(in the cone of silence - get ready eclipse coming soon)
(This story needs some “stewing” time - needs to be solved with “6”
A link in this regards - the answer is ? 88 - prove me wrong please -)
Consider this before you read this story -
This is going to be a story I’ve been stewing on for a few years and now tis time to tell it I reckon - a few clues include: Australia, Finke, Poker, and choices with many crossroads and likely backtracking to get to the moment in the story when:
Sally and the Navigator make a one-way choice
When Sally was born it was in an unfamiliar place for Sally’s family. They were on the base and that is basically where Sally was born. The young mother held the baby close and they both celebrated new life together in a new way being Sally was in the moment of celebration out of her mother’s body and that is time moving on.
A few days after her birth Sally was assessing the situation and thinking - I preferred it where I was before, but then her mama came and held her tight and Sally felt safe.
The Navigator was born before Sally. It was near a fire in a cavern somewhat damp, but not overly so. Family members were nearby to participate, assist, or observe as the case may be….it was a family event hopeful. The Navigator it is said came out lightning quick in a fairly smooth manner per the perspective of his mother. A few days later he was in a rocker and he felt the waves in his mind and he thought of Sally…..he don’t know what else to think about because he really just wanted to go back to where he had been…
Another view
(that is an Escher print somebody “fiddled” with I reckon)
In a way, the image above expresses how the Navigator was thinking one day while smoking on a pipe and contemplating connections. Sally wasn’t thinking about the Navigator at all after she was born - there were other matters to attend to for sure.
AT the time of the edit: Tis 10423 ~1900 where I reside in “EST”
The Story Begins
PART 1 - Meet Sally and the Navigator
The image below shows the room the Navigator is in and the “bug” crawling towards him…..
There is some laundry hanging out there but the bug is determined to walk up the structure defying gravity to get to the Navigator just contemplating in the room indicated with the larger arrow.
Chapter 1a - One 1-way choice has Already been Made
Both Sally and the Navigator and their mothers respective all made a 1-way choice on the days born respective. Now it could be argued (what can’t?) neither Sally nor the Navigator chose to be born, but born they were, so they must have chosen to live. That is a one-way choice that was made when Sally and the Navigator emerged out of the light appeared in their momma’s body after they had been restless, on that fateful day they got to breath on their own accord. Preferably the birthing effort for both was managed by going out head-first if you know what I mean - makes the passage a bit smoother for the appendages if the head goes first, but either way babies can be born many ways assuming they are in good hands protective. Choices made to live usually are desirable versus the opposite - seems that is just common sense ain’t it, but sometimes one wonders…..
Anyhow, the moment the babies were born and autonomous do you doubt they were thinking? I’d put forth they were thinking prior to actually being out of their momma’s body cause even though there is physical connection complete wrapped within they were still autonomous in individuality while there safely growing - were they not? I’m pretty sure that is easily proven.
Regardless, the 1-way choices discussed above are not the same as the 1-way choice Sally and the Navigator would make together after they had become acquainted with each other and that dear reader is what the rest of this story is going to be about.
Chapter 1b - The Start of the Rest of the Story
Lets be clear about one thing here for which there can be no doubt. The name of the story starts with “Sally” and so Sally is the focus of the story in a way, but who would Sally even be without the Navigator is a fair question. So, Sally starts the story, but she and the Navigator sail together.
The Navigator, mind you, thought of Sally moments out of his momma’s belly, so one must ponder if Sally and the Navigator were destined to be together. Well, I suppose without knowing the story - tis hard for the reader to discern that and that is why this is the Start of the Rest of the Story in Chapter 1b.
Enough playing around - lets get to the “real” story - shall we?
At the time the “bug” was crawling - this is the room Sally was in - indicated with the arrow evident.
This was just before Sally met the Navigator, but before the story gets to that, lets focus on Sally and her early life before she met the Navigator.
Chapter 2a - Life on the Base
As previously indicated, Sally was born on the base. Sally’s daddy was a member of the base establishment….willing or not I reckon. Sally’s mommy was a talented and beautiful young lady whose husband often was away, but they were young lovers and she loved him even after they went their own ways.
Sally, enjoyed dressing up when she was young and she was no doubt an adorable child. She did have a bit of temper when she let it flare, but after her parents split up she mostly kept that inside - to her own detriment the Navigator would often express - but Sally would just say to him - you don’t know….and that is correct on that topic to a degree at least with respect to her parent splitting up. With regards to keeping it inside, the Navigator figured - she keeps it in reserve for me and I’m fine with that - I like it.
At some point in the process after moving to various places, Sally ended up in a place called Colorado - it is named after something that will be mentioned here and it is only worth mentioning because by an act of fate if Sally had not gone there she would of never met the Navigator.
It is where Sally returned to the “Base” - The Colorado Base. The year of this was 2112 and the world at large was on edge even more than the season prior. Planet Earth continued to revolve around the Sun, but some had begun to wonder.
Chapter 2b - The Color Red
So for the sake of clarification for any of the readers not up to speed on “things” in 2112, the Colorado Base is not the same as the place that used to referred to as the state of Colorado in a place called the United States of America - that place is long gone.
You see, the base, and yes this is sinister, is named “Colorado” cause of all the red blood been spilled there. Colorado is the “color red”…..and this base was not for the squeamish. Lots of blood flowed there - so much that when there was a Spanish speaking soul there he cried out in torment - this place is the color red…and then he died at the hands of Sally’s Dad.
Chapter 2c - Sally Meets the Navigator
So in the image above, Sally was in a room to the left of the pathway in regards to the direction the “smoke” was flowing per the perspective of a front viewer of the image and the Navigator was in the room to the right. The clothes line went over the pathway and connected the structures and Sally looked out the window and she saw the “bug” climbing menacingly with evident intent. She screamed when she saw the bug and this woke up the Navigator who was in that hazy sort of easy-dreaming state just prior to waking, but Sally’s scream bought him to his feet in an instant.
He looked out the window and he saw Sally and she had dismay in her eyes…she saw him as well and wondered about the bug he was about to face. He looked down and that damn bug was upon the window. The Navigator knew when to scatter and in a heartbeat he hopped out the other window (perpendicular in the room) and was barely able to grab the top of the upper book binder to ease his descent, but then rapidly dropped down to the next book and then hopped upon the stack of them and was gone from the picture before the bug knew what happened.
As he departed, the Navigator noticed the pipe and the smoke, but he had no time to think about that…he was running for his life cause that bug intended to kill him and thank goodness that girl….was that “Sally”…..he wondered screamed. If not, he would be dead already cause that bug was a known fearful killer. She saved his life the Navigator sensed and he intended on finding out just who she was cause he got of glimpse of her and he could tell she saw him and she was stunning in appeal in his mind, but he had to set that aside and run for his life.
Chapter 2d - The Forest
After the Navigator ran out of the picture thinking about Sally the whole time in the back of his mind he ended up in a forest thick but he didn’t mind that one bit at all - cause he felt safer there and he knew these bugs were relentless. They were the latest “ninja-assassin” bugs of quick death version 6.1 he was thinking, but maybe it was a 6.12 or possibly even a prototype version they sent after his ass in effing base of Colorado where he thought he would be safe given the place is so messy.
But the forest came second hand to the Navigator - he loved it in the woods - it was his area and he knew if the bugs tried to come after him there, they would wish in their “buggy fucking programmed minds” they hadn’t, and he knew that as well since he and the bugs had been through this shit one time too many - but those damn bugs - give them credit - they can be relentless.
Thing is, the Navigator was also and the Navigator was also most tenacious and that is why the bugs were after his ass. Once he got his self situated with heart-rate returned to normal he had a moment to gather thoughts even though still “on-guard” relentless fiercely, and he could think of nothing besides Sally. So that informed what he decided to do next as he ran the numbers in his head and formulated a plan as only the Navigator could do.
The bugs were never going to see this coming he thought with anger aware at being awoken in the middle of pleasant early morning dream by the most beautiful women he had ever seen….and she was screaming.
The path the Navigator took when running for his life is indicated in the image below. It is the lime-greenish line and it shows were he ended up after the bug tried to kill him.
He knew there was a game going on cause he saw the pipe and the smoke and he sensed the deck of cards and if the Navigator was nothing else he was a gamer and he was good at his craft and now he was safe in the forest and a good nights rest awaited him on his journey to find Sally.
