they both knew they would - or they might - over time - sometimes details take time to be addressed.
They used the week together wisely - they almost felt as if they had retained the value of this place and made it something others might appreciate and they hoped to come back here on the return journey.
Love grew stronger than either thought possible.
Chapter 4: Lets Get “Our” Bearings - Shall We
A good map always helps one get their bearings - so lets look at a map or two below shows the travels the Navigator and Sally and taken up till this moment and assess the distance they have travelled and perhaps that will help us all get our bearings? I don’t know for sure, but I enjoy showing paths taken and it could be…..well, lets just look at the maps of it - shall we?
Now - you got to consider the miles flied by a crow versus the miles on land to and fro and if you want to know the difference ask the crow, but if you ask the ones hiking the trail they will tell you - the crow don’t know!
More details will follow - this Chapter ain’t over.
Lets focus on in - now one could argue - if the map planned is shown does that mean it will be in the story? I guess it depends - lets focus in on the paths to be followed next in Chapter 5 - this is what matters now - the here and now:
Here is some more detail - another map of the mind - Chapter 5 mostly happens in
Sweet Dreams the Navigator said to Sally as they laid down after another day of hiking - they both knew the trail ahead was mostly dry.
Chapter 5: Tunnels With Water Desired
Kurnalpi is an abandoned town in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia. It lies in what was once Maduwongga territory and is situated about 60 km north-east of Kalgoorlie.
In 1894 alluvial gold was discovered in the area sparking a rush to the area, a townsite being surveyed later the same year and gazetted in 1895.[2] The post office was established in December 1894 and was upgraded to a Post and Telegraph Office in February 1896. In 1912, the postal arrangements were downgraded to an Administrative Office.[3] Potable water was difficult to source in the area so several mobile water condensers were brought to town with three arriving in 1896, two more in 1897 and another in 1898. A police station was built in 1896 and closed in 1910. A coach travelled to Kalgoorlie twice a week from 1897. By 1901 the population of the town was 262 people (with 250 of them being male).[4]
The name of the town is Aboriginal in origin but the meaning is unknown. A feature of the district on the edge of town is known as Kurnalpi Rockholes.
~~~~~~~~~,_Western_Australia ~~~~~~~~
Twas this place Sally and the Navigator came upon after day upon day of traveling slow and steady to get to their desired destination carefully and with due deliberation and due diligence for that matter - it was weeks traveling slow and steady - hard to keep track sometimes - but when they got here plans changed for and the story took a twist unexpected, undesired maybe - maybe for the best - hard to know - especially when you are in the middle of the story being told….the had an encounter and this changed everything for Sally, the Navigator, and the baby in Sally’s Belly - they were about to learn something about the land long time …..long time in the making.
(Chapter 5 is not over……till it is)
This is what the Navigator remember - what they used to say - this is what he remembered….
Some 15 million years ago the Finke River would have drained into Lake Eyre by cutting through the sediments of the Amadeus Basin. Now it releases into the sand plains of northern South Australia (Kerle, 1996).1
The Finke River, like many rivers in Central Australia, appear to be just a dry river bed. It is generally a broad sandy river bed with waterholes dotted along its length. There are nine permanent water holes along the route, important sources of water for local wildlife. In flood, the formerly dry river becomes a large, powerful torrent of water, sweeping debris, boulders, pebbles and sand in its path. The body of water could be short lived, flowing only for short periods, from hours to a couple of weeks, depending on the amount of rain, and where the water is flowing from.
Oh my the Navigator wondered - where are we going Sally…..
The Navigator thought this as well -
I know an old river called new still flowing reliable and so this old river called new is really something special being it ain’t ephemeral as the finke is….the finke may be the oldest basin, but a river flowing has value and give me the new river eights days of the week versus a dry basin mostly worthless nowadays…….
this is what the Navigator was contemplating as he and Sally headed into the dry lands with nothing but their love and their wits individual.
Chapter 6: The Device
So, when you go into dry lands finding water is not easy and one has to plan in advance. The RC - “Rogue Community” - that the Navigator belonged too had created a most useful device for those on the trails long time and not knowing easy about whether supplies were at hand.
This device was a simple way to recycle water and what it entailed was when you had to take a piss you pissed into the device…… was a container small enough but with some components the purpose of which was to rapidly extract any possible water for future use from the urine - and best part is - if you have time - you can use the material separated out cause that is concentrated nitrogen of potential value in the soil if used properly and whatnot….but when on the trail, the remnants just get removed, but then - wa-la - a bit of the water from your own urine can be consumed safely and this is a critical device the RC came up with and best they knew nobody else besides the RC’s in the middle had a device of this nature. It was an “ace in the hole” when it came to preserving water potable.
