I have an “About Me” article when I started this Substack, but I decided it was time for an update on that and here it is.
I can’t deny I’m fascinated by “elements” and the periodic table. Every year for the last several years I’ve gotten the “Element Calendar” - and the image below shows the element for November 2023 - Bismuth is one of “my favorites” - prime and stable.
Here is the element for December 2023 -
Pu - No thanks…
I prefer stability in elements….
Pu - it don’t last - I question whether is is actually an “element” in the first place, but of course, I’m not a big believer in this whole isotope thing -
I think isotopes are sort of a “fudge factor”
cause the math is deficient and the physics as well
But that is just me and what I think - but now you “know” About Me more…
I think many things today are “too-centralized” and not in the interest of the everyday woman and man - everyday folks.
The picture below is from our “Getaway” place…
The “Carolina Room” is pictured above.
This is me - I’m about 5 foot 5 - I’m a Buffalo Bills fan and the upper garment was acquired in Seattle (I thought it was Portland) according to my wife when they went shopping at a 2nd hand store….it is pretty good garment for our Getaway place.
We refer to the room this picture was taken as the “Clock Room”, but most of the time pieces in the room aren’t in the picture above…
I hope all are well and that the ceasefire is permanent cause that is what most of us want - we want peace.
ps - that cap literally came from Stonehenge - but I wasn’t there when my wife and her sister acquired it…of course, I will confirm this cause I might be off although I have a scarf from Stonehenge direct and I know this for a fact cause I was there in person when it was acquired.
pss- there are pictures in the background and artistry as well - they are close to my heart.
~~~~~~~~~ Update ~~~~~~~~
This didn’t take long, but I take back what I said about the cap….it was apparently acquired elsewhere, but because of that let me post this - an image of the scarf mentioned above:
OK, I’m sure I might get “in trouble” for this, but this is the room I’m in and it basically is “my room” for now….and so I feel within my rights to share this bit of artistry from the love of my life!
This image resonates with me.
At the end of the day we all will be judged based on what we did or what we didn’t do.
Sometimes the act of “not doing something” when you should have known better merits derision. Ofttimes, the act of going along with something you know is wrong is considered being “complicit” - and if you are in a position of authority, then the act of being complicit is a criminal offense. The punishment depends on scale of offense in complicity - the scale depends on the harm directly linked to choices made. This ain’t rocket science - tis common sense.
Now, let me add this:
That came from here:
ridiculous official propaganda is like an oversupply of water during a flood in a rainstorm after the wave elevated hit the shore and washed so much away….
~~~~~~ 113023 1010 ~~~~~~~
as I said I would:
Not kidding around.
This is weird - I admit it - as an aside I think the spelling of "weird" is "weird" - I think the "i" ought be first, but whatever.....language...it must be the way it is for a reason?
So, this is what I was thinking about just now, and while it is on my mind, I'm gonna tell the story about the Worldwide Diplomacy Championship tournament that was held in Chapel Hill, NC in 1990 I think it was....anyhow - do a search on that and you might come across my name as well as the name of David Hood - a fine attorney presently in the state of NC who was BIG into the game of Diplomacy and still is. He is a capstone and cornerstone and foundation of a few who recognized the beauty of the game of Diplomacy.
So, I think I played but two games in the tournament. I probably could have scored higher if I had played a 3rd game, but I was wore out with it.....even though I was only 25 years old at the time. I came in 26th place out of 100+ participants in that tournement.
I have fond memories of working together with Lance A. who played Turkey in the first game. I was assigned the country of Germany. Germany is literally in the middle of it all in the WWI setup Diplomacy game played with no die/dice. There is no randomness, in a way, to the game - tis all about communication ability and choosing when to make a fateful choice.
So, Lance A. was Turkey and I was Germany and in our initial communications back in 1990 I think we both sensed we could form a good team long-term and it wasn't long till Austria-Hungary departed the game, followed by Russia if memory serves, then France bought the dust, then Italy I think or it may have been Italy first, then France. Regardless, at this time in the game twas just myself (Germany), Lance (Turkey), and this other fella whose name was "Ed" I think, but can't remember for sure - he was playing England.
So, the three of us looked at one another after hours of gameplay, and I'll admit this - I could have backstabbed one or the other and possibly been the sole victor in the game, but I had come to have appreciation for both these fellas and had no desire to do that - so we all decided together....."Lets call it a 3-way Draw".
In my long history of playing games - that one has to rank up there as one of the best! There is no way I could do it again - play in a tournament like that - I ain't a young man anymore and sometimes the mind tires of playing endless BS back and forth chatting.....still - the game of Diplomacy teaches so much and I'm glad to have been a player in that game and I have respect for those who make the effort to keep the game alive.
(I'll post links about this is anybody really cares....
Peace is easy,
ps - I've discovered, the guy in "England" was actually Bob A
pss - and seems I only played 1 game....I swear it was 2, but maybe not - that one game I played was both exhilarating and tiring, and I remember Lance was staying in a dorm room offered up for participants in the tournament and I went to visit him after the game was over - holy moly...that guy was CRAZY!
ha, ha, ha,.......still he was a good partner in the game we played!
I'm gonna share one more thing "about me", and if you look back in all the articles I have posted, I think I have standing to say this - it is obvious.
Next year (2024) I plan on having some "peppa products" for sale and I already can produce concentrate, powder potent, and seeds fair. So - serious business only in that regard.
However, and notwithstanding that, let me proclaim: I love North Carolina and I love Virginia - I love both of those states and I have homes in both of them - me and the love of my life.
There is substance in that - we been married now for 32 years - we love our children.
We ain't no pushovers and serious business is the peppa business and I'm ready for some good business - barter is idea, but silver coin excepted as well....
Do your own due diligence I reckon - my mind is made up.