It will start out with this image - showing the “epoxy portal” and then take a trip into the portal - “my style” of editing my articles after the fact may not be “your cup of tea” being we live in times where folks desire everything easy on a dime, but truly - the best stories are told real time. I got so many stories in me! Don’t we all?
What you see above is a portal - tis a window showing a blue sky in reflection upon the epoxy placed as the final protective coating on the counter top……and the next image will be from something in the future that is connected with this epoxy portal as time moves on endlessly. Time moves into the future - and tomorrow is the start of a new month - the month of June.
So, one can infer tis the end of the month of May in 2024 - and I stand firm in conviction and faith that this is the year of Resolution and better times beckon. Resolution is the word for 2024 in my mind.
53124 1618
~~~~~~~~ Edit A1 ~~~~~ 53124 1709 ~~~~~
Mother do you think they will drop the bomb?
Now - before going through any portal - tis advisable to consider different angles at different times of the day - so - consider this:
Look Mommy - there is an airplane up in the sky….
I swear there are blue skies out there - I feel them calling me.
~~~~~~~~ Edit A2 ~~~~~ 53124 2012 ~~~~~
The plot thickens - the portal approached:
Chapter 1 - Sergeant Confirm Orders
Sergeant’s Response: That’s red-yellow engage the missile sir.
Officer in Charge: Order confirmed Sergeant.
Officer in Charge: Lieutenant 1 - Engage the Missile.
Lieutenant 1: Missile Engagement Sequence Commenced.
Officer in Charge: Lieutenant 1 - Engagement Commenced?
Lieutenant 1: Correct Officer - Confirmed.
Officer in Charge: Major on Duty - Missile Engaged - Status Please.
Major on Duty: Confirmed Officer - the Missile is Ready to Fly.
Officer in Charge: General of the Base - Missile is Ready to Fly - Acknowledge.
General of the Base: Acknowledged and awaiting final orders.
Officer in Charge: Authority to release missile to destination requested - Is Authority Granted…..
It was at this moment, the communications all went silent, the missile remained in place, but it was already engaged and ready to fly - then it exploded inexplicably in place and all the troops were fried in an instant - The Base was obliterated. That missile never left the silo but it exploded nonetheless….
Twas the beginning of the end of Australia. A place only remembered in stories….and when radiation and heat intense was inflicted upon the local community in about a 50-mile radius there was very little life left over in the place and the games of the Base Infrastructure (BI) Authorities took a twist that in their hubris they never sensed - and within 24 hours all the BI upper echelon were dead - it was swift and precise. Goes to show easy to say after the fact - but they had lost all sense of humanity and hard lessons were the only way left they could learn.
Something had come through a “portal” and that something put an end to the BI ambitions - but then…..well another story is told here:
Sometime in the 2030’s those believers in the BI thought they had everything under wraps and had taught all the remaining resisters that - “resistance is futile”, but that is when they got an unexpected delivery (another story completely) that essentially wiped out in a fell swoop the whole command structure of BI…after that pandemonium ensued for a decade or so and here we are now in 2112 in a state of heightened unsteadiness seeming close to the edge of the end for everybody.
This story is about the portal and the magnificent power within.
Chapter 2 - The Day Prior
The day prior to the “Base Obliteration” soldiers and other authorities on the base location were going through normal business - the business of war and subsuming those unwilling to relinquish their dignity to central control - with an Iron Fist. During a high-level meeting the following conversation occurred:
Officer in Charge: I stamp my fist down upon this table - you will do as I say.
Rear Admiral: Stamp your fist all you want - but you are out of line….
(There was dismay at the table - nobody realized this Rear Admiral was willing to confront the Officer in Charge)
Officer in Charge: Admiral - you are dismissed from this table. Your statement is “insubordination” and will not be tolerated.
And then just like that the Rear Admiral was excused from the table unwillingly and then summarily dispatched (executed) in front of others sitting there - and that was that. Just another dead body.
Colonel Dismayed but Fearful: Officer - What Happens Next?
Officer in Charge: Colonel - Tomorrow I have per proper council that it is going to be time to let the missiles fly…..
Major on Duty: Should preparations BE made - should the alert level be raised?
Officer in Charge: Yes - do that now. Everybody - you have you orders - this meeting is adjourned - it is over.