Sally and the Navigator travelled together and they both now knew no matter what confronted them they were a team resolute and they were most determined.
Chapter 7: A Bit More Precise Map - With Distance Indicated
I ask you Dear Reader - how long do you think it took Sally and the Navigator to cover the distance indicated below?
Now - the “blackish line with hatches” shows the distance as the crow flies and that total distance is 541.32 miles! So, if one is walking the trails - what additional amount of distance do you reckon they have to hike?
I suspect it is at least 50% more distance - at least that - probably more. Then if you contemplate changes in elevation, that is more difficult hiking no doubt. Regardless, I have decided this. I’m going to pick the location this story is going to continue and then starting in Chapter 8 there is going to be a day-by-day breakdown of the journey Sally and the Navigator have embarked upon. There also will be regular updates on the status of the baby girl who is basically three months old now from the day she was conceived.
Chapter 8: Southern Cross
So by the time Sally and the Navigator got to the Southern Cross place indicated on the maps above they had already travelled on foot approximately 800 miles give or take. Sally was more than 3 months pregnant by this time, but she didn’t skip a beat and “she sure is good looking” is what the Navigator thunk ofttimes on the quiet trails when the only sounds were birds in the distance and other critters scurrying before they got seen by the hikers walking together on their mission.
She sure is a fine women he thunk to himself
The critters, the birds, the bugs, the bees, the trees, the moss, the old-time ferns in the soil moist - they all could tell…they sensed - Sally and the Navigator were one with nature as they walked the trails old towards their objective - their goal mutual. They knew Sally had child in her belly and they shared their goodwill freely.
Their goal, the goal Sally and the Navigator had chosen willingly was to contact the inner RC’s in the dry harsh lands and make an offer with the chips they had in possession. In the back of his mind the Navigator sensed a poker game in his future - this gave him hope. The Navigator played a mean game of cards.
Now - as the story is told, one day at time, the daily experiences for a little while - the mundane hiking story… day after another - it will be told as the story continues as they strive together for the lands dry and potentially hostile.
First however - let me share this:
There were paths in the place been made long time ago, but the making of those paths created some opportunity to get supplies and things needed….
One scheme leads to another, but infrastructure is infrastructure - and even long abandoned places offer benefit and advantage if infrastructure was once there - and upon that the Navigator was an expert in recognizing opportunity.
So, before getting down to the daily travels - this map below shows 10 days of hiking after Sally and the Navigator got into the Southern Cross area.
As you can see, they tried to stay close to places were water could be found.
8a: Along the Track - Day 1 From Southern Cross
After a day of rest Sally and the Navigator awoke - the Navigator usually didn’t go into details with Sally, but he said there is a place about 60 miles hence as the crow flies and that is where I hope to meet some old friends.
Dear Reader please be aware, the place the Navigator had in mind was already mentioned in Chapter 2 of Part 3 of this story, and it is a place where the Navigator cried upon arrival - so be aware - you got to read close to understand this story.
After many weeks hiking on the trails, camping, finding sustenance, getting a secure place setup, the Navigator and Sally were well travelled and accustomed to the difficulties that show up on any daily hike. They had become practiced at packing their things efficiently in minimum time and knowing where to get what they needed just in case. They had walked so many trails together the bottoms of their feet were well firmed for the task at hand.
Meanwhile, Sally was three months pregnant with the baby the Navigator had inseminated her with when they made love in the caves of Ngilgi during a time when they decided to share with each other intimately. At this time in the travels, her pregnancy did not diminish her ability nor her mindset when it came to getting back on the trails, but the Navigator was aware that the time for them to travel was limited cause when it came time for this baby to be born, then the Navigator would willingly sacrifice the chips and the whole mission for the sake of the baby in Sally’s belly.
So, they both had two days worth of clothing in their bags, they had medical supplies for regular hygiene and in the event somebody “got a scratch”. They had tape strong for wrapping bones or for keeping something connected to something else. They possessed quality ammunition for their superior bows they both kept at the ready at all times - they were fierce on the trails and confident. They had boots for certain situations and they had well made tent to sleep within and sleeping bag of the highest quality in the land provided by the RC the Navigator called home to stay warm in even the coldest evening. They had poles easily unfolded, they had a tarp or two, and they had will fearsome. They had more than that - they were well prepared, they had already suffered enough - they knew what they were hiking towards - and they hiked with ambition and will strong and fearsome and ruthless toward anybody trying to interfere with the task at hand. Ruthless and fearless is what they were - a team for the ages - a man and a women in love with a baby on the way.
They carried this with themselves as they departed Southern Cross per the trail indicated above, and they managed to get about 11 miles before the weather turned sour. They found a big stone to camp close by, and together as they had so many times before, they set a fire for the camp.