Chapter 3a - Ingredients
The only reason the Navigator had come to the area of Camp effing Colorado was cause the forest near the camp had some ingredients he needed. And he went into the camp area proper when he first got there cause there was somebody he had planned to meet there before he went to the forest, but as if often the case, when other entities are about his plans had to be adjusted on the run.
Still, the whole point was to come to the forest in the first place here near Camp Colorado, and while he wanted to do this together with associates local out of respect for their area, so to speak, he didn’t plan on being in the forest the way he was and so he was within his will to find the ingredients he needed on his own and he did.
These ingredients properly tendered were going to be what he used in the upcoming card game he knew was in his future and he was going to lure the bug in and when they realized their mistake it was going to be “too late” for them!
I’ll tell a few of the ingredients.
Colorado slime slug juice.
A certain mushroom for which no further info can be shared.
A type of rapid curing sap when mixed with other ingredients is just “deadly” to the little bug appendages that step into it…..
Various herbs and other things the Navigator was practiced at locating.
The Navigator in addition to being angry with the fact he was awoken from a pleasant dream as much as this was mitigated by the beauty of Sally in his mind intended on first returning to the Inn area he was residing within and have a few choice words for the proprietor of the establishment who had “assured” his safety in the room. The Navigator knew the proprietor was unlikely be at the Inn direct, but unbeknownst to the Proprietor, the Navigator knew where the Proprietor lived and a little visit was called for being the Proprietor did NOT live up to his end of the agreement.
Chapter 3b - A Visit with the Proprietor of the Inn
OK, so the bug did try to sneak up on the Navigator during the early dawn hours when he was ambling in peaceful semi-sleeping dream state….and that would be a moment of vulnerability I reckon, but the Navigator thought he was safe in the Inn.
One thing no body likes is to be startled into action unexpected in the moment and sometimes when a heart gets startled as such that spells the end….so from the Navigator’s perspective, the Proprietor owed his ass and he knew the Proprietor would know this and make himself difficult to locate, but prior to coming to meet his colleagues in town the Navigator insisted that if he was going to share his wisdom he needed to know the locations of where a few key folks in the camp resided and it had to be rock solid. Well, this info was shared and confirmed and then the Navigator headed to Camp Colorado.
So, now knowing this background - and I should add the Navigator already had made acquaintance in previous affairs with the Proprietor and he had no reason not to trust his assurances - it should be apparent the Navigator was none to pleased with a bug attacking his ass in an Inn with a Proprietor, whose name was Pigget Ungler, who had assured his safety and been compensated accordingly. When the Navigator found Pigget hiding under his hidden room bed shaking and shivering he pulled Pigget’s ass out in a swift movement with anger in intent and put his face right in front of Ungler and said simple: “you owe me”.
The blade he held next to Pigget’s fat kidneys conveyed the message most effectively and Pigget before weeping at the Navigator’s feet exclaimed: “anything you want…”.
The Navigator knew this was just a feint because the Pigget’s reputation was far and wide with respect to unexpected wielding of a weapon or other tools of the trade, and so to make sure Pigget knew he wasn’t fooling, the Navigator unexpected came so close to Pigget and he put the blade in Piggets right nostril (per the perspective of Ungler) and he twisted slowly then pushed it in a bit further, twisted again, pushed it a tad further until Pigget’s eyes finally revealed fear of death legit. Then he held it there for what must of seemed an eternity to Pigget, but was probably only something like two minutes until the Navigator felt he had waited long enough to make sure that not only had Pigget’s spirit of resistance departed, but he was about to lose his spirit completely - such is the response the Navigator felt was justly due for anybody who doesn’t keep their word in a business transaction regarding his personal safety.
The Navigator dropped the limp pathetic shaking body of Pigget partially already destroyed in spirit and knowing what this Pigget had done to others - don’t fret reader - the spirit was mostly lost already. Regardless, the Navigator needed something and now he had somebody who owed him a favor.
Chapter 3c - Arrangement are Made and Information Gleamed
After the Proprietor had a moment to collect himself and calmed down knowing death was not imminent, the Navigator who was waiting somewhat patiently inquired to the Proprietor about what he knew with respect to the “Bug” and to the women across the pathway. After learning about what Pigget knew about the Bug, the Navigator noticed when he inquired about the women that Pigget’s eyes lit up briefly and so the Navigator knew already that Pigget was aware of her - thing about Pigget is he kept track of everything going down in the camp and that truly is why the Navigator thought he had made good preparation for a restful night cause truly if nothing else we need good sleep sometimes and if you couldn’t trust Pigget’s word, then it meant something serious was up.
Even when close to death, Pigget would not reveal his deepest thoughts and the Navigator did not explain why he inquired about the women, but Pigget said this:
She is the daughter of somebody important
That was a fair answer and the Navigator inquired further:
Do you know what brings her into the camp?
Pigget was deft in response with eyes beckoning gently and beseechingly as he shared this in duress that happens to a man thought he might of been dead moments ago but now still alive thinking death is coming soon irregardless no matter what he says or does:
She has had some difficulties and her father made arrangement for her to have a place to stay and work to do and she just got here two days ago - I could say more, but it might not be advisable and I suspect you can force it out of me if you want, but you must understand, that would not be in your interest nor mine….
The Navigator understood and asked one final question:
Her name is Sally the Proprietor answered
(begrudgingly with weariness wrapping around his head and mind…his mind was fading)
Knowing this Inn Proprietor was at his wits end and not wanting to push him further away from the task at hand, the Navigator in an act of good faith went and got a stiff shooter of Whiskey out of the cabinet in the Proprietor hidden room that he didn’t think anybody could find him - but the Navigator is not easily deterred and can find hidden doors on a dime - and handed to the Proprietor the shooter fine with whiskey smooth inside….he handed it to Pigget Ungler and said….
listen Ungler….. you know if I was going to kill you you already be gone and so you know I need something and what I need is for you to assist in setting up a fair game of cards in the tavern amongst willing participants who think they have a chance to beat the Navigator in a game of Oh Hell.
Now this was right up Pigget’s alley and for first time since the Navigator had to flee, Pigget sensed a light at the end of the tunnel and said simple:
I will help to make amends for the poor accommodations and to help a friend…..ha…ha…..uh..ok?
That is how the “visit” ended, and all things considered, Pigget got compensated for a guest staying in the Inn even though the guest had to flee on the fly in the moment after hearing a scream. Pigget still got paid and he was still alive to see another day and all he had to do was a few simple things to get this fair game going - after thinking he was going to die, Pigget’s spirits lifted a bit even though his cleared out nostril kind of hurt and he had blood all over his shirt, underwear and socks:
who would of thunk so much blood could flow from a nostril, but after that long-time “cold” he had been suffering from seemed to clear up “miraculously” this actually made the Proprietor more engaged in helping the Navigator setup his “crazy” Oh Hell game….
in fact, the Proprietor truly laughed out loud a few days later when he had his first clear breath in who knows how long….he even wondered, did that damn Navigator put some “medicine” on his blade on purpose?
The Navigator was content for the most part as well in a way cause he had visions of Sally in his mind and he knew Pigget knew he could have killed him and didn’t and the Navigator knew this is the only kind of message some “piggets” truly abide, but still it is always good to have the Proprietor on your side…..hopefully he didn’t break too much of the fellas spirit the Navigator thought briefly as he departed into the shadows. Time will tell but what matters more is who I’m going to visit next because somebody knows who sicked that bug on me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok - knowing what I know now after this story has had time to step - here is the image ~~~~~~~~~
Man oh man - life is a mystery and tis fine in the Cone of Silence
For the sake of the reader it is only fair to provide a bit of “orientation” regarding the situation in 2112 the members of the story find themselves residing within.
So, in a succinct manner that would be appreciated by the Navigator please note the following:
Colorado Base is in a continent that once was referred to as Australia.
Sally was born in 2088.
The Navigator’s date of birth is not known but presumably was a year or two prior to Sally’s birth.
The Navigator was born to what is referred to as a “Rogue Community” and there are more communities of this nature (they are on the move always being they are hunted, but each community has their “local” area) than one can count and those who run the bases in general would prefer there to be fewer Rogues out there…
The Navigator grew up in the forest amongst folks accustomed to hunting and being hunted. He was swift and agile and able to merge into scenery as if he wasn’t even there…he was comfortable in the shadows.
Sally’s Daddy was a big whig at the base and he had a reputation as somebody who would exterminate anybody he felt trifled with his desires and intent cause he knew “the world is bloody place” - bloody well right on that he knew. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t a rationale man; just that he was ruthless when push came to shove.