The Officer in Charge left the table first knowing all were in fear of the power wielded - in the mind of the Officer in Charge…..
The Colonel spoke privately to the Major after this meeting when he witnessed the execution of the Rear Admiral and said simply: Son - if I was you I would depart this place posthaste. And with that, the Colonel get into his vehicle and did what he advised the Major to do. Sadly, the Major did not take his friends advice and he along with the Officer in Charge - and everybody basically - all life within 50 miles of the base died the next day.
It was also the next day, when precise targets were eliminated world-wide in a stroke of Retribution against the BI. The few that remained tried to hide out, but they were pulled out of the jungle, out of their bunkers and summarily executed - because let it be known:
thou shall reap what thee sows
Chapter 3 - The Week Prior
It turns out the “Officer in Charge” whose death was but seven days away made several mistakes in his dealing with others prior to the “accident” resulting in the demise of said officer. Here is a list of mistakes made in the week prior.
Officer in Charge spoke harshly to family members and behaved like a bully.
Officer in Charge lied to his partners in crime and to so many others including family members.
Officer in Charge stole from others - including family members.
Officer in Charge killed many - twas done casually as if life of others was worthless compared to the Officer in Charge’s desires.
Officer in Charge was NOT a good person and everybody knew this.
Well - after awhile even if thee be the “Officer in Charge” - after awhile one makes too many mistakes, then fate, Karma, Lady Libra - call it what you will - forces stronger come into play to balance the scales - and Officer in Charge lived a life of harm, and that was the choice made willingly. A wrong choice no doubt easy to say in hindsight, but during the time of it, Officer in Charge thought nobody and nothing can stop me - I am so righteous and my will is undeniable - my will must be is what said officer now dead and forgotten thought - that was the beginning of the end which occurred seven days later and now nobody even remembers the name nor who the Officer in Charge ever was…..cause said officer was obliterated for all time thereafter. Just like so many before - so many made the same mistakes — said officer was destined to meet fate deserved by virtue of choices made in free will.
So the moral of the story?
Don’t lie, don’t steal, and don’t kill.
Simple as that
Counter job has been completed - now tis time for the next job.
The next job tis serious business - don’t be afraid and all walls eventually get broken.
Oh my oh me oh my - Oh Lord in Heaven - oh me oh my…
End of Story
So I laid down the counter epoxy after practicing an a piece of wood I collected - well cut that wood was - and there are some "pools" formed in the epoxy job - so another coat will be necessary to bring the surface into the "flush state" desired - perfectly flat in a way with a fine epoxy coat showing the portal in reflection.
Today is a sunny day and the skies are blue - but when the skies are not blue - the light will still be reflected. Sometimes when viewing something 2-dimensional - which is all the dimensions available on the monitor/screen anybody views images presented here - sometimes the eyes play tricks on the brain - so know this before you contemplate going through any portal - but rest assured - there is is portal there - there are portals everywhere.
Be aware - some portals are one way.
Well, I awoke this morning and checked the status of the epoxy, and lo-and-behold another layer was demanded. It seems the second layer applied - while it did fill in the pits nicely, along the edges of the recent application I didn't apply a thick enough layer - and then when it dried this was very evident and unacceptable after all the hard work.
So, I got in my vehicle went to the local Lowes store, purchased goods needed (mainly just a sponge roller) - along with a few other things that had been on the list associated with other jobs happening concurrently - and then I applied the 3rd and final topcoat broadly upon the entire horizontal surface using experience and the lessons I've learned on this job so far. That 3rd topcoat is now gently and steadily solidifying and curing and I think I am truly now done with this job.
Of course there is more work to be done, but in the future anybody comes to this place invited, I will say to them - stroke your hand over this countertop if you want to feel "smoothness".....all in all, while there are things could of been done better I know now in hindsight - all in all - I'm pretty pleased with the quality of workmanship on this epoxy job done for the sake of making the counter-top pretty resilient and the job was done "in-situ" with minimal waste and using what was already in place. I'm pretty proud of that effort - not in a sinful way proud, but rather - proud that I rolled with the punches and then responded accordingly, and then ultimately (I'll know for sure tomorrow) finished the job to my satisfaction.
This 6224 - and "things" are fixing to get exciting - I hope you are well prepared.