The Navigator on this particular day during a moment of frivolity had a lucky shot and the bolt he got back went right through the squirrels heart - he watched it in its last moments and said a prayer. Then he got the limp carcass, skinned it, and got the meat out of it for a good evening soup - better than rice alone.
8b: Along the Track - Day 2 From Southern Cross
So per the map above, on Day 1 Sally and the Navigator made good hiking progress and got passed Ghooli after about 11 miles walking - they were accustomed to this - if the situation was correct they could easily make 18 miles on one day, but some days it was hard to even make three. Still, they got past Ghooli of old, set up camp and then the next day - was the same as so many other another 12 miles or so and then they setup camp again. It had been 23 miles so far. 23.
8c: Along the Track - Day 3 From Southern Cross
After making 23 miles relatively easily the rain came in on Day 3 - but they used the rain to advantage and found a place to fill their containers - and there is a balance to how much water one can hike with cause any bit of weight slows progress - there is always a trade-off on every decision made. But, when it rains consider yourself fortunate to have some water cause we all need that to live Sally and the Navigator both knew - they were happy for the cooling rain and after you get fully soaked it sort of makes no difference on the trail and they were accustomed to this already.
So Sally and the Navigator made a few miles on the daily trek when the rains came in and they watched the clouds - observed the sky - felt the wind - they were so alive in the moment and the baby in Sally’s belly was energized by all this….when the rain commenced they were not caught off guard and in fact, the took advantage to be in full supply water-wise and they looked at each other with sympathetic eyes and they both knew - they didn’t mind walking in the rain. They were in love with each other.
They made another 10 miles this rainy day before they setup camp and they both were actually in a pretty good humor when the Navigator looked into Sally’s eyes after another day walking and moving forward towards the goal at hand with practically no words expressed - and she looked back at him the way she did - oh my…..he was in love with her no doubt and she felt likewise.
They took off all their clothes, wringed the water out, set them on a line to dry as much as they might - drip dry if you know what I mean - and then they made glorious love to one another and the baby within Sally’s belly - she sensed the love they shared with each other. They were a family no doubt now. Determined to fulfill what they set out to do.
8d: Along the Track - Day 4 From Southern Cross
On Day 4 Sally wasn’t watching her feet or maybe she was “pre-occupied” and forgot to follow the old saying: “eyes on task”. Sally fell and she twisted her ankle severely.
It happened when it was raining and she slipped on a mossy stone on the path when her mind was elsewhere. She was in serious pain after she fell and just as the Navigator got to her side - at the very moment of this as he came close to her in full attention, he noticed a bird out of place watching - with ill will seemed to him…..and then he tripped upon himself, but the thing about The Navigator is he had fallen so many times he became a master at it and he had learned after many hard knocks and falls how to fall without harming himself - he did not twist his ankle, but he literally fell into Sally as she was prone on the ground. This was a “low moment” in their hiking and their times together young, but the Navigator was unharmed and he stood up and then saw the bird fluttering as it flew off. He tended to Sally but his mind was distracted.
8e: Along the Track - Day 5 From Southern Cross
After falling so many times metaphorically, there were certain moments when the Navigator’s will became indomitable and this moment occurred now as he looked into Sally’s eyes forlorn.
He got himself backup and the bird he had seen made the mistake of circling back “on his ass” in his mind. The Navigator had bow in hand cause he anticipated this or hoped it would be the case and he shot the bird down with a single shot precise. That evening they ate well and the Navigator after bandaging Sally and wrapping her pain up he and she found a place of comfort and they ate that bird up - first good meal they had in awhile - fresh bird flesh and skin cooked on the fire.
He looked into her eyes fierce and in pain and as if he cast a spell upon her she felt healing in her ankle. In the morning it was wrapped up securely and on their way they went because they had a place to go and the Navigator had a feather in his mind and in his cap of the bird they had eaten together the previous evening after Sally had twisted her ankle severely when she wasn’t paying attention to the task at hand.
8f: Along the Track - Days 6-9 From Southern Cross
They trudged along - Sally in serious ankle pain, but a path they had to follow. They were resolute and got to their destination on the end of Day 9 from Southern Cross and this is when the Navigator broke down and cried - (See Chapter 2)
At Jaurdi Station Homestead was when Sally and Navigator’s love for one another was firmed rock solid and their love for each other became unbreakable. Their bond was forever and the child within Sally felt the energy of love and sadness they had. The baby was growing in safety and just waiting to be born. The love of her mother and father was unstoppable.
Simple as that.