He was ruthless to just about anybody he considered a “threat” to his will except Sally supposedly, but Sally knew her Dad and who he was and what he did and she was immune. She was not afraid of him but in her mind she wondered what would happen next being her life had been topsy-turvy with little stability, so while she attended fine places of learning and had good tutors inside a kernel of fear mixed with anger had formed…..it formed due to her uncertain childhood and it was growing into something fierce. It was informed by her Daddy and her Momma for that matter.
There had been now for roughly 7 decades a sort of “unspoken truce” to not escalate endlessly the conflict between the Rogue Communities, who felt they knew what was in their own interest, versus the Base Infrastructure (BI) believers whose lives were premised on central control for the sake of efficiency and presumed wisdom. Nonetheless, it was BI protocol to constantly “harass” the Rogue Communities to keep them in check so to speak, and every now and then they would send a message of dominance in their minds using the robot bugs they relied upon.
Sometime in the 2030’s those believers in the BI thought they had everything under wraps and had taught all the remaining resisters that - “resistance is futile”, but that is when they got an unexpected delivery (another story completely) that essentially wiped out in a fell swoop the whole command structure of BI…after that pandemonium ensued for a decade or so and here we are now in 2112 in a state of heightened unsteadiness seeming close to the edge of the end for everybody.
Editor Note: for more info on #9 above - reference this:
Now - back to the story…
Chapter 4a - The Base Colorado
The Colorado Base (“CB” from now on), was located here:
It was in a forested area and that is the only reason the Navigator was heading there. The Navigator came from a community near the coast south of the effing CB. The CB had harassed their community for a few generations now and folks, the elder especially sensed something about to happen and their sense of this was passed down to the younger folks and the Navigator was expertly trained in the ways of the forest.
Chapter 4b - The Bugs
What made life difficult for the Rogue Communities near the CB especially was it was at the CB that most of the “Bugs” were designed and manufactured initially for prototype testing purposes, and so they just had to test out these bugs did they not? For the sake of reliable “central control” they rationalized, and so the bugs were tested most easily upon the local Rogue Communities (RC’s from here on out).
I think it is fairly proven that the BI didn’t realize that those RC’s that suffered from all their testing were actually being toughened and sharpened as a community resilient and now after a few generations, they were a shitload meaner than the bugs could ever be, but the anger of the members of the RC’s was focused on the cause and when the Navigator was a young man, the elders recognized how sharp of a tool he was.
Now the reason the Navigator was willing to get close to the CB area (this was very risky) was because in the efforts to produce the bugs, some “waste” products were generated and that is primarily what the Navigator was seeking. A particular “waste” stream (just dumped in the forest of course) that was literally fatal to the bugs in a matter of minutes is what he was searching for. Best thing is presumably, the BI as a whole didn’t know that one RC (the one the Navigator was a member of) had figured this out definitively during experimentation upon a few captured bugs that didn’t realize they were about to fall into a trap when they came to deliver harm to the RC. The Navigator knew some of this BI-waste shit was in the woods and sure enough after he had to flee for his life unexpectedly he found what he was looking for in the forest naturally.
Maybe that was a good omen he thought coupled with the image of Sally in his mind.
Chapter 4c - Time to Come Clean
If you recall as a reader, the ingredients the Navigator obtained in the forest were as follows:
So, a little elaboration is in order.
Colorado slime slug juice - is a euphonism of the concentrated blood and body parts that are raw materials in the “bug production” process.
Mushrooms - come in so many varieties and serve so many fungal purposes, but the mushroom desired was a “new” one only been spotted recently around the CB facility and turns out it has some attributes most advantageous when it comes to making some “back in your face” poison for delivery to the ones who push the bugs and the bugs as well if you know what I mean.
Rapid Curing Sap - you must know rapid curing sap has been an ingredient for so many things and when combined with other ingredients can have most amazing properties and those of us in the forest know about both cellulose and acetic acid and acetic anhydride for that matter and we have mastered the art of making cellulose acetate but sometimes it is desirable to have special ingredients and this “rapid curing sap” only found near the CB fit the bill nicely.
Various herbs and other things - this should go without saying but for somebody been hunted in the forest and had to fight to survive and live by wit….there are always various herbs and other things to find and a ranger would be a fool not to pick them carefully when encountered.
That Navigator you may not realize was a Ranger - he was a master in his craft after many hard lessons learned and now he knew it was time to apply the sharp tools he loved to use!
in imagination new tools are always on the horizon….
The path chosen after the Navigator talked with Pigget Ungler is indicated below and shows the path taken out of the forest place the Navigator returned to for some time of repose before he did what he knew must be done.
You ever wonder about a “spot” off to the left?
You ever think the forest is lost in the mind of the woods?
You ever here the whisper of a wolf?
Chapter 5a - Top of the Book
So the Navigator got to the top of the book as indicated in the image above and when he got there if you can imagine the scenery (check the top image for that) it was time for the Navigator to make a choice and this is what he did.
He pulled himself up the next book in line and then hopped up the next book using a hook he had handy and then climbed into the window there with the plant - and guess what? He was now in the same building where Sally was when she screamed and saved his life…..he could feel her presence nearby and I have a feeling she felt him as well.
Chapter 5b - Preparations
The Navigator had discussed with Pigget the location of the game of Oh Hell. Here kind reader if you want to learn the game - then click on this while it is available:
Oh Hell! | Play it online (cardgames.io)
Oh Hells bells hells bells Oh hell!
(ps - don’t worry about “Bill” or “Lisa”, but “Mike” plays a well-programmed game and really the author of that place - I salute your efforts - we play with Jokers in my family)
So, the Navigator had the ingredients already to send a message to the bugs direct and while this was not the original plan when that high-class ninja bug was sent to dispatch him coupled with his vision of Sally - everything changed on a dime and now the Navigator was on the offensive and there were some bugs who were soon to realize - they had met their fate not to mention their match who was fixing to rapidly dispatch them and hopefully get to meet Sally at the same time!
Chapter 5c - Preparation Details
All bugs have an innate desire to be the best bug in all ways. Here is the way the bug devices worked in the BI system. Basically the only thing created initially is the code the bugs is programmed to operate by and that code can be delivered in many forms of “bugs” depending on the circumstances, equipment and situation. Basically the BI made the “code” that went into various devices depending upon the task at hand. That is the beauty of it in the mind of the BI lovers, but thing is they must not know about the forest and the wisdom that resides there about flux and the wind.
So, the “Colorado Slime Slug Juice” red in color is actually the life juice of those killed to make the bugs programmed and so this informs the anger built up over generations amongst those of the RC’s from the forest and elsewhere who can’t and never will abide central authority killing innocence for the sake of the harmful bugs they want to create for what the members of the RC’s wonder, but I reckon some folks choose central authority and others choose to be free individually. The Navigator obviously was in the latter group and maybe it was just cause that is where he came out of his momma’s body when she offered up an escape route that he chose quickly to exit out and be the Navigator he was born to be.
If you combined this human byproduct specific that the BI’s used to make the bugs they used to control others with mushroom select from the forest near the CB area and the rapid curing sap also to be located there, then you had a bug killing recipe direct that all you needed to do was get them to contact it.
The thing critical in all of this when one handled the “human byproduct” it had to be done with respect and then if the energy associated with that was combined with the rapid curing sap and this stuck to the bugs regardless of the form they were in, then the bugs would dissolve from within slowly but surely because the energy of the lives sacrificed to make the bug in the first place would sap the energy from the bug like an aphid sucks the sap out of a pepper leaf.
So the plan was to get the bugs to willingly have the energy they had stolen affixed to them so that slowly but surely they would perish in slight compensation and balance towards the harm caused to create the effing bugs in the first place. Maybe you need to have been in the forest to understand this, but the thing is in the forest there is always balance and the old trees know the two-legged ones will eventually learn how to be mutual or they will fade as so many others have.
The Navigator surveyed the room the game would occur within knowing the Bugs could not resist an Oh Hell challenge and the chance to get the Navigator out in the open and the Navigator suspected correctly that Sally would be in the audience.
The Bugs could take many forms but a game of wit was beyond their ability to deny and so the Navigator knew they would show up and he chose to play the game fair and suffer the outcome regardless, but he knew all the Bugs who showed up would likely perish after the game and trouble him no further nor his mates back in the RC and so the risk was worth it and the game would be fair but the bugs would die whether they “won” the game or not because the moment they sat in the seats to play they would contact the “slug juice sap recipe deadly” and other reminiscent energy associated with all those who died to make the bugs real would then kill them in return.
