This is weird - I admit it - as an aside I think the spelling of "weird" is "weird" - I think the "i" ought be first, but whatever.....language...it must be the way it is for a reason?


So, this is what I was thinking about just now, and while it is on my mind, I'm gonna tell the story about the Worldwide Diplomacy Championship tournament that was held in Chapel Hill, NC in 1990 I think it was....anyhow - do a search on that and you might come across my name as well as the name of David Hood - a fine attorney presently in the state of NC who was BIG into the game of Diplomacy and still is. He is a capstone and cornerstone and foundation of a few who recognized the beauty of the game of Diplomacy.


So, I think I played but two games in the tournament. I probably could have scored higher if I had played a 3rd game, but I was wore out with it.....even though I was only 25 years old at the time. I came in 26th place out of 100+ participants in that tournement.


I have fond memories of working together with Lance A. who played Turkey in the first game. I was assigned the country of Germany. Germany is literally in the middle of it all in the WWI setup Diplomacy game played with no die/dice. There is no randomness, in a way, to the game - tis all about communication ability and choosing when to make a fateful choice.


So, Lance A. was Turkey and I was Germany and in our initial communications back in 1990 I think we both sensed we could form a good team long-term and it wasn't long till Austria-Hungary departed the game, followed by Russia if memory serves, then France bought the dust, then Italy I think or it may have been Italy first, then France. Regardless, at this time in the game twas just myself (Germany), Lance (Turkey), and this other fella whose name was "Ed" I think, but can't remember for sure - he was playing England.


So, the three of us looked at one another after hours of gameplay, and I'll admit this - I could have backstabbed one or the other and possibly been the sole victor in the game, but I had come to have appreciation for both these fellas and had no desire to do that - so we all decided together....."Lets call it a 3-way Draw".


In my long history of playing games - that one has to rank up there as one of the best! There is no way I could do it again - play in a tournament like that - I ain't a young man anymore and sometimes the mind tires of playing endless BS back and forth chatting.....still - the game of Diplomacy teaches so much and I'm glad to have been a player in that game and I have respect for those who make the effort to keep the game alive.

(I'll post links about this is anybody really cares....


Peace is easy,


ps - I've discovered, the guy in "England" was actually Bob A

pss - and seems I only played 1 game....I swear it was 2, but maybe not - that one game I played was both exhilarating and tiring, and I remember Lance was staying in a dorm room offered up for participants in the tournament and I went to visit him after the game was over - holy moly...that guy was CRAZY!

ha, ha, ha,.......still he was a good partner in the game we played!

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Lastly - just cause I can't help myself sometimes - but there is an obvious bias in the declared "World Champion" - the country that hosts the event is most likely to have the "top players" for that year - and really that makes sense don't it - cause odds are there are many players who don't really care to travel to far, but will play if the game is relatively local.

I could prove it, but I have other things I'm presently focusing on - including and most particularly hexagons - the hexagon shape is prominent in many war games and it provides a more realistic game versus squares most of the time....

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Hey - I should do this.

Here is a very important link.



I can't tell ya all the times my pals and I played that game - oh man the arguments we had....

all in good fun in a way and the beauty is - we still are all good friends to this day

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Holy Moly - if that ain't a trip down geeky land.....some of the names there - I wonder what they are doing now?

But not that much.....I know myself after getting a "D3" in Round 3, more than likely if I tried to play in Round 4, the wolves would of "eaten me up" and my overall score would have been less - so, why go through all the hassle of it....especially after learning just how damn crazy Lance was......


Nonetheless - nothing but respect for the "Diplomacy Community" - keeping a good game alive and going.


* ps - I pretty sure just looking at some of the "data", not only is country of origin a bias factor but so is it if you are on a "team" already - see the teams played most of the Round 1 and Round 2 games best I can tell - hells-bells - I was a team of 1.

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I'm gonna share one more thing "about me", and if you look back in all the articles I have posted, I think I have standing to say this - it is obvious.