The Navigator’s tears flowed a river after they reached their destination and after being broken his heart had healed with the help of Roland and others in memory as they spent some idle time after hiking and traveling so far together. Likewise, so was Sally’s ankle strengthening with the amazing healing ability of the human body pure and natural. With resolution fierce and strong and willful as always plus hopeful in spirit they departed that place on this adventure neither of them could ever have imagined was going to happen when Sally screamed her call and saved the Navigator from his fate not meant to be.
The Navigator had the chips in possession and he was with the love of his life and together no matter what happened they knew they could count on each other forever and forevermore till death if need be - and even then their spirits were linked inextricably for all time eternal. Their bond was unbreakable.
After a week of solace and growing together at Jaurdi Station Homestead they made a place of it in their hearts determined and departed stronger and ready and knowing. They were ready and fearless being they had already survived so much - both before and after they had met each other. They were humble in spirit and determined in will. They were resolute and so was the baby in Sally’s belly. Together they embarked into the dry lands with human tenacity built upon love between a woman and a man.
They sought resolution of the task at hand and had vision of a better future together. They wanted resolution final - in mind, body, and spirit together. They were a force together - synergistic they were.
The birds around chirped as they departed and wished them well.
Chapter 9: Into a Trap Meant for Others
It was five more days of planned hiking along the old abandoned tracks. At the start of Day 4 - seemingly out of nowhere, harmful entitles flew overhead. Little did Sally and the Navigator know - they had walked straight into a hornet’s nest under attack. They were stuck in the middle but forced to choose sides.
9a: The Trap
At the start of Day 4, in the early dawn hours after checking supplies and packing up, the Navigator and Sally heard a buzz in the air and then they both saw overhead drones flying together in packs of six each. Must of been about 30 of em - 30 packs of six each flying in formation. The drones flew over swiftly on the downswing picking up momentum and velocity. They were only about 100 feet in the air as they passed over and the Navigator noticed a slight hesitation in the movement of one of the six-pack of drones and thought -
Holy shit Sally - they know we are here…..
It was the first time in weeks they witnessed any evidence of human life besides their own selves. Sally observed as well:
I don’t think it is “us” they are heading towards she intuited.
Not but a few moments later (seconds) they heard and felt several explosions nearby and heaven’s to Betsy they were in the midst of a conflagration out of nowhere in the early morning light of dawn. It was in this very moment a burst of light so intense damn near blinded both of them and they fell to the ground with their hand over their aching eyes. They were out in the open with no cover. They were disoriented, but they were side-by-side.
9b: Real-Time Combat
Sally roused first…..she saw the Navigator next to her - he had his hands over his eyes….she pushed into him with intent to bring him to his senses - to remove the disorientation and then she saw one advancing rapidly out of the corner of her eye - advancing rapidly with undeniable killing in eyes of rage and mayhem.
In an instant she grabbed the bow the Navigator kept at the ready and it was loaded and she shot the one coming towards them closer than the others - she shot the offensive charger malicious right through the neck in an act of self-defense in the heat of face-to-face combat up close. He bled out in a matter of moments a few feet away but the rest close behind were still charging forward threatenly - they were full of menace - there were so many of them.
The Navigator came to his senses quicker than one might think possible and in a swift bit of movement flawless, got the bow back, loaded it and killed another just in time.
Shots were coming towards them and they scattered together bonded with each other and they managed to get behind a bluff on the other side of the tracks - in a last ditch effort to stay alive in the heat of it all they found a safer place. By this time there was smoke everywhere and mayhem and confusion, and then lo-and-behold some others were coming in the other direction towards them and towards the others who they had defended against in the heat of battle.
They were trapped in a fight they weren’t meant to be in, but neither Sally nor the Navigator were afraid to fight and they had good cover. They held their ground there while Sally got the gun she owned out of her bag. In the moment, they realized - this was not their fight they were stuck in the middle of….and they witness the two sides come upon each other - there was blood everywhere.
Death was in the air and all around - it was more than miserable - it was horrendous
An opportunity presented itself - it was risky, but the Navigator ran the odds in his mind so rapid and he grabbed Sally’s arm before she popped off another, and he pulled her away from the conflict that was not theirs but which had dropped upon them in the blink of an eye. She had ferociousness about her and in the instant he thought she might shoot him so as to keep killing others, but she got her wit about her before she lost her mind and they were able to sidle down the tracks a bit perpendicular to the two sides meeting each other face-to-face in a battle to the death.
If not for the smoke and the confusion they would have perished then and there because some heavy weaponry was arriving on the scene and they abandoned the place of cover they had moments before it was overrun and then a whistling sound came in and all within 10 meters of the impact point were immediately eliminated. This was the moment the Navigator saved both of their lives and human flesh and bones and organs destroyed and broken were all over the place flying in the air with the smell of death and human flesh charred; a bit of shrapnel hit him on the side of his scalp and he began to bleed profusely leaving a trail of blood in their wake. Miraculously, Sally and the baby were unscathed physically.
