I swear I had the typed above, so I decided to type it again. Remember this as well - a bit of time has transpired since this story "hit the web" - and now some of the links above no longer "go anywhere" - in a way is that not more evidence......
Really folks - tis now or never....make a choice.
My choice gets informed when certain things don't "function" as expected - that is info you know - and it will beheld against YOU - so I doubt the "notes sharing" button is gonna work....it hasn't now for days, but I'm on record - and really - a fierce wind is coming.
Absolutely brilliant Ken, thank you so very much for sharing your unique experience of the power of Mammon and those that have sold their souls. Sadly many have fallen to the enticing power of riches in this world but fail to understand that this is all transient and their misdeeds will be judged in the final roll call.
I cannot deny the truth that Jesus expounds in the Gospels: "“Stop storing up for yourselves treasures on the earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." [Matthew 6: 19-21]
I feel like "calling somebody else out" on this article - on this story so to speak.
If one looks back on what I have written here, I stand by it. I was accurate in my assessment.
I called Baric early on just like early on I was an advocate for Julian Assange once I learned the story and the facts and the travesty of it. The travesty of justice when the UK gave up its jurisprudence like the puppet-state they are - glad you got the hell out of there.
There is no escaping justice P&S and just today I got some rope - 2 strands of "Anchor Line" 3/8 inch taught multifilament polypropylene (50 feet each - enough to hang 10 criminals at once with some left over for goodwill). This rope could be used many times to hang up the offenders being apparently they intended willfully to harm us all. Fuck that.
So the ones cast their vote to perpetuate this who have not disavowed yet are considered complicit and being it seems they only learn the hard way, then I reckon the hard way is coming for them. One at a time - unless there is a mass hanging of em - which would be jungle justice in action and the probability of this increases each day the babies in Gaza continue to be killed by insane zigaboos whose ideology is evidently of the devil - lucifurians or whatnot they are - worshippers of mammon - they will burn for their crimes - or better yet - lets hang em up.
Hang em up jungle justice style I reckon is where we have arrived - could of been easier, but what must be done, must be done.
Are you ready to go out in glory? I am and I'll take my principle to my grave cause I know I will meet my maker knowing I am a man of justice - I heard the whisper of the wolf and I know. I know.
P&S - I had an odd vision today about you and I both being on a "Plan B" moment and we help each other out.......but I'm in trust that you as I have so many good friends and it is good to have good friends.
I consider you sort of a friend mentor from afar but a mentor who knows how learning is a two way street.
Your words fill me with peace and comfort, Ken. "A friend in need is a friend indeed!" You have a remarkable way of poetic immersion that is rare and should be shared. There are so many lost souls out there just crying for succour but all I can do is quote the scripture as it is written:
"If we produce good fruit we are good trees; if bad fruit, we are bad trees; if no fruit, we are lazy, useless trees fit only to be cast aside. We should be good trees producing the fruit of the [upright ones] - this is the tree of life; and he that is wise wins souls.” [Proverbs 11: 30]. So in our work of life and death we must equip ourselves and use our time wisely, keeping our compatriots close at hand.
And my second planting of radish is up already - 4 days! I am keenly awaiting sight of my spinach, and the beans are going BIG TIME now - looking for harvest in early September (it's late, but such is the season) It's been an odd season, Ken - one I have never experienced in 25 years of smallholding. I am staying on watch!
P&S - I continue to play my "card games" and share about my garden ambitions. In a few moments my daughter is going to show up and we are watching her dog for a few days so that she and her fiancé can spend some time at her older sister's place and I can't wait for "Nala" to show up. Nala is my daughter's blind dog - she is a chocolate lab and a fine happy dog even if she has lost her sight.
I enjoy coming back here sometimes and re-reading the story - sometimes I make corrections - but I mostly enjoy reading the comments - it helps me remember what I was thinking earlier.....and I remember how August was so full of gusto in 2023 and thankyou for being a kind friend mentor.
Your porter friend....(ha, ha)
ps - Go Wolfpack - go NC State - ladies and men....
Good to hear from you Ken - my good friend. I appreciate you keeping in touch and this week is BIG - tomorrow I am posting a contradiction to BOOM "Bankers' Wars' - we agree to disagree! Ha Ha.
I agree that the "bankers" didn't cause all the wars in the time of Genghis Khan and prior, but since about the time of the 19th century the bankers are most complicit and tell Boom Boy that for me P&S - cause we know now don't we - we know.
The Buffalo know - the American Bison - they know about almost getting wiped out - and the bankers ought know better is what I think - so tell Boomy that for me.
Hey P&S - the story is basically told now - I know there are few typos left, but I'm glad I got this off my chest and digitally shared in the modern age and such.
I'm pleased with the amount of information I was able to share here and it gives me joy to share my ideas.