Turnabout is fair play and really the bugs were just robots and deserving of no sympathy and this is the state of affairs in 2112 when the BI and bugs associated thought they had a chance to smother the Rouge Communities permanently once again like they tried to do once only to learn how wrong they were and sometimes lessons are only learned after they are twice delivered.
The folk on the Base including Sally’s Papa were about to learn about the lessons of the forest delivered with a sharp tool that meant business delivered swiftly and with Justifed Retribution.
After that, Sally would need to make up her own mind is what the Navigator contemplated as he set the trap.
Chapter 5d - No Matter What you Think
Some music lasts forever and this was some of the favorite tunes saved by the RC communities that the elders played sometimes when they wanted the young ones to know what matters and what don’t.
As a young child the Navigator took this all to heart.
You see the music from the hills rings true and old time music stands the test of time.
The Navigator knew this and with undue deliberation and tenaciousness the Navigator knew his efforts were not for naught.
The game was setup by the Navigator with the assistance of Pigget Ungler and it was a game of Oh Hell, that get this reader - we are all going to play together if you can imagine that the Navigator came into the room ready for conflict and now truly I will click the link above and the game will commence - the Navigator knew the bugs could not resist a challenge of a game fair and after he had talked with a Pigget - well sometimes you have to rely on others to set things up and the bugs arrived as expected for the game and they sat on the seats that spelled inevitable death for them, but not before they had to suffer the indignity of losing to the best Oh Hell Player in the land and the hand of this will be revealed, but first let me share a picture of the room the game was played and all players were well informed - both robot bug and human.
It was here the game was played the Navigator knew as he offered himself up for fate delivered. It was here where he would prove he was the best Oh Hell Player in the land:
He entered the room in the shadows unobserved and then he set the trap for the bugs who the game would be fair, but the bugs would die after the fact whether they “won” the random game or not - cause we all ought know the Navigator thought - the bugs and their central infrastructure desires are fundamentally wrong in the first place and there is no way for the bugs to know this, but after they all die when this game is played the ones who program the bugs might realize that the resistance against them is undeniable - inviolate would be the better word for it - the folks grown up in the RC communities were not only aware, they had a sense of fate, and the Navigator was the sharpest tool they had at the moment and the moment was about to happen after the Navigator put the poison on the seats the bots would inevitably occupy.
In addition to assuring the game would be fair Pigget Ungler put his best effort forward to make sure there would be no foul play in the game and in a way everybody realized this was a do or die moment and in a manner it was desired as such.
Here is the first hand of the game:
Place your bet the dealer fair exclaimed. When it got me, being the trump is diamonds, and all I got is a 9 lonely, I think I’m going to bet 1 on this hand in hopes of slouching off or whatnot. So, now I’m going to play the hand and after the fact, I will reveal the score - my bid already said is 1.
Here is the score after the first round against the bot who didn’t realize the trap set!
and now the next hand.
Here is the deal:
Trump is spaded I have the Queen and the King - that means for sure one trick. I got the ace of hearts, but you never know if it might be trumped, I have some high clubs and really this hand sort of sucks and is difficult, but kind reader that is Oh Hell in a snippet. I think I will bid 2 in this hand, but maybe I should have bid 3?
Oh, I made my bid just barely and now I’m just one point behind Mike.
Where there is a will there is a way - here is the next hand dealt:
OK - trump is diamond and I ain’t got none and I have low cards easy - I bid 0 on this hand - do you doubt me - only way I don’t make this bid is if I suffer a low heart loss.
Lisa won this round, but if you check the score I am ahead and I think we should play one more round for the sake of proof.
OK, spade are trump and I have a most “middling” hand - the worst sort of hand to have in Oh Hell:
Lisa has bid 4, so I think I will bid 1 for eff sake and this hand sucks.
Well, I made my bid just barely and thanks Bill for taking that one trick. Looks like this is turning into a battle of “Mike” twixt myself….I swear I can beat this bot, so really rest assured, the Navigator was the best Oh Hell player in the land the bots sat on the seats poisoned and little did they know that a mesage serious was fixing to be delivered and while this was not the original plan, sometimes fate takes on a life of its own - do you not know about that?
I could share the next hand but what matters is that Pigget set things up after we had our encounter and the bugs had already been exposed to the poison delivered and really it was justice due for those who thought they were going to tell the RC’s how to live.
Final score of the game won and Mike, Lisa, and Bill wondered who the hell beat them up - but they were just bots - were they not?
Victory against bots ain’t really sweet, but the Navigator had accomplished his mission and he caught Sally’s eye after he departed from defeating the bugs witless.
Sally saw the Navigator and she knew he was trying to catch her eye and she knew the ball was now in her court.
Chapter 6a - Pigget Fulfills his End of the “Agreement”
After the game was over, there were some observers, Sally amongst them, and so the Navigator knew he couldn’t do what his main purpose was at that moment, but he glanced at Pigget after he had collected his “winnings” on the successful victory over the bots in the Oh Hell game, and with that affirmation received without a word spoken he departed the game room.
The bots were sort of dazed at the situation and part of that was because the “poison” had begun to take effect. They simply sat in place while the rest of the crowd dispersed…..it is then when Pigget collected up the deck of cards and the Navigator returned with a special tool for this very purpose.
The Navigator said to Pigget as he used the special tool to remove “the code” placed in the bot heaps now essentially turned off, he said simply:
Now we are even
Pigget genuinely smiled in response being he had been breathing freely lately and truly as things turned out he felt indebted to the Navigator and was happy to assist. The Navigator used the tool he was not supposed to have and then he had 3 “bot instruction” chips in hand. These chips contained “the code”…..see, this was an error the BI had made in thinking because they had simplified the bug construction process by implementing uniform code placed into all bugs, such that if you had the “chip” you could put it in another device, and with some simple “reprogramming” the RC’s also were not supposed to know….. well wa-la, the chip in a bug that was designed to play games could suddenly be used in another bug designed for other purposes, and that was the thing the Navigator was supposed to collect, but then after Sally screamed - he felt there was something better to collect before he departed CB - that and Sally if he could just get her close enough to thank her for saving his life.
CHAPTER 7 - THE Cone of Silence Speaks with Resolution
When the Navigator got the code out of the bugs he knew it had no value unless it was placed elsewhere, but the BI he figured must not realize the harm they project out can easily be used against them and that was the Navigator’s plan - but first he had somebody to visit, and then he would check up on Sally assuming she was still in town.
Neither does Karma take prisoners, the Navigator doesn’t as well unless the prisoners will be useful to assist the Navigator’s desires and the main thing he desired after the successful destruction and capture of the chip from the bots was to put it simply Sally. She had gotten into his head and he knew he couldn’t let this stew much longer.
Chapter 7a - The Story Must Go On
So just after the card game and acquiring the chips unexpected, but one thing leads to another the Navigator went to meet the person who likely would be able to answer the question as to why a ninja-assassin bug tried to kill him and this meeting was precarious, but he figured his arrival would not be unexpected so he just showed up out of the shadows and rang the doorbell.
The door was answered and an old friend invited him in to his home and his friend’s name was Bilger Hopkins and Bilger looked at the Navigator and the Navigator smiled when he saw his friend and said - do you have a moment?
Bilger let him in to his home and the Navigator’s demeaner was both respectful but wary and he said to Bilger -
A bug tried to kill me friend - do you know anything about this?
Bilger didn’t answer the question initially, but instead said to the Navigator -
Come and be in peace in my home for a time and when my daughter returns we can talk
While this is not what he wanted to hear, the Navigator was in another man’s home openly invited and so he went and sat down on the couch and waited respectfully.
Chapter 7b - Waiting Patiently
So while he was sitting on the couch alone the Navigator noticed Bilger’s cat in the room and he looked upon the cat and they shared a glance with each other, but the cat had other matters to deal with and the Navigator soon found himself alone in the library room and so being he had nothing else to do and wanted to be respectful he looked upon the books on the shelves and picked one out.
This is what is said:
He was skimming through the pages not bothering anybody when Bilger came into the room and said -
lets talk
They had their conversation and the Navigator got the info he needed and Bilger remained a fine member of the community and on the way out of the door the Navigator saw Bilger’s daughter and on a whim he asked her -
Do you know Sally?
Somewhat caught off-guard and unsuspecting she said yes and he looked in her eyes and he knew there was something there to be probed, but instead he just inquired:
Should I find her?