The fight nearby continued ruthlessly and they were held in place unable to move again because if they went into “the open”, snipers and others were shooting anything that moved and they knew they had no choice but to hunker down. With that said if anybody got close to them they likely would not be able to say a thing before either Sally or the Navigator eliminated them - they hunkered down and thankfully disengaged while the fighting nearby raged on for what seemed to be eternity.
War is war I reckon and when you get in the middle of combat then tis a matter of mettle and Sally and the Navigator were not easy pickings. They were hardened and after a bit of time they sensed they had removed themselves from the immediate fray, but they knew they were trapped and the victor would find them and to the victor of this encounter their fate lied. They would be “spoils of war” sort of and they knew the outcome was out of their hands. By unfortunate happenstance they were in the difficult situation of having their fate decided by a victor unknown in a battle that wasn’t theirs to fight when they were trapped in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was an act of fate.
After a few minutes, Sally decided to turn her attention upon the bleeding skull of the Navigator and she put a soft bit of fabric to soak up the blood all around his head and give it time to coagulate on his skull that thankfully was only hit with a glancing shot. One inch to the left and he would be dead…but he wasn’t and she bandaged his skull and consoled his mind even though her heart was racing as was his - he remained on alert as she did and they waited out the battle while they were hunkered in place.
9c: Slowly but Surely in the Heat of Battle
Slowly but surely for opposing sides Sally and the Navigator “found” themselves trapped by, one side eliminated the other but is was a prolonged affair cause the odds were basically equal.
While they were hunkering down and the Navigators blood coagulating on his skull hit by shrapnel they witnessed slaughter indiscriminate in their minds and there is nothing like having a “front seat” to carnage in real time and in person to change ones mind about humanity.
They waited it out….but they knew they were trapped and in the hands of the victor
Perhaps it was 20 minutes, maybe an hour, time is different in the mind of one witnessing human slaughter. But then a moment arrived when there was still smoke about but the sounds had quieted when a soldier approached them not knowing they were there hunkered.
Perhaps the angels were watching cause as this soldier looking over causalities from both side got close, a “beeping” went off on a device he had and he was aware of them and went on alert.
The Navigator said to Sally - “check yourself honey” - lets give this soldier a moment.
They remained hunkered with weapons in hand and fortunately they had a visual on this soldier who didn’t know exactly where they were (they were in cover), but knew they were there - if this soldier made a move hostile between Sally and the Navigator odds are would have been the soldier’s last move as he approached them cautiously.
The Navigator pulled a special bolt (it was not as sharp but coated with something from the woods) and cocked his bow as the soldier came close in the smoky haze and then he shot the soldier when he was but feet away and the soldier fell to the ground stunned and unconscious. The Navigator waited for some smoke to blow over them and then he grabbed the limp body -
at least now they might have some leverage assuming the victors didn’t just kill their own if they were held by others
and then the victors arrived in force.
Chapter 10: Changing Plans
The Navigator looked into Sally’s eyes the moment the victors came upon them and he was resolute - she responded with equivalence.
The leader of the forces who had prevailed in this battle approached them and “The Navagator” called out:
I have one of your troops here with me and Sally - he is still breathing…
This hardly gave the leader any pause cause so many had already met their fate, but then the Navigator said:
I’ve had dealings with Pigget Ungler - I can prove that
The mention of the name “Pigget Ungler” gave the leader pause and Sally noticed, but initially the leader considered it a bluff, but then Sally said:
We have chips in our possession - of high value only we can realize!
Thank the heavens above after the fact Sally said that cause if she hadn’t they both would be dead already and the chips most likely lost, but her admonition to express this gave the leader pause to ponder - perhaps these folks knowing Ungler and in the wrong place at the wrong time - fearsome they be no doubt - might be better alive then dead for our cause and efforts. That is how it happened when Sally and the Navigator were taken prisoner.
Without resistance - in fact Sally and the Navigator laid down their weapons and had their hands in the air …..this enabled them to be taken prisoner rather than simply polished off after they got caught in a fight that was not theirs -
they were in the wrong place at the wrong time,
but fate has a way of leading folks to conclusion - and after they were apprehended without resistance and their goods were gathered by soldiers just following orders, the leader had them delivered to their disposition and they were imprisoned in a small cold place as they were carried away by the victors.
They still were in possession of the chips - and only they knew the value of what they had. Only they could make the difference - only Sally and the Navigator had the wit to do what must be done - the leader was soon to discover.