Hi Ken - I am tied up this week as I have a South African client staying with me so I can sort out his UK finances and it's a big job! Just trying to get my Letter done for Saturday in-between LOL. So I put in 16 hrs today - rushing all over the place...let you know the outcome asap.
I am flying end November and hope to have my yacht delivered to FBYC by then. Lots of things to do in the meantime! Forgive me if I miss out on some comments in the coming days - tempus fugit!
Kind of you to take the time to share that and know this the minds of many, myself included are hoping for a safe transition from Point A to Point B for you and family.
Thanks Ken - you are so kind - all well but just very busy until mid-next week, when I hope I have sorted out client's bank problems - bloody nightmare!
Well, not sure what the troubles could be, but in Africa I think things are looking up and so maybe it is just a matter of perspective - either way, I'm sure you and your team will figure it out and remember this - there are those of us out here who care - who really care....and that makes all the difference in the world.
May nothing despoil your efforts to move to a better place even if they are Plan B in nature - not a one of us want to leave our home place, but sometimes contingencies are called for and that we all ought know.
Thank you so much for your love and care Ken and please worry not - I have the angels with me, be assured, my mission is clear and confirmed. In fact you will read on another thread that I have a yacht delivered to me FOC - by the grace of God.
This would be my response to Jesus present day. I would say dear Jesus some of us have no harmful intent but others apparently do, and so those of us with no harmful intent figured amongst ourselves - why not Jesus - why not store some goods for future living.
I would sit there and wait patiently for Jesus to respond and in the absence of that I would say to Jesus - what treasure in heaven is it that we are waiting for? I would exclaim - so many have suffered and for what Jesus - just so you could be hung on the cross?
Then, I'm sure with a bit of attitude I would say to Jesus - have you ever thought about heaven on earth - and truly if Jesus was a man, then I reckon the answer to that must be yes?
Hells-bells if I know, but big changes are on the way irrefutable - there is no stopping it now.
There is indeed no stopping Satan now Ken - it is of course written. But Jesus would reply:
WHAT are you? Are you, in effect, two persons in one—a human body with a brain, heart, eyes, ears, tongue, and so forth, but also having within you an invisible spiritual person completely separate from your fleshly organism and that is called the “soul”? If so, what happens when you die? Does just your body die, while the soul continues living? How can you know for sure?
Nearly all religions teach that, in the case of humans, death is not the end of all existence. This is the case, not just in so-called Christian lands of North and South America, Europe and Australia, but also in non-Christian countries of Asia and Africa. Note the book Funeral Customs the World Over: “People of most cultures believe that at death something which leaves the body has ongoing life.
Belief in the immortality of the soul is very prominent among non-Christian religions. For example, the most esteemed of sacred Hindu writings, The Bhagavad Gita, specifically refers to the soul as deathless. It presents this as justification for killing in war.
"And do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body" [Matthew 10:28]
Satan as all bullies fate is sealed always loses in the end.
Elsewise, how would we even know about bullies in the first place?
I think the human body and all its aspects including heart, eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and brain processing is actually a single entity and the soul is what makes the individual. I think an individual needs to have principles for foundation - I refer to the fundamental principle as an absolute supposition and this is mine - time moves in one direction only. The future.
I've planned in advance not because I wanted to, but because I have prudence.
The silver chapter - prices going up now as Musk is publically challenging the actual Gold in Fort Knox. I buy my daughter and nieces Silver and attach Psalm 66:10 to show how we are TESTED to be refined in or to shine. They do, beautifully rounded bullion talents.
Also, I was in Kingdom Talents shop picking up more precious metals and the owner, Janet had a prophesy about Wolves in Alaska. Any thoughts? The store is anointed connected to Morningstar international.
I "got no thoughts" above and beyond those already shared - other than I think "silver" tis a fine gift for nieces! I've done similar on a few occasions and might make this something regular, but I have quite a few nieces & nephews (and daughters and sons of nieces and nephews) - like over 30 I think now.....you know - we come from a "Good Catholic" family....(ha, ha) on my parents side!
Silicon in those mountains solidifies my point ... They need that to incorporate our brains cells with computers to hold data ... don't they? THIS is the war on Children & Humanity!
This war on US is to cyborg humanity & usher in Transhumanism. ... It all goes back to the parasites & energy harvesting.
Our generation is the last generation of REAL humans.
The innoCULLations are gene editing. Culling of one species to create another.
I have it halfway right thus far and BOOM will help later to get back to normal. Something went wrong but I don't know what - have notified Substack and awaiting guidance to fix it.
I did see that - the same thing happened to me......initially I felt like I "was being picked on" (cause this sort of thing has occurred in the past), but then I heard that many were affected.
