I've decided just now - you recall that start of part 2 was entitled:

PART 2 - A Place that Used to be Called Australia


So, I'm going to get to the end of the plot in Part 2 here on this post and then Part 3 is going to be a post separate - sometime in 2024 I'm thinking and not independent of the total eclipse going to happen in Buffalo and Cleveland and Memphis area I think on 4824 - be there or miss out totality - which I've heard is better than 99.99%.....so why not enjoy the possibility of it is what I think and this is the sort of thing the Navigator whispers in Sally's ear all the time and mostly smiles at him, but sometimes she must think - he is so annoying!

(ha, ha)


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This is so hard to read, but nonetheless I want to share it:


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It was painful. Plus knowing people I love and care for got it. I can speak to one aspect of it that is very real and that is the turbo cancers in two relatively healthy people close to me. So unexpected.

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It was "hard" to read not due to presentation as transcribed - it was hard to read cause of what was expressed....hard to believe sometimes, but what do you think a baby newborn believes? I suspect they believe they were born to be safe and secure. Of course, they learn otherwise soon enough, but still sometimes it is hard to believe.

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The image above is an Escher print that I took some liberties with.....sadly all I have left of it are pictures.

I'm not sure where the story is going to commence, but the first landing in Australia will be here:


Margaret River is on the Southwest Coast of Australia a little bit south of Perth.

Now - here is an ironic aspect of this - I started this story before I even met a certain Margaret and I'll post a link to the place where this story got started - probably when I start telling the story proper!

Still - it seems ironic to me in a good way.


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OK, I've already found something that merits further study - here it is from the link above:



Mammoth Cave

Several hundred caves are located near Margaret River, all of them within Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park. Six of these are open to the public.[16]

One of these caves is the multi-chambered Mammoth Cave, which lies 21 kilometres (13 mi) south of the town and contains fossils dating back over 35,000 years.[17] The cave was first discovered by European settlers in 1850 and has been open to the public since 1904. The cave can be explored by a self-guided audio tour, and is one of the few caves in Australia offering partial disabled access.[18]

The other five caves open to the public in the area are Jewel Cave, Lake Cave, Ngilgi Cave, Calgardup Cave and Giants Cave. Many other caves can be accessed with a permit by experienced cavers.

Surfing breaks

The Margaret River area has acquired a range of synonyms for the collection of surf breaks nearby, with some 75 breaks along 130 kilometres (81 mi) of coastline.[19][20] Usually significant surfing competitions concentrate their locale to Margarets Main Break (aka Surfers Point) which breaks in the vicinity of Prevelly at the mouth of Margaret River.[19]

The actual range of surf breaks range from the eastern side of Cape Naturaliste down to just south of Cape Hamelin, and despite web sites and online sources calling the whole Cape Naturaliste to Cape Leeuwin region the Margaret River surfing area, conditions and break types vary along the coast.

The Cowaramup Bombora ("Cow Bombie") big wave surf break 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) offshore produces one of the biggest waves in Australia.[21][22][23]


When Sally and the Navigator sally forth I suspect they will choose to visit at least one of the places discussed above - assuming they get there together.

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The surfing aspect perked my attention. Surfed the California coastline for about three years with a big dream of the North Shore or Australia. Neither happened but I did get some big waves during a tropical storm once. It was heaven.

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Bert - are you still reading this story? If so, know this - the waves are going to be coming in soon!

In the story only Bert is what I'm hoping.


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I still believe.

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Well you know - tis just a story, but for me it the story I've been waiting to tell!

Best to you Bert,


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Thanks, Ken.

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Bert - I've done minimal surfing even though I tried a few times on the Atlantic coast mostly North Carolina and not the Outer Banks except maybe one time.....anyhow, when younger if I had been around an ocean place with good surfing waves, I suspect I would have been out there regularly!


If I could, let me share something a little personal - the Introduction in this story is very metaphorical perhaps but I just love the metaphor when telling a story!

So what you think on the intro?

Thumbs up, Thumbs down.....or somewhere middling....?

Of course, if you would prefer not to answer, that is not only your prerogative, but in this context only fair. Still, I can't deny I'm curious..



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I was a fair surfer on my best day. I am very curious about the rest of the story, so you have me pulled in and I am committed.

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Nothing better than a "committed" reader on a free SubStack is what I think Bert - and I can tell you are well read! I'll try not to disappoint and really the beauty is truly it is freely shared and discussed. That is what makes it.....that is..ah, hells-bells Bert...



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As I said I would do, here is a clue regarding the origin of this story about Australia even though in the story Australia in no longer in the vernacular.


Edit: Now please be aware after you read the article proper, if you do - up to you, in the comment section - you will see I was there then.

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OK, you've got me intrigued.

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Greg - please....give me an honest assessment of the story...

Do you have an idea where I'm going with this?

Have I set the theme in a way that resonates with you?

Or does it just seem sort of "out there"?

See, here is the thing about me, I'm just like everybody else and I care about what others think assuming I care about them in the first place or at least respect them if I've never met them face-to-face.


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Hi Ken, Enjoying so far, but I'm only half way through. It's unusual.

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So just like that, the story now has "Parts".

Thanks Gregb - I really appreciate reading your sentiment at P&S's "Stack" place and I'm thrilled you have taken a bit of time to give consideration to my ramblings.


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I had an idea today.....so far the story has focused on who "Sally" is and who "the Navigator" is and where they come from and how they ended meeting each other.