In her eyes she said yes, but her response was simple and fair:
That is up to you
He appreciated her sentiment, let her know how much he loved her, he knew her since she was a kid, and then he opened the door he had been invited to enter and departed.
He was now a man on a mission more so than ever cause he knew - it was do or die time.
Chapter 7c - A Choice Simple
So after he spoke with Bilger’s daughter a fine lass if there ever was one, the Navigator’s mind was conflicted and on a dime he realized his plans and when this sort of thing occurred the Navigator had learned to listen to his instincts and the sense he had was it was now or never to find Sally and so he abandoned his desires to have something else desired by others quick and came to the conclusion - if I can’t find this girl who screamed and saved my life now, then I doubt it will ever happen - and so he made a choice simple to seek out the one he sensed from the get-go was going to be the love of his life……
He went back to where the game was played and the room was empty and then he crossed over to the other side of the pathway and entered the building where he knew Sally had been and then lo-and-behold there she was as if she has been waiting for him…they both were surprised by the unexpected meeting of kindred souls but they both could tell that they both knew somehow fate had bought them together.
Chapter 7d - Small Talk
The Navigator came up to Sally just happened to be there to his pleasant surprise and said -
You saved my life
She looked at him, gazed at his outfit, and responded
I don’t care for bugs
Neither do I the Navigator responded - can I get you a drink?
The Navigator and Sally talked into the evening and got to know each other in a fresh way being they had just met basically….being they just met close to each other. And the Navigator felt a sort of energy when he was close to Sally and he hoped she felt likewise, but no matter they talked into the evening and then the Navigator said - I think I need to depart as it has been a long day and then he looked at Sally close and shared in a manner the look of his eye and he saw something there melancholy appealing with an edge and his heart stirred in a way he thought it might never again….
He returned to his refuge but Sally was more than just on his mind now - he had spent time direct with her and he wanted to be with her again, but he knew he had to leave soon, cause one bug brings another and his days were numbered around CB, but he wanted Sally to come with him and he didn’t know if she would…..he had a restless night of sleep and when he awoke he really wasn’t sure what to do next.
The Navigator, a swift agile forest walker was both befuddled in a pleasant way and sort of felt himself being pulled - it seems he had fallen in love with Sally.
Chapter 8b - Lets be Realistic
Lets be realistic the Navigator said to himself - you just met this girl - there is no way she is going to “run off with you in abandon”, so abandon the line of thinking the rationale side of his mind insisted, but he wanted her to come with him and so the other part of his brain prevailed I reckon even though deep down he knew….it ain’t gonna happen that way - only way she comes with me is if it is not what she would of chosen freely - it would only be if her hand was forced - and even though I know that and I want her to come with me, I don’t play those sort of games cause I respect free will….and then the Navigator settled into a deep slumber and his fate awaited him the next day which would be memorable for the ease in its occurrence.
When he awoke he knew basically it was time to “get the hell out of Colorado”, but before he left he wanted to see Sally one more time and little did he know she was there waiting and hoping he would try to sense her more closely cause Sally herself was falling for the fella from the RC community she knew her Papa would not approve of, but she was a mature women and this was no “message to daddy” sort of affection…something about the Navigator made her feel like….
could this be direction? Somewhere to head worthwhile…..
And so it turns out there was no drama. The Navigator told Sally he knew he had to leave and go back to his home because he said we both know about the killer-bugs and they don’t give up easy even if the first mission fails, but you I hope to see again he said genuinely with respect and then she said:
I want to go with you
So simple as that they departed together after she gathered her belongings minimal and the beginning of their lives together commenced in that moment a decision fateful was made - be it long or short it was a Mutual decision and while not spoken with words they had already come to have a sense of communication with each other above and beyond words and they left together in trust sensed mutually.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ besides a few typos and other ~~~~
*************** edits to be maybe be made - Part 1 has been told **************
~~~~ now on to Part 2…
This is the beginning of Part 2
PART 2 - A Place that Used to be Called Australia
In the bad times during the 2030’s when the unexpected delivery changed everything on a dime and all the BI adherents were eliminated - those on top of the org charts……well, there was a place called Australia, but that place ended up being where it all started going downhill rapidly….and that is another story and the place has no name now, but there are many RC’s who live there - some in the forest, some on the coast and rumor has it some deep in the heartland learned to survive by wit alone and most fearsome.
Little did Sally know when she made the fateful choice to go with the Navagator that to the heartland is where they would eventually be and there a game of poker would decide the fate for the RC’s. It would happen in the heart of the Finke river basin, but kind reader this ain’t gonna happen until Part 3 of the story, but in Part 2 we are going to learn about a place used to be called Australia - the waves there, the caves, the energy of the place.
They say the Finke is the “oldest” basin on the globe….the oldest river basin still above ground…..no doubt it was in the middle of Australia….and while the name Australia is forgotten, by the whim of language, the name Finke is still in place - here is more info:
CHAPTER 1 of Part 2 (one time said): A GAME OF OH HELL
As they headed out of CB, basically going westerly, after they had gone a way together mostly in silence Sally said to the Navigator….
When do you think we should rest?
The Navigator said to Sally - you tell me if you want to rest and I’ll do likewise.
She then with a bit of curvature in her facial features responded:
Did you know I play a mean game of Oh Hell?
Now this got the Navigators blood flowing a bit and he responded:
Have you played with Jokers?
Sally laughed at that beautifully and then they walked together a bit longer until they decided it was time to call it an evening and as they entered deeper into the forest they sensed time together. This continued for a few days until they camped in area close to the coast.
Chapter 1a - In the Morning when they Woke
The Navigator said to Sally as she collected her belongings, there is….there are some caves nearby and if you don’t mind, can I show them to you? She said yes, and then after following the trails the Navigator knew by heart, they found themselves here:
Caves nearby the CB the RC's knew best
After spending some time exploring around and having fun just the two of them together by happenstance of a scream Sally fell down casually as the water flowed overhead and looked at the Navigator and said in her eyes….
I love you
the Navigator, a true sailor if there ever was one knew he met the love of his life on the steps in his parent’s home metaphorically speaking and said….
I love you too
He said sometimes things unfold in such a way I just don’t know……and then she placed her fingers on his lips and he settled down next to her and they both had a wonderful evening’s rest safely in the caves protected in their minds by the love they felt blooming twixt one and the other…and vice-versa.
Chapter 1b - A Dead Doe
Sally and the Navigator awoke the next morning preparing to depart and when ready they headed out of the safe cave they had the first good night’s rest with a companion in the longest time each of them could remember.
When they got to the entrance ready for adventure…..it all changed. There was a disemboweled dead doe there with fecal matter and intestines separated but still attached and they both immediately went into “alert” mode…..the Navigator simply said - “they know we were here” cause this is no coincidence. As they respectfully set the doe aside without trying to look into the “baby’s” eyes……something firmed in the Navigator’s mind and while he thought he could never be more resolute he was.
Her eyes were solemn in death. The Navigator could never forget those eyes.
Their plans changed at that moment when they knew they were being hunted by bugs.
….but there was no panic…
only resolve
In fact, it was sort of expected and they both were survivors in the wild, but at this time the Navigator didn’t fully appreciate Sally’s skills.
He said it to her quietly with a kind gesture - it is time to get to my home Sally. If you stay with me now you must know - there is no going back.
She said simply: Lets go.
This was the moment the two of them in their minds had decided to be engaged.
Chapter 1c - The Story
So the Navigator led Sally down pathways familiar but not easy and the two of them sailed together as they headed south to the Navigator home area. Now in his mind the Navigator was wrestling with how he was going to explain his companion to the other RC members when his presence in the area was detected.
But he put that aside…..to sleep on it. They spent about 10 days just the two them walking the hidden trails together mostly in silence until they got close the Navigator’s RC place known as: Frankland South (FS). They were weary as they approached the boundary.
The Navigator said to Sally when they got to their resting point just prior to reaching the RC:
Would you like to hear a short story?
There was no twinkle in his eye when he asked and he and she both were weary, but she said ok and he said this:
Tis a story about a story within a story about stories and the story never ends…
Then they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Chapter 1d - The Code
When they awoke, the Navigator showed Sally the items he had removed from the bug-bots he defeated in Oh Hell and she was genuinely impressed and he said to her we need to get back to my place because turnabout is fair play and these BI entities intend on killing us, SO we will use their tools against them and in her eyes the Navigator was watching close cause to be honest he had just met Sally and even though his emotions were tugged by her he had to make sure she was not a “trick”. Sad to say that, but tis the way the world was in 2112 when the whole planet was on the precarious edge even more than many thought possible.