Apparently there is a place where incidents are reported:
"While Florida is flooding, Canada is incinerating with over 62,000 square miles burned so far. Super typhoon "Saola" has made landfall in Hong Kong while firestorms rage in Greece. Labor Day record heat will extend the baking of the central and southern US, "aquifers are running dry, posing a major threat to drinking water supply". Weather and temperature whiplash hits the West as moisture is allowed into the region. Cloud seeding with endothermic reacting elements will enhance the temporary toxic surface cool-down. Norway is stock-piling grains to prepare for coming shortages, North Korea is attempting to keep their electric grids functioning with solar power even as climate engineering operations blot out the sun. Global chaos is accelerating in lockstep with unfolding biosphere collapse, how long till impact? "-Dane Wigington
While at one time I might of been a sceptic, I have come to the conclusion that there are entities out there who think they can make efforts to control the weather and other forces of nature and all I can say Parzival is that - little do they know what fates they tempt.
Goød writing Ken. Keep fighting from the Carolinas. I also transfered from NC State to UNC. I like your biblical references especially the love of mammon which you know is the root of all evil. The lil 'm' mRNA "messenger" is Messianic "as for [them], you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today that which was designed for evil will bless (Genesis 50:20). A lot has been revealed to the righteous through revelations as G-đ gets 1st right of refusal on all [nano]tech especially 🖇️💉📎🧬 Psalms 89 says his thrown is built on truth justice and righteousness so we are lighting UP their ill-ű-minations.
Do you need the Sherrif's # or the updated plan to do a criminal summons vs arrest. I really waited on the L☆RD and had to deal w/ my court persecution, controlled divorce retaliation & turbo cancer cited above. I have 2 articles coming out and 1 of them I seek peer reviewers like you. If interested, I'd be appreciative and honored.
Gracious - I didn't know you'd been through all that - I send prayer's of healing to you.
As for your article, I'd be "happy" to review it - not sure I count as a "peer reviewer" but if you think my feedback would be helpful - sure. No problem.
I couldn't find your email address even though I searched and we had a thread about a certain resume. My fault. Can you send it again for the peer review please.
Geoff - if you meant it send the thread you want me to review - if not - then let me know please. When I say I'm willing to do something I mean it, but if you ask for help and then don't follow up, then that is telling - so please respond to this and let me know what you desire - otherwise, I will assume you didn't really mean it - and I understand - life if full of difficulty, but please in the future - don't ask for help unless you mean it.
Got it, was able to unlock some settings here. I'm tired of the attacks, not you the platforms, lawyers and demons. My 2 articles are very close to ready for review yet not yet. Here's a fun piece with way less righteous research behind it to just pass some time:
I know, RFK Jr atty & friends are letting me run lead on the PR yet the Kanye Racist 2/7 day is making it wild kinda fun, may extradition news worthy for MSM:
I remember watching ole Reiner and that bag of "displeasure" sat next to him during many a call when the truth was being revealed - and little did he know she was a traitor I reckon - and then he went to Mejico - had to go get some passport material apparently - and then was apprehended illegally - what a crock of pathetic piss pot losers those who try to hide their nefarious ambitions are - and truly - Justified Retribution awaits them.
You have done a great service documenting what you have - now friend - tis the time for healing for you - no worries though mate - the Wolfpack is on the Hunt!
ha, ha.....it feels good to get the blood flowing...
What happening to Reiner is deplorable & they didn't let him see his mother's funeral who passed. He has been in there for over a year. What are the charges Ken? I interview hundreds if not 1000s of Legal minds in mine line of work and when I interviewed Reiner on my pro bono side I found him to be sincere like many of his guests. All he was doing was discovery with impact:
Geoff - I suspect you and I are of "like mind" when it comes to Reiner. Just like I discussed at this site been around so long - my thoughts regarding Julian Assange.
I applaud your efforts to assist another held unfairly in detention.
With that said, I think you and I both have paths going in our own directions and that is a good thing - I'm not sure we could ever "work together" but that is no admonishment of your efforts - quite the contrary - tis just a recognition or an acknowledgement on my end - "we have different paths" - they wind this way and that and on occasion we meet each other somewhere and I hope tis agreed - we both desire a better future.
So, God Bless you I say and may your actions be fruitful and may we all remember there are so many of us out there who crave justice - and that makes all the difference.
I look forward to crossing paths again when it happens - if it does - and I hope Germany comes to its senses - there is one gas line still intact - and the others could be repaired - and that would be a start of reparations - and Reiner ought be free - and I'm sure his mother loves her son even if he wasn't released from detention for her funeral. What a shame that is upon the evil imposters taken over the Germany I love. But tis true - most of the citizens who had the wherewithal got the hell out of that place and ventured into uncertainty - as is the case for my family - and that is history I reckon.
Best to you friend and I'm sure we will meet again - but if we don't, I'm sure our interactions were genuine - and metaphorically - just as I said to some of the other "rabbits" when we were in the "hole" together - we will always treasure this experience even if it wasn't what we would have chosen.....you know?