Next year (2024) I plan on having some "peppa products" for sale and I already can produce concentrate, powder potent, and seeds fair. So - serious business only in that regard.

However, and notwithstanding that, let me proclaim: I love North Carolina and I love Virginia - I love both of those states and I have homes in both of them - me and the love of my life.

There is substance in that - we been married now for 32 years - we love our children.

We ain't no pushovers and serious business is the peppa business and I'm ready for some good business - barter is idea, but silver coin excepted as well....

Do your own due diligence I reckon - my mind is made up.


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Hi Buffalo Ken, I live a very large ocean away from you but have become fascinated by the US of A, including of course NC & Virginia. I haven't visited the US at all yet but I am trying to work out a way I could afford to travel there with my teenage daughter. Her father is a homebody, perhaps a bit like you, whereas I could travel almost anywhere in the world and find it interesting. My number one place is the US. I spend many an hour on weekends on Google (BOO!) Maps looking through the US. When I was younger I wanted to go to NY but now I am so much more intrigued by other places in the US. You guys are so lucky over there - the vast number of interesting places there are to visit & cities to choose from where you could live for a year or two if you wanted a change. It is fascinating to me. Often I just go on Google Maps and look at some of the smaller cities and towns I'd never heard of before. There seems to always be something interesting that is outstanding to be discovered in every place. Anyway. Keep up the good pro-human stance and fight. We are all in this together and we have a huge advantage over the evilthink-evildo-ers and that is that we have deep rooted, unshakeable values (aka morals) and they can be a source of superhuman strength when called upon in the right context, especially when they are underpinned by a deep love for one's children. The evil ones don't have any of that. Anyway I'll dip in and out of your Substack & might send another comment your way in due course. Have a great weekend.

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Sadly we all imperfect humans Ken and all we can do is ask for forgiveness from our Creator who has compassion and understanding of our pathetic situation. One very important reason is that we are in need of God’s forgiveness. The Bible tells us that we, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” that we are constantly in need of his forgiveness. (Romans. 3:23; 6:23)

And as we are forgiven so we can forgive others - even our enemies.



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I concur with this caveat. I don't have enemies, but there are some ideas I simply can't abide....I think any Creator would understand that.

I do have ideas I'm opposed to and ideologies as well - I find the ideology of zionism offensive...I'm opposed to it with principle as my foundation.

I concur with the ideas of Kropotkin - that Mutual Aid indicates the species most likely to survive.

Forgiveness is one thing, but without accountability, forgiveness cannot be given.

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This is so true Ken - you are a wise one indeed and I do hope we can meet face-to-face for that Porter and to share our wisdom together. Perhaps one day......

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P&S - I sensed a rumor (maybe twas elsewhere) that you were planning to come visit my place here in Charlotte?

Is that correct?

Of course you are invited, but we have not yet met face-to-face and usually tis best to do that somewhere - 3rd Party.....if you know what I mean.

So, if this is going to happen, let me know and then I'll suggest a 3rd Party place.

(harmless shape considerer is all I am - I ain't no bean counter - but there is uncertainty in everything - including engineering)


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No worries Ken - yes I plan to visit USA if I am allowed (I am on a list - say no more). My good friend Kent in Florida has invited me to stay in 24/25 and I could come visit you too? But let's see how my mission unfolds in Simons Town for the first 6 moths of 2024. You are on my list! LOL



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Well, take me off the list, but if you can come visit - just give me a heads-up beforehand - a week or two prior if possible, and then maybe we can meet at a 3rd Party place first!

Now - if you choose to visit, there is place I know where maybe I could set something up that could be a win-win-win.....it has to do with "flux" as defined by the link you provided elsewhere - you know flux - soldering - and flux in time are not the same thing, but they must be related? Regardless, I have a feeling this truly could be a win-win-win, but it wouldn't be easy to setup - it has to do with a client I had who setup a place to make electronic boards and I said to them - wow - this is a good idea.....anyhow, us ole-timers, you more than myself (no offense) - we got to work together if anything is ever going to get better!