He made his assessment and said to Sally “with these three chips and the code within we have a way to send a response unexpected”. The Elders have indicated it is now or never and so Sally, the Navigator said:
Run the odds sweetie, your choice to stay with me means your fate may be sealed
For some reason inexplicable, Sally began to cry gently….and tears flowed down her cheeks and she said -
I hate the bugs….they killed my mother..
The Navigator sat silent while she cried. He believed Sally in this moment and Sally, let it be known - she never let the Navigator down - not one time ever. She wasn’t perfect and neither was the Navigator, but somehow they met each other and now they were mending their spirits together in a way that cannot be captured in words….but as they did this a determination was forming in both their minds and they were strong in conviction and intent and most willful. They collected their belonging and headed to the destination on paths not often travelled but known by the Navigator and his kin.
As they walked together in silence a plan was forming in the Navigator’s mind and when he set his mind to something he was a force undeniable……and something else was happening….somehow in his newfound love for Sally - just a sapling in the making - anger was forming in mind of the Navigator, but when but a young boy he had learned how to contain and focus this anger so that it could be directed at its cause with discrimination.
After traveling the deep trails Sally and the Navigator arrived at the perimeter of the “watch area”. He knew the watchers on duty would identify them and he presented the signal agreed that normally allowed entry but being he had a companion with him he anticipated questions.
The member on duty looked at his companion and said to the Navigator - “who is she”? The Navigator said
she is somebody who saved my life
I have three “chips” with me and they are of great value
The member on duty was familiar with the Navigator and they were cordial, but still bringing a stranger into the RC was out of protocol and she wasn’t sure what to do. She called back to others to seek assistance. Meanwhile the Navigator said to her:
I have made a choice and I have these chips.
If she is not allowed entry the chips will remain with me alone.
After a brief time they were told -
entry is granted but you need to go to the forest tree central and meet with the elders
“Moreover I am obligated to be your escort” the guard said as she gazed on the Navigator with sad eyes longing.
Together the three of them proceeded to the central area and a meeting occurred.
Chapter 2a - The Tree in the Forest Central
It is not as if Sally didn’t observe the interactions between the Navigator and their escort and she notice the look the escort gave the Navigator - Sally was most inwit. There is not much she doesn’t notice when she is not under duress. Unlike the Navigator, Sally did not do well under pressure, but the Navigator considered pressure part of life and he used to it and basically always at the ready when strife arrived - that is why the Navigator was a “tool” the elder recognized in his youth and it was these same elders Sally and the Navigator met at the forest tree central.
Upon arrival, the Navigator looked upon familiar eyes, but somehow his disposition had changed being he now had a companion, and he said simply to them I have three chips and he handed them over. They took the chips into possession and said to the Navigator -
These chips have no value unless they are in a “bug”
The Navigator stated simply what transpired when he had to change the objectives of the mission, but then he reminded the Elders that if not for him and his agility they would not have the three chips he handed over and really - those three chips far and away exceed the value of the bug carcass he was supposed to return with.
They tried to feign disappointment, but then in a moment of anger the Navigator flared up and said - you got more than you asked for and if you don’t want the chips them give them back and if Sally is not allowed in the community I will take them by force - ….
He meant it when he said it and the Elders knew just how quick the Navigator could be when he made up his mind and for a moment they had trepidation….as the discourse had become indelicate and the moments passed by while the Navigator ready to spring waited…..
It was this moment that Sally spoke up and she said:
I saw a ninja-assassin similar to the one killed my mother climbing the side of the building and I screamed out of memory and little did I know it would bring me here, but I’m here now and do with me what you will
While the Navigator did not appreciate this one bit, the Elders were taken aback by the fearlessness of Sally and wiser minds prevailed during this delicate moment and a haggard elder in the background spoke up and said the following:
Is it not time to take the battle to those trying to dominate us and with these three chips, much more than we expected - can we not send a message irrefutable - I have a plan…
This haggard Elder named Ebenezer Jeffries exclaimed - the other elders were annoyed as they were anytime Ebenezer Jeffries exclaimed, but they also knew his wisdom ran deep and so they listed to his plan and after he spoke all agreed to the plan.
In no uncertain terms the Navigator was told to take Sally to his place and she was NOT ALLOWED to see a thing in the community and they were expected to depart the next day, but a plan had been formulated and all agreed and the Navigator as he escorted Sally without the presence of the previous guard to his place direct knew he was falling more in love than he ever imagined possible.
Chapter 2b - Departure
After a restless evening at the Navigator’s residence within the RC on the south coast, the Navigator woke early. He had had a dream of death.
He had been removed from the “vessel” and observed the destruction of it….afterwards he was “allowed” to go back to the vessel to see if there were any survivors - the Captain in particular was in his mind - but alas, when he went back to the vessel -
he himself was killed…
It wasn’t really a nightmare and the Navigator knew this was a “message” of sorts. Some vessels sunk are sunk costs and best not to go back even if the Captain was in the vessel destroyed.
Sally awoke and the Navigator said simply this:
Ebenezer Jeffries proposed we take the three chips to the “central areas” where other RC’s exist - these central areas, the folks there, assuming we can even locate them - they do NOT allow any visitors as a matter of protocol - this is “known” the hard way. Needless to say, this visit is more than risky, but the Elders recognize Ebenezer Jeffries was correct because without the central area RC’s the possibility of an RC Confederation are slim, so begrudgingly but with knowing wisdom collective, the proposal was agreed upon unanimously. We know they are there and that they have skills critical for the sake of defending. BUT - with these chips they may realize synergistic possibilities. They may not, but the risk is worth it. They may choose to remain alone, but by now we all should now - alone you die - together there is a chance to defend liberty.
The Navigator went on to say to Sally, you made your choice and you realize you can’t go back because you must know - the bugs are after you as well now that they know you have departed, and if you are alone they will terminate you, or possibly worse - capture you alive for questioning and then…..
Sally, who also slept poorly that evening, realized what the Navigator stated was definitive with respect to the fact that she was now a “traitor” in the minds of the BI establishment and that even her father would not be able to protect her.
She said again -
Lets Go
There was no gusto in the sentiment. Sally realized in a way she was “stuck” in this situation.
She knew the Navigator was correct and with ill temper while not speaking a word she gathered her few possession and looked the Navigator in the eyes and then without a word spoken, he put the blindfold back on her and they departed together hand-n-hand. He led her out of the RC, removed the blindfold, said he was “sorry” and then they commenced the journey to the middle of the land to deliver the chips.
Chapter 2c - A Map
This map shows the paths Sally and the Navigator travelled over roughly two weeks (without all the detail which for them is where all the fun was). No doubt they were weary when they arrived - traveling in the forest is fun, but scavenging for sustenance can be tiring so it is good to have a place to call home.
The orangish arrow shows where they were headed after the FS-RC elders had reached consensus.
Chapter 2d - In Three Days
One thing that made the Navigator even more fond of Sally was that she could handle herself on the trails and while he couldn’t move as quickly as he was able when he was on his own; as a companion, she didn’t slow him down more than anybody else - including folks direct from his RC. So he knew she was familiar with the ways of the forest and hiking the trails in general.
After they were outside of the FS-RC’s perimeter area the Navigator said to Sally:
The paths here are better than the ones we were on before and we should be able to make good progress every day - I know these trails like the back of my hand. In three days time there is somebody I want to visit.
Sally recognized his serious tone and she firmed her mind to not “slow things down”. The previous two weeks had already strengthened her body and she felt well physically. They moved forward at a brisk pace, took breaks when needed and necessary, and Sally waited for the Navigator to tell her more about the place they were going to visit.
Sally and the Navigator together were a good team who worked synergistically in nuanced but understood ways and it is always better to have a mate than to be alone in the forest even if the pace needs to be slowed down a bit versus when alone. When you are alone and something unexpected occurs it more often is fatal, but if you have a mate with you, chances for survival increase, and so in the long run tis best to not be alone. However, as they say, not all plans even well thought out come to fruition, because sometimes plans have to change on a dime.
It was after their first night’s camp, early in the morning that their plans took an unexpected twist….
Sally did not sleep well when they got to the camp. They had a peaceful meal with each other, but she felt something….she felt a presence in the vicinity. She stayed awake and listened to the breath’s of the Navigator - in and out, in and out, in and out, with a steady fine rhythm his breath’s were and she loved that about him, but her mind was unsettled…..after an hour or maybe two she settled into a sleep distraught and this is what she dreamed…..