Hey - what you think the chances are the Lady Wolfpack beats Notre Dame?
How bout the Lady Wolfpack today - and really - tis not advisable to ignore the Whisper of the Wolf - that is what I think Geoff - and so I will share more about the patents - but I will do it at my own place and my own time and really - as you know already - the word is getting out - and all remains to be seen is whether there is Justified Retribution upon those who have willingly caused so much harm.
In fact - here I'll share the link you have already shared - but of course tis buried deep down here - but word has a way of getting out - so "rest assured" - some of us demand justice, but it won't come from "badgering" nor will "admonitions" make any difference nor solicitation - but rather I put forth it will be recognition of HARM that demands justice and frankly consider the daughter of Bo Thompson at WBT AM radio in this regard - Sophmore at Wake Forest died of a blood clot - so two links to follow - one out of respect for you and another regarding the daughter aforementioned for whom tis not difficult to conclude the root cause and if I was her Daddy I'd want to get to the bottom of this and find those responsible - you know Geoff? I suspect you do.
So - lets let this be my closing communication to you Sir - cause as you express accurately: que sera sera
Please be aware - Wake Forest University is discussed in the story of the "Whisper of the Wolf" above - and that is a fact. Tis so sad the loss of this fine young women - a lover of sports who was the daughter of a fella grew up just across the street from me literally in Charlotte, NC and who went to the same high school my daughters attended - and be aware - the Wolfpack is on high alert - and they are howling out this:
Ralph Baric is on NOTICE - as is UNC-Chapel Hill School of Public Health.
Not kidding around - but don't try to find the wolves out there Geoff - cause they will disappear in the forest in a heart beat. I hope you understand this message to you direct - and thankyou is what the Wolfpack expresses to those like you - truth seekers in the wind I reckon - till next time when we meet again.....and let there be justice the wolves howl in the wind....
Geoff - let me be honest with you OK? You have been somebody seems to have your mind on the pulse of so many events - you have typed kind and wise words to me - and let me say I appreciate that.
However, you asked me to "peer review" an article and I replied that I would - and that was months ago....no big deal.....but you keep asking me to send you my email address - and Geoff - that address is OUT there....it is known - you and I have corresponded directly.
So please understand, I was willing to peer review before, but now I'm not so sure. I hope you can understand that - and if what I think you may have ready to publish is definitive - I hope it is - then KNOW Geoff - you have my support. Not kidding around.
Warm Regards to another fella from the crazy state of North Carolina!
Ken - NC State - BS ChE - magna cum lauda...87.......MSPH - School of Public Health - UNC-Chapel Thrill - straight A's just like my daughter - was it "91" - it really was 90....got a plaque saying - I'm special!
Geoff - let me thank you graciously for responding to my communication and then posting here. I've checked some of the videos above, but not fully yet. There is one I plan on watching in full, but I think they would be advised to have a little less "advertisement" in the beginning. Let the presentation of it sell itself versus trying to market things upfront is what I think.
Now, one little clarification. While you may have transferred from NC State to UNC-Chapel Hill, and that may be what you meant, I graduated NC State, worked a few years, and then went to Chapel "Thrill" in pursuit of an "advanced degree". Funny how things unfold sometimes - me and my friends from those times, they were very good friends and my buddies and I we had a place on Church Street we rented - no AC there at the time, but we didn't care - and my future wife and I spent some pleasent evenings in the upstairs room at that place - if you know what I'm getting at! I love Chapel Hill. We used to go to "He's not Here"...it was just a hop skip and jump from our place. Wow - good memories.
I'm going to tell a memory about a time on Church Street when what turned out to be my future wife......she and I were walking around and we decided to go to a restaurant....now mind you this was a gal I had some previous interactions with and I think both she and I already knew, but you must know how precarious things can be.....
I'll just say this - it was in Chapel Hill the love of my life and I chose each other.
Just happened to be perusing back through this - and via a link here - I found this video from what - "2 years ago" - so check this out - I'm listening to it now - was there concern regarding "nuclear war" - when the alarms went off in this building - and if so - what you think went down there - and what you think happened - I know this by virtue of time passed - the nuclear weapons have not YET been delivered - but seriously - why in God's name do we live in this world of "fear" when it ought be evident - better times beckon?
“defenestration” some think is a fine way to deliver justice - and in hindsight - and in the current day - tis hard to argue with that I reckon. Cause - of course - what is good for the goose tis good for the gander - and really - truth resides in so many “recollections” from the past - and within that truth a serious lesson resides - and that is - “thee shall reap what thee sows”.