I'm thinking that ought be considered "Part 1" of the story and I don't know what the future script is going to be, but I think there will be a "Part 2" and in that part it is going to present more info about the scenery within which Sally and the Navigator find themselves.....and by the way....Sally....she said "yes" to the Navigator's desires cause she felt kindred spirit with him even though she came from somewhere so different....


Now getting a tad personnel, and I figure what is to be lost sharing with those you have come to meet and have a sort of respect for online especially if they are willing to give some attention to your own writing desires.....for me this story has sort of turned into a way of describing how imagery forms a big part of how we are "wired" and how we think and I like the idea of sharing imagination about what it would be like to be in a picture.....that ain't the same thing as that story, that movie....I think it was called "Truman". Rather, it is a way of sharing how my mind works and how we all make the stories in our mind and these stories reflect our hopes and dreams.


My oldest daughter, she won an art award in high-school, but she was not an A-student and that is cause sometimes it ain't the grades that matter - what matters is what you do and I'm so proud of her getting her Master's at NC State, my undergrad alma-mater, cause.......well, let me put it this way. I remember one time I was playing pee-wee football and I tried hard and I listened to the coaches and one time during a practice, I think it was my 2nd year playing, and after I made a tackle the coach, his name was Quinlin, called out for all to hear:


"Hausle - that was one hell of a tackle - you are the most improved player on the team".....I took that to heart and it made me play better cause sometimes especially when you are just a kid, a little recognition for a delicate mind is the recipe for better play. He was a great coach and a good man.



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I like to tell stories in real time.....I sort of already know what I want to express, but sometimes I'm not sure what the way is and that is when the Navigator will likely come in to the story to help Sally when they sally forth!

Thanks GregB


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Now I'm ready for part II.

I've enjoyed where this has gone so far but I'm hoping to hear a lot more about Colorado Base and the Rogue community plus the role of the bugs in this dystopian world.

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Well, the "bugs" have no role cause they are programmed, but the ones program them are the enemies of the RC's.

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You want to know something I'm fond of regarding Substack?

I really appreciate being able to come back here and read what I have written - and if need be - make an edit.

So just today I found in the "story" above - a place where a typed "the" and it ought of been "they" - so guess what - edit made.

I appreciate that and I appreciate Substack - hells-bells why would I spend so much time here. Now - as an "author" posting material I also appreciate the "option" to NOT request any sort of donation, but with that said - check who I read - I donate to ALL of them - those who want donations......


See what I mean - there is a way for those of us who prefer barter - in fact - barter is better - but don't judge those prefer not to take any sort of donations.....this ain't my "living" but I appreciate sharing.


I publish this story in honor of my wife - the love of my life - Pam!


BK, 11425 1956

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I'm just gonna say what I want more than anything just now.....I want the "fighting" in Gaza to stop.

I'll put my life on the line if that is what it takes to stop the fighting there....

cause there is NO WAY that place and the ones making death reign down on babies in Gaza - there is NO WAY that place is holy.


Tis the opposite.

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How long does it take to read this article - I suspect there is a "bell-curve" aspect to it and of course, like all else - tis in flux.

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So kind readers, I hope you are out there, but the story is getting serious - I'm going to focus my efforts on taking a close-up map and really digging deep on it and showing the paths followed.

I said I would do it and there is a "placeholder" for it in Chapter 2e in PART 2 and if nothing else I am most determined in the year of 2023 and I'll do it next before I make any more edits to this story in the telling.

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What I intend on doing is getting “my hands” on a fine resolution map of Australia, and then I will cut and paste this into PowerPoint most likely and then I can with fine resolutions show the paths taken.

Let there be no doubt - it is better in person, but I think I have the tools at my disposal to do this, and really - why try to stop my efforts when all they are is acknowledging the beauty of the place.

Either way - regardless - the story will be told.

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I encourage all to listen to this good bluegrass music and especially the message at the end from a Hopi leader at 1:24.06 into it.


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To Readers (if there are any....):

I would like to indicate that I am sort of adding to and editing this story "on the fly"....but that doesn't mean I haven't put thought and consideration into what is being typed - on the contrary, I've been thinking about many things and this story is way to share some of that....however, don't be surprised if things already typed change in the future, so the only way to "keep up" with the story if interested is likely going to be that you have to go back every now and then and read it over because it might not be the same as it was last time you read it.....but at some point, the story will be told or basically finished (I hope) and this one is now "grounded" in Australia (believe it or not) and the term "Rogue Community" has special meaning to me above and beyond its recognized terminology and details on that will be shared at some point I reckon as the story gets told!

Best to all during these "disheartening times" it must seem to many....not me, but I'm sure for many.


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So I hope readers by now have sensed the image at the top of this story is a big part of the story itself and I'm not sure how many chapters will "reside" within this image cause I didn't even know this was how this story was going to be told, but I hope readers also understand this is sort of an imaginary exercise in telling a story about a print that was fiddled with and letting the imagination of it take the story where it will go harmlessly really....it is just imagination running wild on a print with ideas from another fiddled with once graphically and now becoming part of another story that grows as all things do in time....one thing leads to another I reckon and if it is a dead-end road, then eventually that is evident, but if it leads to other ideas, then maybe - it can have a life of its own?

An idea whose time has come?

Now one might wonder, and I do as well - when will they get to Australia? Well before that can happen the Navigator is going to have to find Sally and I think there is going to be a card game involved in this calculated risk the Navigator is about to take in Chapter 3 of the story....which I think I need some time to stew upon.

Plus, I got a yard with grass that needs to be cut before I depart our getaway place.

I can say with confidence, if nothing else, the act of putting this story down is meaningful for me.


Warm Regards to all readers,


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