⚖️ 🗝 🔨 💎 ♨️ ♣️♦️♥️♠️ 🚵♂️ 🕚 ………..it was the 11th hour. Sally was on a bicycle, the wind was blowing erratically, her hair in her eyes. She was outside upon a precipice….a squirrel jumped in her path, she swerved to miss and then over the edge she went……falling rapidly a burst of wind pushed her into tree limbs along the crevice deep. She landed on a bush that softened the blow, but kept rolling downward until she entered the same cave the Navigator had just taken her. Ngilgi. When her body finally came to rest, she could move her extremities, but the bike was long gone and she was naked and cold…and frozen in place🧊
Chapter 2e - A Baby on the Way
Little did Sally nor the Navigator know that a baby was on the way. The baby was consummated in Ngilgi caves a few weeks back and Sally sort of knew and now the Navigator was informed. This changed everything in their minds….only more determined they became. Fearsomely so.
There can be no doubt the Navigator had fallen head over heels for Sally and when she shared the good news with him his mind went into a special state that the Navigator alone knew about, and he determined in his mind that this child would be protected and safe whenever he was around. His mind went forward in time and he sensed the child as an adult and he craved this with all his being.
It was this moment, while contemplating (and don’t it often go that way) when the “creature” showed up and presented itself in front of Sally and the Navigator. The creature seemed to be a squirrel, but thing is - this squirrel could speak directly to Sally and the Navigator in human lingo and the squirrel said:
You and the baby within are in a most precarious situation and so make your choice swiftly
With that the squirrel departed, Sally said…… “was that real”…
The Navigator had heard rumor of the talking squirrels and he quickly gathered up their belongings and Sally saw his demeaner and she as well collected what they had and then they rapidly departed in the direction the talking squirrel had gone.
So just like that, in a matter of 24 hours, Sally confirmed she was with child, the Navigator was informed, and then they met the talking squirrel.
Just like that their plans changed on a dime.
Chapter 3a - The Squirrel Path
The Navigator grabbed Sally’s hand after she had put the pack on her back and he ushered her out of the campground swiftly…..they did NOT look back as they heard the commotion that came upon the place they had just been. They were sure some things had been left behind and they knew they had been spotted and tracked and that the trackers would be following their present path.
What they didn’t realize at the time is that the squirrels so smart had anticipated this and as they passed down the squirrel path not easily travelled but within their means, the squirrels slowed-down those following Sally and The Navigator and then after getting out of gun-shot, and reaching a few rocks easily sat upon, they rested.
In a most coincidental manner, the very same squirrel they had just met was there as well and he looked up at them with a whimsical look in the eye and said simply:
I AM real….
In the moment, the surrealness of it all, both Sally and the Navigator laughed out loud and then that was contagious and the squirrel laughed as well……
The squirrel then went on to say that he had met Pigget Ungler and Ebenezer Jeffries and that he was fond of both the cagey fellas as only a squirrel can be……
Sally and the Navigator followed this talking squirrel further into the depths of the woods and the rocks they were among together and in a way, the Baby inside Sally grew in determination to live - the will to live grew stronger.
Chapter 3b - The Squirrel Haven
So when they got to the most convoluted seeming place where the squirrels felt safe, Sally fell on the leaf carpet and she laughed and smiled in such a beautiful way, the Navigator just knew - better times beckon. And then they laid down together, knowing their plans had changed, but accepting the will of fate in the squirrel haven, and they made sweet love with one another while the squirrels were tending to business.
In the lazy morning the Navigator woke initially and sure enough there was a squirrel in his face who wanted to talk. The Navigator listened patiently and Sally, holding new life in her belly had her fist good-nights sleep in awhile, and so the Navigator knew that was what was most important as he listened intently.
The Navigator listened to everything the squirrel had to say - he asked a few questions, but tried not to interrupt the narrative of the squirrel. Meanwhile, Sally was packing things up cause they both knew it was time to accomplish what they initially set out to do, and delays occur, but they had become more than determined - they were resolute.
So, the Navigator said to the squirrel, do you know the story about squirrel soup? The squirrel in a way didn’t appreciate this, but in context the squirrel just raised its eyebrow and stated -
Did you hear a thing I said to you?
Now odds are this squirrel, supposedly a diplomat had not had experience with the Navigator, cause the Navigator took pride in his ability to listen, and when that which he took pride in was questioned…..well, there is no quicker way to get his ire up….and that is what happened, when the Navigator said simply:
Time to go Sally.
Then, he looked this diplomat squirrel in the eyes directly and said -
we are leaving, thank you for your assistance - please send word back to this effect to Ebenezer indicating there has been a delay and acknowledging the assistance of the squirrels in the effort delayed but not ended by virtue of squirrel aid most appreciated.
Then in a gesture of frustration, the Navigator had an aggressive move with his hand quick upon the squirrel and without saying a word it was an expression of ire when someone suggest lack of attention.
If nothing else, the Navigator paid attention and he was well studied, practiced, angry in a way, and at the ready. He was more than fedup and he was a sharp tool indeed. Sally knew this and it was why she made the choices she did already. The two of them in her mind were linked together forever.
The squirrel backed off, but got the message hopefully and Sally and the Navigator departed that place in thanks and with respect, but with determination to finish what they set out to accomplish.
Chapter 3c - As They Left the Place
The Navigator had a tear in his eye seemed to Sally….but he also had a certain look made her think twice about testing his will.
He seemed disadvantaged, angry, weary in a way, but then the energy of his will was undeniable, and Sally knew she had fallen for him and she had the proof in her belly.
The Navigator said determined - lets go we can’t slow down cause a bunch of squirrels and all the problems associated, but credit due where it must be given and there is no doubt the squirrels saved us, but I don’t think we can count on this sort of thing for much longer. Lets get the hell out of here.
Sally felt the baby in her belly stir.
Chapter 3d - (Author Interjection..Interrupted )
Some may consider this “poor form”, but as the author, go over this story periodically, re-read it (correct typos when found)…make edits if need be, but not too much lately and…well, as the author this story is…
(author note: ….this place changes all the time…till the story is told)
So Sally is with child, the squirrels know, they helped out - they helped Sally and the Navigator and prevented them from meeting their fate premature…for that the squirrels deserve recognition and one good choice to help another deserves another choice and this is why the BI was destined to failure because some of the RC’s had learned how to work together mutually and that was a force of nature undeniable.
Chapter 3e - Sally Asserts Will
So they departed the squirrel haven not really in good spirits and they walked the trails a map of which will be presented soon enough.
They went this way and that way, had to backtrack a few time and after awhile of enough rambling around Sally said to the Navigator -
Do you know where the hell you are and what you are doing
or is it you don’t appreciate help from squirrels?
In the moment the Navigator had no answer for Sally but he trudged forward and she had no choice but to go along with him in his drudgery.
Chapter 3f - The Navigator Woke up First
After a few days and a half-way decent night’s sleep the Navigator woke first and made an assessment of situation - he thought to himself, here I am sleeping night after night with the women of my dreams who has turned into the love of my life and really no matter what anybody does there is no taking that away from me….and the Navigator in a lazy way had a smile on his face when Sally awoke gently and said -
time for another day you and I and what we have created
This firmed the will of the Navigator as Sally now the emissary mainly for the baby she held within knew it would….and they travelled the paths and they got close to the place where the Navigator wanted to introduce Sally proudly and with respect.
Sally could sense the Navigators temperament was improving as they got close to the place desired and she couldn’t help herself and she said to the Navigator
You know I love you with my whole self and the baby within
Without skipping a beat the Navigator responded
You know you saved me when you screamed and that I dreamed about you the day I was born
Sally laughed at that and she said - how you know me fore you met me - she said it cordially and the Navigator responded
I knew the day after I was born that I would meet you Sally - I just didn’t know it would be your scream that saved me…
That got Sally to thinking and she realized somehow when she screamed hardly could she wonder that somebody already thought about her was saved by her call fearsome, and she realized it could be true - maybe this Navigator had her in mind even before she knew herself.
As Sally was contemplating, so was the Navigator and he said to her:
Well let me be honest it wasn’t the day I born nor the day after, it was when my mama rocked me in the rocker that it occurred to me Sally that I would meet you and now being not only have we met but you carry our child - seems to me you and I were meant to be together
Sally didn’t know how to respond to that incredible honesty in sentiment, but it made her love the baby within even more and her desire to be with the Navigator forever grew stronger.