Ain't it ironic how they want to hide their complicity in criminal activity - but the truth of the matter is literally those who voted this way are more than complicit in the crime against humanity known - and frankly, the are the first ought be bought in front of a court of justice - tis not as if they can save their souls for all the harm they have caused, but rather tis those of us awaiting justice for whom they are called. I call them out. I demand justice - be it in a court of a law proper or if necessary in the fucking jungle - cause tis known the harm caused and justice is demanded you mother effers caused so much harm - you are called to stand trial - if you refuse be aware - jungle justice will be delivered no matter what you do - and may you forevermore contemplate in the deepest catacombs of hell all the harm you are DIRECTLY responsible for those 21 of you voted to deliver the jabs of death to my kin and to children but six months old. May you burn in hell forevermore.
One wonders if forgiveness can be given - by now seems to late - but disavow while you can if you want to save your soul - otherwise be ready to be reaped into pieces for all the harm thee has caused direct - tis known.
I tell you - where does she "get off" trying to tell others the difference twixt hesitancy and acceptance? Gracious me - seems she has learned nothing.
Frankly it seems many have learned nothing and so what does that mean kind reader? Well fuck me - it means hard lessons on the way no doubt - hard, serious and permanent.
So all those entities pushed these jabs of evident harm - you must know some serious Justified Retribution is forming - and it is forming in opposition to the harm you pushed and it is more than fierce - it is a sign of times changing.
I got a fine laptop on the way - a good device for gaming and other purposes. Just now delivery has been delayed and let me tell ya - poor service is remembered.
Ralph Baric has had many more calling out his name.
I rest my case - to a degree.
Go back and check - those of us who called it out first - we deserve something - don't we - or are you loser who were willing to give the jabs to everybody and their brother gonna pretend this shit didn't happen?
By the way - it ain't possible to pretend it didn't happen - cause consequences every day become more and more evident - so get a clue you loser took the jabs - wake up - get a fucking clue. Otherwise - shut the FUCK up - you were WRONG - tis proven - so now tis time for consequence.
Lady Libra demands it - and there is no stopping her and her minions -
Ralph Baric ought be arrested for this crime against humanity he is directly responsible for given he was the "creator" of the so-called "virus". The harm is proven - so now accountability is demanded - the Wolfpack demands accountability.
Without it - you all might as well commit humanity to extinction - cause without accountability - times will NEVER get better.
You choose.
Extinction for ALL humanity or accountability for Ralph Baric - the swimming effer out of UNC-Chapel Hill - a place go down in history as where all humanity perished I reckon if there be no accountability for Baric.....seems a simply choice.
Um - I like to announce and I ain't gonna "pin" this - I don't know how long it will last - but I have come upon the video I griped about being removed in the article above and here it is:
I can't find the link to it - but at the very end of this article - just now - If I can do it - I will share this publicly shared video - so others can see what really have a significant effect upon me....please let me try to share this. It will be at the very end of the article I'm about to edit.
Here is a little info about one of the members from my alma mater - oh go figure....gracious me....a jab lover no doubt....paid well I'm sure - for delivering jabs...
ps I walked those halls and Rosenau is puking as I type this - puking in his grave wondering - why the hell they name the hall after me - I disavow that place - they need some justice severe.
Edit: Ironic it is - he was a Jew - but that don't take stock in my mind....not all Jews are zionist - and not all zionist are Jews - duh....
Edit #2: Although - sons of bitches - reading it more closely - now I see the close ties twixt jabs and UNC-Chapel Hill - School of Public Health - my alma mater - the place I got my Master's Degree - as linked in the article above - and truly - these believers in "Germ Theory" - I think they have gone down a lonely path that is a dead end - they don't understand "terrain" - those of us in Camp Béchamp - well....we do - those of us still alive and breathing - those of us refused the jab as I did - and had I known all this shit about my alma mater - I might of thought twice about getting a degree at the "School of Public Health" (my ass...) - but despite my GRE scores very impressive if I might say - I got rejected by the Department of Ecology and UNC-Chapel Hill - that was my first choice - oh well - history has a way of unfolding I reckon....and the more I find out - the more I disavow that place in my mind.
What a shame - what ignominy it is - sellers of souls for silver - pushers of harm - having the audacity to claim "public health" - my ass on that.....
the chiefs barely escaped Carolina this time - they are not a good team - and neither is the School of Public Health at UNC Chapel Hill - and this is KNOWN. That place needs to be investigated - Ralph Baric is a cancer upon my alma mater - but guess it could have been predicted - by the mindset of the name of the fella the halls we walked in is named after - oh woe is me.....
They are harm pushers I'm sad to type - but that is sort of the conclusion hard not to reach - when one is a student of facts, understands statistics, and actually cares about commonweal.
Tis a good thing to be ambidextrous - I am mainly "left-handed" but forced to learn the right-handed way as well I was - and now I'm ambidextrous - that means I use both sides of my brain.
That's the reality of it - I can think with both sides of my brain.
I got an open mind - and Liberty and Virtue are two principles resolute - and resolution is in the wind!