10a: Two Weeks
So for two weeks Sally and The Navigator were held against their will.
But they were held together and they were treated with respect in captivity. The Navigator made note of this, but Sally was losing her mind.
The Navigator who had been held against his will before could read the writing on the wall, but Sally - who had never been contained as such was beside herself. In fact, after two (2) too tu to many days of it few, The Navigator had to bring Sally to her senses when she acted all entitled to the guard just bringing them food.
She accosted the guard who was just doing his job forlorn and the end result was they spent the evening hungry…..Sally had lived a life of privilege whether she realized it or not, and though she considered herself a “victim” and she was in a way, she was privileged in upbringing and clueless about what it means to be in captivity - to be free of liberty to do what you want to do.
That evening the Navigator said to her:
Honey - you do yourself no favor, nor do you favor me when you accost a guard just doing his job - you must realize we are in captivity.
Holy shit this set her off and she lashed out at The Navigator with passion fierce, but he was quicker than she and when she tried to slap him in the face he grabbed her arm so tight and pulled up his fist free in her face meanly and said to Sally - let me do the talking honey - you are out of your league…..and though she wanted to beat his brains out literally in the moment he was too strong for her - he subdued her - he didn’t want to, but he knew what it takes to survive in captivity.
After that she acted like her spirit was broke, but he knew he had to tell her and that words would not suffice - so in the moment he used his superior strength physical to subdue her and he did. The Navigator had been through this shit before and he knew how to survive.
It was after two weeks they finally had a meeting with the commander.
10b: The Meeting After Two Weeks
The way this meeting unfolded is a story unto itself - it may be told later - but for the sake of expediency the Navigator and Sally found themselves face-to-face with the Commander of the victorious side in the skirmish and the Commander said simply:
I’ve talked to Ungler and he has vouched for you - not for her - and he says you have a plan.
In life sometimes choices need to be made and though he knew it might be the end of him the Navigator responded as follows:
May I speak Sir? (there was no opposition in the moment)…….I’ll take that affirmatively the Navigator spoke when he went on to say: “I had the life of Ungler in my hands after I invaded his private room after he failed to fulfill his end of the deal”…….he waited….there was no response……I said to that man of ill repute - you know I can kill you, but instead I need something”
After that the Navigator shut his trap and he just sat there.
Sally was dumbfounded at this point and the Commander somewhat taken aback.
The Navigator held his ground.
10c: The Meeting After Two Weeks In Captivity
After what must have been a few minutes of nobody saying anything - nobody doing anything - Sally acting dumfounded, the Navigator keeping his trap shut…..the Commander somewhat exasperated - said:
What the hell do you need
and then, the Navigator sprung another trap….
10d: The Meeting After Two Weeks In Captivity A Trap Sprung
In a heartbeat the Navigator stood up in chains no less - and said
I need you to set Sally and me free to do what we set out to do
and then with eyes aflame he proclaimed
We came upon YOUR conflict not knowing and we acted in defense and you know that
When I held the blade upon the Pigget’s kidney, and when I pushed it into his nostril I looked into his eyes and we made an arrangement - he lived up to his end as I did mine
And then in exasperation the Navigator huffed himself up and got as close to the face of the Commander as he could and said:
You are out of your league - set us free and we will have no animosity - hold us captive and holy hell will be coming upon you in the now and forever after….
This made the Commander laugh out loud and for the first time in what must have been many years of suffering…..he felt a sense of humor returning……and he smiled.
Take them back to their room - I have business to attend to….
he said, but in a way he had been touched by the spirit of the Navigator and he shared that briefly in the gleam he had thought was lost forever. It had been a long time since this Commander had laughed in humor and goodwill both.
Sally noticed as did the Navigator.
That evening Sally and the Navigator had the first good night’s sleep in so long and the Navigator could feel in Sally’s body that she had forgiven him in her mind….or maybe she had forgiven herself. He could tell her spirit was rousing…..
That evening the Commander was met in his dreams with the most fearsome spirits of his past and future and they mocked and tormented him and they left a message of fate……..
In the morning when they all awoke, the plans of everyone changed cause a dead body had been left on the steps of the place - it was the body of Pigget Ungler - his kidney and all his internal organs were open - his chest cavity disemboweled……his eyes were solemn in death.
Somebody was delivering a message no doubt, and for Sally and the Navigator - this message spelled freedom from captivity.
10e: The Meeting After Two Weeks In Captivity A Trap Sprung - Freedom Realized
There was commotion in the camp where they had been held and then the Commander “out of nowhere” burst into their room in a huff……but before he said a word the Navigator tripped him up and then had him in his grip and he said gently:
I will kill you in a heartbeat….