After wandering around and circling back one time too many the Navigator finally got his bearings and then he saw his long-time friend and mentor in the distance - it wasn’t Tom Bombadil, but it was close….he was the old hermit in the far woods who took the Navigator in when he ran away from the RC as a young buck up and coming….and Roland saw his young friend - tears came to his eyes in a moment….then when he laid eyes on Sally he was beside himself with joy.
Roland is the one who told the Navigator during a moment of turmoil -
young man - don’t wear socks when you sleep - that encourages the fungus…..
It was with true love and a bit of weariness the Navigator hugged Roland so tight and the two of them - grown men - shared memories of times in the forest in lands of uncertainty…..that they had survived together knowing.
Sally was happy to have a place to be and Roland approached her like the delicate old pro delicate he was and said to her:
Sweet madam, let me welcome you to my home - you are safe here…as the bluebirds are as well as the cardinals, the jays and the crows…ha, ha…the robins and the figs as well.
He laughed with joy contagious.
He said it so sweet and genuine and Sally was relieved they finally reached a destination and she couldn’t help but share her beautiful demeaner with Roland and the three of them sat down by a campfire pleasant and gently were swept into the evening together reminiscing with melancholy mixed with joy and sadness and hope for life within.
Chapter 4a - When the Navigator First Met Roland
Many years ago, the Navigator was a student at a fine RC-school of “higher learning”, and the Navigator, a confused young man thought he had fallen in love only to discover - twas puppy love in a way…..
But when a student with the will of the Navigator falls in love - the earth moves - at least it did in the Navigator’s mind….and soon enough he found himself alone in the forest and wondering about himself - his fate - his future…..he had reached the crossroads.
So, one evening, sitting alone after departing the school with deliberation and emotion, the Navigator got one of his favorite “devices” that he took the time to bring along when he departed. It played this game called - “Chess” - and it helped the Navigator steady his mind. He wasn’t really that good, but he needed a distraction for his mind when he found himself alone in the woods.
And then, against his desires, the Navigator was escorted somewhere else and that is where he met Roland. No more about this will ever be told by the Navigator, but suffice it say Roland was the calming force he needed - he needed some compassion - he needed somebody to call him “son”, and while Roland did not do that, when they shared a room together, back so many years ago, there still was this thing called “goodwill” and the Navigator lived on and his will firmed further thanks to the kindness of the hermit in the woods named Roland.
Chapter 4b - After the Visit with Roland
Here are some ladybugs that showed up to help Sally and the Navigator on their ambitious journey to find something better for those opposed to central authority.
Tis nothing but a few ladybug came along to eat some aphids I reckon…but as the Navigator and Sally departed the sacred place where Roland had been, they knew they could use as many friends as possible - and what better friend is there than a ladybug…..
(Author here - I would like to report that there are still ladybugs on these plants and while the plants seem and are I reckon “dreary” just now - they don’t appreciate their situation and I don’t blame em one bit - BUT - they are still alive and next year, when I get back to my gardening ambitions place - if they make it and I think they will - then they will be most proliferate and a sight to see joyful for all who appreciate a tough plant surviving)
So while the ladybugs were doing their thing and Roland was nowhere to be seen, Sally and the Navigator collected what they had in memory of the memories they had the evening prior unforgettable and they departed the place knowing in a way that others cared about their fate and their dreams and their goals to be free of central control - they knew they were not alone and that the aphids and the bugs had met their match and that the best ideas always prevail in the end.
Chapter 4c - Something went Wrong
Sally and the Navigator after their experiences with squirrels, ladybugs, and Roland commenced to walking the trails towards the interior of the land they were within.
It was day after day, walking - talking - mostly not saying anything, they followed the paths the trails. They took notice of all they sensed and made good choices, but still had to backtrack a few times, but then it happened…..
Something went Wrong
When this something went wrong, it maybe could have been predicted, but the outcome was Sally and the Navigator were separated. This turned into a moment of fire and will when the engagement of Sally and the Navigator was “put to the test” by forces they were unaware of up till then.
Chapter 4d - The Heart of the Navigator
They were separated from each other after something unexpected happened, but the heart of the Navigator - that is a heart strong and he proved it.
When he was taken away and departed from his kin, his will firmed, his mind strengthened, his body was tired, but his will fearsome.
And then, the Navigator was tortured ruthlessly in a mental way for a mind already on fire and on the brink of it, the pain mentally was intense, but the Navigator as a youth had learned how to suck in the negative energy directed his way and turn it into something else, and when his will firmed he turned into a different person and spoke words to his tormenter that others witnessed and then his tormentor became a target. An indigo bunting so pure with flame you might of thought was a Phoenix was created in the moment of fury and long story short - the Navigator became the man he was meant to be - there can be no denying it.
He called to Sally after a week or two in repose and she heard him - she came to him - and she escorted him out of the place he was taken against his will, but she knew the moment she picked him up that everything had changed - not only were they engaged, they were bonded forever by the turn of events and when time stewed things a bit, they both had will resolute and the heart of a Navigator true cannot be broken.
So while in their minds they were solemn in a way, in another way they knew cause of the nuance the two had come to have for each other - that their bond was stronger.
Sally then surprised the Navigator and said - “I know some trails special” -
will you go there with me?
The Navigator had no ability to deny Sally when she revealed her beauty so true, and in his eyes he said -
yes - baby - wherever you want to go - I want to go there as well
Thing is they chose the path together and path’s together are better is what the Navigator knew - Sally as well!
Chapter 5a - Ain’t nothing Forever
Maybe this is better the Navigator said to Sally when they were back together and with each other both knowing days ahead were full of mystery and uncertainty no doubt:
She looked at his smarty pants self with images all over the place and said -
Maybe yes…
Chapter 5b - Not Kidding Around
This is the sort of thing the Navigator whispered in Sally’s ear middle of the night after they gotten to know each other so well…..
He told her about mysteries in his mind and his dreams and his love for Sally was stoic rock solid fearsome willing to do anything sort of love…..and the baby felt this as well:
Their future was bonded forever after they were separated and both knew individually - they could not live without each other.
Chapter 5c - Serious Business
The Navigator said to Sally as they continued on the trails -
You ever seen anybody navigate like me baby?
For the sake of honesty, the Navigator was sort of displeased with the recent turn of events and his question had an edge to it and Sally was already basically exasperated with the Navigator - and then…..
The two of them looked close into each others eyes - and love was all they felt
It was as if this was out of their hands and fate had chosen them to be together and as agitated as they got with one another - and let me tell you - the blue jays and the snails have heard their agitation with each other when it reached fever pitch - but thing is and this is most important - in a way - it gave the baby in Sally’s belly energy to keep on living and in a way the Navigator - he loved this baby as much as he did Sally - and there is not way to put that into words, cause when the baby was born and it was just the Navigator and Sally there as they continued their trek into the land - somehow they realized - matters were out of their hands - they were in the hands of fate - and the beauty kind reader is they knew this together - they had faith in each other.
The baby was born - that changed everything.
Together they shared a moment of peace with each other - Sally, the Navigator, and the baby they together had created with love.
Chapter 5d - While Nobody was Paying Attention
In a dream Sally held the Navigator’s hand and she led him to a special place and he went there with her willing.
When they got to where she wanted, Sally said to the Navigator - I love you.
Then they made love together - the first time of many - and Sally - she enjoyed things as much as the Navigator did - this was their close time together and it was between the two of them no doubt…..
But they had made the first baby together and now they were on a mission and they both knew - they were determined to succeed - for the sake of their own love for each other - and for the sake of the baby within - and for the sake of possible babies future.
The dream ended and the Navigator knew with the birth of this baby - everything was fixing to change.
This is the power of love the Navigator thought as Sally rose above him in all her beauty. She said -
time to go
He got up and said closely
She sensed the newborn in her body and back upon the trails they went - ready for anything that came their way.
To be continued
I've decided just now - you recall that start of part 2 was entitled:
PART 2 - A Place that Used to be Called Australia
So, I'm going to get to the end of the plot in Part 2 here on this post and then Part 3 is going to be a post separate - sometime in 2024 I'm thinking and not independent of the total eclipse going to happen in Buffalo and Cleveland and Memphis area I think on 4824 - be there or miss out totality - which I've heard is better than 99.99%.....so why not enjoy the possibility of it is what I think and this is the sort of thing the Navigator whispers in Sally's ear all the time and mostly smiles at him, but sometimes she must think - he is so annoying!
(ha, ha)
This is so hard to read, but nonetheless I want to share it: