Part 4 of this story is stewing in the mind of the author of the story - that be me.


I got a poker game coming up and it might inform how the story is told - that is just how I roll. I live in the moment day-by-day and let me ask the reader this - is there a better way to live?

Of course I have regrets, but there is no changing the past - what matters to me is the future and did you know this -


The Navigator is a fine card player - but he met his match in Sally....no doubt on that.


The story will be told - Part 4 - assuming I'm alive to tell it - I hope so, but life is full of uncertainty - no doubt on that.



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Tis 22224 a day of 2's but not as many two years ago when it was 22222 - and that day I will never forget cause it was the day of the "elephant in the room". I'll leave it at that, but I'll tell this:


If not for the disemboweled doe that showed up in my front yard at the most inopportune time, I would of never had the ability to imaging Chapter 10 above - Chapter 10d in particular.

Ain't it a mystery how one thing leads to another - and if you go part to the earlier part of the story you might learn more about Pigget Ungler and how Sally and the Navigator came to meet each other.

But this story stands on its own - and telling is demanded - so the story will be told.


If you think I'm kidding about the disemboweled doe showed up on the rocks in my front yard, then you must not realize when I say I'm not kidding around - I mean it.


Chapter 10 ain't finished, but in Chapter 11 Sally and the Navigator will be on their way to their destiny. Their destiny is the Finke River Basin and when they get there there is going to be a silver coin special and a poker game played - it will be played real-time and the outcome will be what it is - win or lose. I have a vision of it in my mind, but I don't know - I truly have no idea at this moment how the story will unfold, but for me - it is the telling of the story that matters and nowadays we can communicate so rapidly.....well, why not have a story being told real time? That is reality.

The time now is 2017 - or to be proper and complete:

22224 2017


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I think this story needs a comment after all this time all I can say is - the story must go on!

It will - I will tell day by day the travails of

Sally and the Navigator

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