It all happened so fast nobody could of predicted it - least of all the Commander who quickly realized - he was out of his league….that Navigator is quicker than light…..
The Navigator held the Commander resolutely ready to kill him if need be knowing it would be his own death sentence possibly - he said:
Kindly tell your guards to stand down and you will live.
Sally gathered what they had there and looked at the Navigator and then he said this:
Kindly tell your associates to bring all of our belongings and we will depart this place with no animosity….and then for good measure he applied pressure precise along the artery in the neck and this made the Commander’s eyes bulge and then the Navigator to bring the point home kneed the Commander - who let his emotions get the best of him in confused & misdirected rage when he burst into the room of a man with the love of his life - in the balls direct and precise and Commander’s eyes not only were bulging but tears were flowing in the pain of the moment and he realized he was indeed out of his league
The guards watched on helpless - they had utmost respect for their Commander. After he caught his breath while still held viciously in the neck….the Commander eeked out these words….
Get them their……and then the Navigator tightened his grip fiercely such that the Commander could not breath……
Get us everything we had the Navigator said calmly or the Commander is a dead man. The associates saw their leader fine close to death and they obeyed the Navigator.
A few minutes later they returned - at this time the Commander was no longer conscious, but the Navigator held the grip tight relentlessly. When they arrived with everything he said:
Sally - please verify that is all of it and also please collect the dropped weapons of the former guards - the guards relinquished their weaponry and their Commander was turning blue in the face and limp in existence……
She confirmed that all seemed to be there - all of their possessions. The Navigator made note of this.
What is the quickest way out of here the Navigator inquired as he held the life of the Commander in his hands. After they answered, he said:
Bring me some rope and do it quickly…
They bought the rope and he slightly released his grip giving the Commander another breath in dismay before he tied the rope around his neck and said:
You are coming with us
He then struck the Commander fiercely and bluntly upon his head with knuckles strong and then put the rope around the captive’s neck and tightened the noose upon a man who had lost all wit in the moment.
They gathered their belongings after they had been held against their will for two weeks long and they departed in dignity dragging the limp body behind as the associates showed them the way out - they departed and after they had gotten out of the premises while the associates looked on the Navigator released the Commander barely hanging on and said -
I have no animosity towards you - I hope this is reciprocated but Sally and I are on a serious mission - please understand….he looked the man in the eyes…
The Commander who realized he was “bested” was a good man at heart, or at least heading in that direction now that he knew his sense of humor was not lost and he said in a whisper….
Ungler is dead……
This came as no big surprise to the Navigator but he sensed this is why the Commander came bursting into their room the way he did and the Navigator said:
Ungler was remiss in his dealing with me, but then he paid his debt fairly and I said to him “we are even” - you Commander treated us with respect and dignity in captivity to a degree….I’m sorry to hear about Ungler….something is amiss.
And then he and Sally fled the scene as quickly as they could and the Commander was left on the ground barely alive, but happy to still be breathing. The Commander had a feeling this was not the last time he would encounter the Navigator and Sally and oddly enough he had no animosity towards them either as he watched them go on their way towards the dry lands.
10e: The Meeting After Two Weeks In Captivity A Trap Sprung - Freedom Realized - Sally Feels the Baby Kick
The Navigator and Sally did not look back. They had been held captive for two weeks against their will, but it was a “Sign of the Times” and they held no animosity nor any grudge - they just wanted to get the hell away from where they were and what they had been “caught up within”. They moved swiftly and as soon as they saw a place of cover they headed towards it and they made good progress.
That evening near a body of water under the cover of vegetation, Sally had her tears flowing - just as had occurred to the Navigator. He didn’t say a damn thing, but he held her in his arms. Sally was only 18 or 19 weeks pregnant by this time but she felt the baby within her and that gave her solace. In her mind she felt the baby kick. In the morning when she awake after spilling a river of tears, she felt the baby kick in her body.
The two of them had made it now to the end of the map presented at the beginning of Chapter 9. They were behind schedule and Ungler was dead supposedly. Sally was more than four months pregnant and that baby was alive and kicking.
Chapter 11: Plans Change - But When Safe
When they got safely away after a night or two on the trails they were accustomed to, but being what happened, the Navigator decided to tell Sally everything about their mission. He said this to her calmly:
Sally - the place I’ve led you and the baby down the trail is dangerous no doubt and I wouldn’t blame you a bit if you decide to pick up and follow another path. But, if you stay with me know this - I will bleed to death for you and I will protect you and the baby with all I got in me and Sally - I’m fierce. So decide now and then I’ll tell the rest.
She said simply once again:
I choose, I chose, I want to go with you…..
and then he told her everything he knew and they were resolute.
11b - Tis Now or Never they Both Knew
A map will be provided soon enough, but being all they experience, Sally and the Navigator - they were ready. They had been firmed together. They were no longer “green” - they were seasoned and hardened.
They walked the paths dry in silence most of the time and only spoke when it mattered - there was a sense of peacefulness about it - they were on the mission together and they both knew - together we are better.
11c - The Map Mentioned
Here is the map - tis full of irony but not like maps of irony from those harmful “5G” - oh no, this is the map of Justified Retribution in the minds of Sally and the Navigator in the Cone of Silence they have chosen for themselves - it shows where the poker game is going to be played - The Navigator was born to play this game:
Do you see how “dry” it is there - no water anywhere - no moisture - no lubrication - no love in the Finke River area - unless you know your history - and know this - there will be a poker game there - it will be fair……
Let the chips fall where they will the Navigator said to Sally with poor demeaner in attitude - he was full of himself she thought….but then she tripped on a rock and after that as he helped her up in the moment he whispered this in her ear with a bit of menace in attitude no doubt -
Just like when you screamed and saved me baby - I’m not kidding around - have some faith
When we get to the Finke middle a poker game will be played - I’ll need you then more then when you screamed - I’ll need your love then honey - I hope you got it in you….
i need you Sally - you saved me…..please forgive me - I need you deeply
She had nothing to say to that - she felt like screaming at him again - the two of them had months of walking ahead and the baby was restless - the Navigator rumor has it was renown in his card playing ability and Sally was known to be a live wire fearsome.
Together they continued walking the long lonesome trails to the middle of Australia - to the Finke River basin where they intended on offering up the chips they had to those RC’s there who had survived so much suffering - and the Navigator was the key because he was the best player they had to offer up and it was within his love for Sally that the central RC’s would realize - a hurricane was upon them.
Then the rains came in…..and they were awash in water.
The Navigator said to Sally - this is a good omen - I’m tired of drinking our recycled piss - I want fresh water - Sally concurred and the baby stirred and their love was strong and resolute - they were on a mission together - together they would succeed or fail, but together they were on the mission and either way the love they shared for each other meant it mattered not how the outcome happened - it was the act of being together that mattered - and that kind reader is what is referred to as love inviolate. Tis undeniable and irrefutable and indomitable. Tis love strong in heart and will and it cannot be denied - Sally and the Navigator loved each other so strong the love was palatable.
I’ll show the map later but by the time they reached the place they hoped they might meet the ones they wanted to share the chips with…..Sally was eight months pregnant. Then after they got there - they had to wait around for awhile, but it was peaceful and the baby grew stronger and then in Part 4 of this story - the game was played, the chips were transferred, and then the baby was born.
Life - don’t you love it?
Chapter 12: Part 3 of this Story is over…..
The end!
Note: editing remains to be done no doubt
To be continued when Part 4 gets told - after the eclipse I reckon…
My name is Ken Hausle - I am the author of this story about Sally and the Navigator.
the time as I post this is: 31424 1250.
Part 4 of this story is stewing in the mind of the author of the story - that be me.
I got a poker game coming up and it might inform how the story is told - that is just how I roll. I live in the moment day-by-day and let me ask the reader this - is there a better way to live?
Of course I have regrets, but there is no changing the past - what matters to me is the future and did you know this -
The Navigator is a fine card player - but he met his match in doubt on that.
The story will be told - Part 4 - assuming I'm alive to tell it - I hope so, but life is full of uncertainty - no doubt on that.
Tis 22224 a day of 2's but not as many two years ago when it was 22222 - and that day I will never forget cause it was the day of the "elephant in the room". I'll leave it at that, but I'll tell this:
If not for the disemboweled doe that showed up in my front yard at the most inopportune time, I would of never had the ability to imaging Chapter 10 above - Chapter 10d in particular.
Ain't it a mystery how one thing leads to another - and if you go part to the earlier part of the story you might learn more about Pigget Ungler and how Sally and the Navigator came to meet each other.
But this story stands on its own - and telling is demanded - so the story will be told.
If you think I'm kidding about the disemboweled doe showed up on the rocks in my front yard, then you must not realize when I say I'm not kidding around - I mean it.
Chapter 10 ain't finished, but in Chapter 11 Sally and the Navigator will be on their way to their destiny. Their destiny is the Finke River Basin and when they get there there is going to be a silver coin special and a poker game played - it will be played real-time and the outcome will be what it is - win or lose. I have a vision of it in my mind, but I don't know - I truly have no idea at this moment how the story will unfold, but for me - it is the telling of the story that matters and nowadays we can communicate so rapidly.....well, why not have a story being told real time? That is reality.
The time now is 2017 - or to be proper and complete:
22224 2017