So get this - Bronny James now plays for the Lakers - his Daddy's team - and Damar Hamlin has gotten a few interceptions, but let me suggest the following:
1. With respect to Bronny James - I hope he does well - but seems evident - sort of like the Supertramp song - Bloody Well Right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4ys6YSfJDA
2. When it comes to Hamlin - he could of been so much better - and really another safety would be better for the Buffalo Bills I think - and that fella - he is at risk of dying any given day on the field - so why do these pushers of harm try to put it in our faces - and I hope the Bills get a better safety - no offense Damar - but I've watched your play - you ain't the same anymore. Tis obvious.
Hey - remember this:
Nobody is forgotten and Nothing is forgotten
I swear I had the typed above, so I decided to type it again. Remember this as well - a bit of time has transpired since this story "hit the web" - and now some of the links above no longer "go anywhere" - in a way is that not more evidence......
Really folks - tis now or never....make a choice.
My choice gets informed when certain things don't "function" as expected - that is info you know - and it will beheld against YOU - so I doubt the "notes sharing" button is gonna work....it hasn't now for days, but I'm on record - and really - a fierce wind is coming.
Absolutely brilliant Ken, thank you so very much for sharing your unique experience of the power of Mammon and those that have sold their souls. Sadly many have fallen to the enticing power of riches in this world but fail to understand that this is all transient and their misdeeds will be judged in the final roll call.
I cannot deny the truth that Jesus expounds in the Gospels: "“Stop storing up for yourselves treasures on the earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." [Matthew 6: 19-21]
I feel like "calling somebody else out" on this article - on this story so to speak.
If one looks back on what I have written here, I stand by it. I was accurate in my assessment.
I called Baric early on just like early on I was an advocate for Julian Assange once I learned the story and the facts and the travesty of it. The travesty of justice when the UK gave up its jurisprudence like the puppet-state they are - glad you got the hell out of there.
There is no escaping justice P&S and just today I got some rope - 2 strands of "Anchor Line" 3/8 inch taught multifilament polypropylene (50 feet each - enough to hang 10 criminals at once with some left over for goodwill). This rope could be used many times to hang up the offenders being apparently they intended willfully to harm us all. Fuck that.
So the ones cast their vote to perpetuate this who have not disavowed yet are considered complicit and being it seems they only learn the hard way, then I reckon the hard way is coming for them. One at a time - unless there is a mass hanging of em - which would be jungle justice in action and the probability of this increases each day the babies in Gaza continue to be killed by insane zigaboos whose ideology is evidently of the devil - lucifurians or whatnot they are - worshippers of mammon - they will burn for their crimes - or better yet - lets hang em up.
Hang em up jungle justice style I reckon is where we have arrived - could of been easier, but what must be done, must be done.
Are you ready to go out in glory? I am and I'll take my principle to my grave cause I know I will meet my maker knowing I am a man of justice - I heard the whisper of the wolf and I know. I know.
P&S - I had an odd vision today about you and I both being on a "Plan B" moment and we help each other out.......but I'm in trust that you as I have so many good friends and it is good to have good friends.
I consider you sort of a friend mentor from afar but a mentor who knows how learning is a two way street.
Peace and August is the month of Gusto!
Your words fill me with peace and comfort, Ken. "A friend in need is a friend indeed!" You have a remarkable way of poetic immersion that is rare and should be shared. There are so many lost souls out there just crying for succour but all I can do is quote the scripture as it is written:
"If we produce good fruit we are good trees; if bad fruit, we are bad trees; if no fruit, we are lazy, useless trees fit only to be cast aside. We should be good trees producing the fruit of the [upright ones] - this is the tree of life; and he that is wise wins souls.” [Proverbs 11: 30]. So in our work of life and death we must equip ourselves and use our time wisely, keeping our compatriots close at hand.
And my second planting of radish is up already - 4 days! I am keenly awaiting sight of my spinach, and the beans are going BIG TIME now - looking for harvest in early September (it's late, but such is the season) It's been an odd season, Ken - one I have never experienced in 25 years of smallholding. I am staying on watch!
P&S - I continue to play my "card games" and share about my garden ambitions. In a few moments my daughter is going to show up and we are watching her dog for a few days so that she and her fiancé can spend some time at her older sister's place and I can't wait for "Nala" to show up. Nala is my daughter's blind dog - she is a chocolate lab and a fine happy dog even if she has lost her sight.
I enjoy coming back here sometimes and re-reading the story - sometimes I make corrections - but I mostly enjoy reading the comments - it helps me remember what I was thinking earlier.....and I remember how August was so full of gusto in 2023 and thankyou for being a kind friend mentor.
Your porter friend....(ha, ha)
ps - Go Wolfpack - go NC State - ladies and men....
Good to hear from you Ken - my good friend. I appreciate you keeping in touch and this week is BIG - tomorrow I am posting a contradiction to BOOM "Bankers' Wars' - we agree to disagree! Ha Ha.