I got only a few weeks left to solve the hexagon puzzle before the end of 2023 and that P&S is my main ambition just now bar none.

Once the new year arrives, then it is back to my pepper ambitions, and the plants I have saved - hells-bells....they are still making babies - so they must be doing OK I reckon.

Safe travels,


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LOL anything that makes babies is valuable in my world Ken. I was privileged to make four and nine sprogs to boot! I am indeed blessed. So - you chose where and when and I shall meet you face to face and then we will see magic - I guarantee, and a Porter also if you choose.

I shall of course give forewarning but i must say I am excited at the prospect. I have met several of my readers over the years and none have disappointed.

Best as always


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The only way it is going to happen is if I can get to your place via seafaring vessel or dirigible I reckon or you manage to get where I am at.....now being you know I'm a homebody....well, I don't care so much for traveling around far away or "big" crowds these days, but I do care for guests welcome and invited and I'm a good host. If you come to my place, you will be well received, but if possible, please give a heads-up on your intent....if not, I understand, and once it is proven, you will be well received in my place cause I care for friends and I have an open heart and an open mind. I accept all invited guests and understand the premise of that - likewise, uninvited guests ought realize if you ain't invited then you won't get entry.

Either way, maybe it will happen, maybe not...the idea of it has appeal.

Safe travels internet friend...


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OK - as we say in South Africa "I will make a plan" and I will come to you after such a welcome Ken - the flight is easy and I will let you know when and how after I have settled in Simons Town next year.

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Can't help but like that P&S!

Bestest to U and family!


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Thank you for sharing such personal aspects of your life. You are one of the good guys in all of this, from my perspective.

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Bert - that is kind of you to express. Much appreciated.

Lately, I've been having "fun" digging deeper into some of the mathematical "stuff" that gets in my head on occasion. Anyhow, just now I've updated my post: https://buffaloken.substack.com/p/a-proof on a few topics. I think I may end up dedicating a post specific to the "hexagon considerations"....at some point.

I won't deny that lately with all the harm in front of our faces on so many levels, day after dreary day....it helps to have a harmless diversion every now and then. I enjoy thinking about numbers and shapes. I think they are intricately linked with communication as a whole.

As I've aged, I've begun to just share freely ideas and thoughts, and then, "let the chips fall as they will".



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We have to try our upmost to remain human to each other in all of this. My oldest son is a logistical genius. Great with the numbers and accountability, along with some great management skills learned while working for his Uncle Sam. As a civilian he is doing well at the same kind of work.

Diversions are necessary.

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I agree about remaining "humane" - it forms the principle of my life.

Sometimes diversions actually become great ways of learning....and so I don't wrestle with my mind these days....I let it go where it desires....(to an extent)....and then hopefully, there is a lesson at the end of the desire.

Bert - your efforts at sharing thoughts expressed are admirable - I appreciate your interest in my articles and I suspect your logistical skills must be strong and informed your son's abilities.



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Thank you, Ken. God gave us free will and wandering minds, let them roam.😉

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I'm not going to take a picture of it and I ain't proud about it, but I just shot a squirrel through the neck and it is dead.

Seems unfair for the squirrel, but maybe it is the one laughed at me before, and I'm just getting target practice in and now I have killed the squirrel - I could got its body and made a meal out of it, but in a way being I didn't realize my aim is so accurate, I think that would be somewhat disrespectfully - so after I post this I think I'm going to bury that squirrel and then - that is that.

Bottom line is - I think I can shoot pretty accurate with this pistol cross-bow and the dead squirrel is testimony to that. I'll bury it out of respect.

Big changes are on the way.


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Its done - the squirrel is buried.

The bolt literally went through its neck - it was a clean kill.

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