I agree that the "bankers" didn't cause all the wars in the time of Genghis Khan and prior, but since about the time of the 19th century the bankers are most complicit and tell Boom Boy that for me P&S - cause we know now don't we - we know.
The Buffalo know - the American Bison - they know about almost getting wiped out - and the bankers ought know better is what I think - so tell Boomy that for me.
I think agreeing to disagree is "Step #1" of being and adult in the room - so hopefully that is understood.
I'm fixing to share an image I just took - after I showed my daughter my pepper babies!
Best to you and Boom is an adult - so let the debate commence I reckon.
Go Wolfpack!
Hey P&S - the story is basically told now - I know there are few typos left, but I'm glad I got this off my chest and digitally shared in the modern age and such.
I'm pleased with the amount of information I was able to share here and it gives me joy to share my ideas.
Are you on your boat now or are you flying to SA?
(ha, ha....
Hi Ken - I am tied up this week as I have a South African client staying with me so I can sort out his UK finances and it's a big job! Just trying to get my Letter done for Saturday in-between LOL. So I put in 16 hrs today - rushing all over the place...let you know the outcome asap.
I am flying end November and hope to have my yacht delivered to FBYC by then. Lots of things to do in the meantime! Forgive me if I miss out on some comments in the coming days - tempus fugit!
Kind of you to take the time to share that and know this the minds of many, myself included are hoping for a safe transition from Point A to Point B for you and family.
With Respect,
Thanks Ken - you are so kind - all well but just very busy until mid-next week, when I hope I have sorted out client's bank problems - bloody nightmare!
Well, not sure what the troubles could be, but in Africa I think things are looking up and so maybe it is just a matter of perspective - either way, I'm sure you and your team will figure it out and remember this - there are those of us out here who care - who really care....and that makes all the difference in the world.
May nothing despoil your efforts to move to a better place even if they are Plan B in nature - not a one of us want to leave our home place, but sometimes contingencies are called for and that we all ought know.
Best to you P&S and stay in touch.
Thank you so much for your love and care Ken and please worry not - I have the angels with me, be assured, my mission is clear and confirmed. In fact you will read on another thread that I have a yacht delivered to me FOC - by the grace of God.
We will be safe off-grid and FREE!
This would be my response to Jesus present day. I would say dear Jesus some of us have no harmful intent but others apparently do, and so those of us with no harmful intent figured amongst ourselves - why not Jesus - why not store some goods for future living.
I would sit there and wait patiently for Jesus to respond and in the absence of that I would say to Jesus - what treasure in heaven is it that we are waiting for? I would exclaim - so many have suffered and for what Jesus - just so you could be hung on the cross?
Then, I'm sure with a bit of attitude I would say to Jesus - have you ever thought about heaven on earth - and truly if Jesus was a man, then I reckon the answer to that must be yes?
Hells-bells if I know, but big changes are on the way irrefutable - there is no stopping it now.
There is indeed no stopping Satan now Ken - it is of course written. But Jesus would reply:
WHAT are you? Are you, in effect, two persons in one—a human body with a brain, heart, eyes, ears, tongue, and so forth, but also having within you an invisible spiritual person completely separate from your fleshly organism and that is called the “soul”? If so, what happens when you die? Does just your body die, while the soul continues living? How can you know for sure?
Nearly all religions teach that, in the case of humans, death is not the end of all existence. This is the case, not just in so-called Christian lands of North and South America, Europe and Australia, but also in non-Christian countries of Asia and Africa. Note the book Funeral Customs the World Over: “People of most cultures believe that at death something which leaves the body has ongoing life.
Belief in the immortality of the soul is very prominent among non-Christian religions. For example, the most esteemed of sacred Hindu writings, The Bhagavad Gita, specifically refers to the soul as deathless. It presents this as justification for killing in war.
"And do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body" [Matthew 10:28]
Satan as all bullies fate is sealed always loses in the end.
Elsewise, how would we even know about bullies in the first place?
I think the human body and all its aspects including heart, eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and brain processing is actually a single entity and the soul is what makes the individual. I think an individual needs to have principles for foundation - I refer to the fundamental principle as an absolute supposition and this is mine - time moves in one direction only. The future.
I've planned in advance not because I wanted to, but because I have prudence.
Oops I missed this valuable contribution to our universal mind Ken. Wonderful and so true. Nota Bene: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/the-12-universal-laws-and-how-to-practice-them
Go well dear friend,
I have little tolerance for bullies P&S and I trust you are likewise.
One time I was out in the ocean on a barefoot cruise in the Caribbean and I will never forget that.
So may the wind be at your back as my Irish kin are fond of saying and may your Plan B go as well as I hope mine will.
On target at the moment Ken but of course there is always a slip 'tween cup and lip, which is why us sailors have 2 backups! Ha ha.
Thoughts today for my fellow UNC brotha:
The silver chapter - prices going up now as Musk is publically challenging the actual Gold in Fort Knox. I buy my daughter and nieces Silver and attach Psalm 66:10 to show how we are TESTED to be refined in or to shine. They do, beautifully rounded bullion talents.
Also, I was in Kingdom Talents shop picking up more precious metals and the owner, Janet had a prophesy about Wolves in Alaska. Any thoughts? The store is anointed connected to Morningstar international.
I "got no thoughts" above and beyond those already shared - other than I think "silver" tis a fine gift for nieces! I've done similar on a few occasions and might make this something regular, but I have quite a few nieces & nephews (and daughters and sons of nieces and nephews) - like over 30 I think now.....you know - we come from a "Good Catholic" family....(ha, ha) on my parents side!
Warm Regards Geoff
Your research BK is impeccable. I have not much to add but the obvious.
Name the names & build the gallows.
Duke Energy is preparing for over one million customers to be without power in Florida during Hurricane Milton.
⚠️ Duke Energy owns the dams that released the water in North Carolina.
⚠️ They also own Hawaiian Electric. You know...from the Lahaina, Maui fire.
⚠️ Vanguard Blackrock and State Street are the top share holders of Duke Energy.
And we're supposed to believe these FREAK MONSTER hurricanes the size of entire countries are perfectly normal??? https://x.com/HustleBitch_/status/1843488804734189688
Silicon in those mountains solidifies my point ... They need that to incorporate our brains cells with computers to hold data ... don't they? THIS is the war on Children & Humanity!
This war on US is to cyborg humanity & usher in Transhumanism. ... It all goes back to the parasites & energy harvesting.
Our generation is the last generation of REAL humans.
The innoCULLations are gene editing. Culling of one species to create another.
Keep up the good fight!
Hey - just taking a "trip back in time" and just noticed this now. Thanks for commenting here.
As for the Duke - they may think they own NC - but they are mistaken.
Tis my humble opinion only and thanks for commenting here....
Warm Regards to you and of course - there is no denying justice - any duke worth their salt knows this - but some dukes are worthless no doubt.
Hi Ken,
Did you see I was blocked out of my P&S Substack last week and posted Part 2 on a substitute site? I notified readers. Here's Part 2 from Saturday: https://protectsurvive.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-chapter?r=hkcp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
I have it halfway right thus far and BOOM will help later to get back to normal. Something went wrong but I don't know what - have notified Substack and awaiting guidance to fix it.
I did see that - the same thing happened to me......initially I felt like I "was being picked on" (cause this sort of thing has occurred in the past), but then I heard that many were affected.
Apparently there is a place where incidents are reported:
I'm a bit behind in reading as things have been hectic, but I saw your article and plan on reading it more fully.
Warm Regards,
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 2, 2023, # 421 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Znm3nxtOKy0
"While Florida is flooding, Canada is incinerating with over 62,000 square miles burned so far. Super typhoon "Saola" has made landfall in Hong Kong while firestorms rage in Greece. Labor Day record heat will extend the baking of the central and southern US, "aquifers are running dry, posing a major threat to drinking water supply". Weather and temperature whiplash hits the West as moisture is allowed into the region. Cloud seeding with endothermic reacting elements will enhance the temporary toxic surface cool-down. Norway is stock-piling grains to prepare for coming shortages, North Korea is attempting to keep their electric grids functioning with solar power even as climate engineering operations blot out the sun. Global chaos is accelerating in lockstep with unfolding biosphere collapse, how long till impact? "-Dane Wigington
The bad news presentation...
Now something a little on the light side:
Rob Schneider: "Tony Fauci Is the Covid Fairy" https://rumble.com/v3c3pqq-rob-schneider-tony-fauci-is-the-covid-fairy.html
While at one time I might of been a sceptic, I have come to the conclusion that there are entities out there who think they can make efforts to control the weather and other forces of nature and all I can say Parzival is that - little do they know what fates they tempt.
Damar Hamlin: Buffalo Bills safety on inactive list for opener against New York Jets https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/pearl-jam-aerosmith-postpone-concerts?publication_id=383085&post_id=136909660&isFreemail=true&r=iun8d&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
also: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/11/sport/damar-hamlin-bills-jets-inactive-spt-intl/index.html
And: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/damar-hamlin-inactivated-for-monday?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web
One more: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/damar-hamlin-commotio-cordis-charade
More to come. Take care Kenny! Here's the shot of the day... https://postimg.cc/YhcyCc2X
Thanks for those links P.
Goød writing Ken. Keep fighting from the Carolinas. I also transfered from NC State to UNC. I like your biblical references especially the love of mammon which you know is the root of all evil. The lil 'm' mRNA "messenger" is Messianic "as for [them], you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today that which was designed for evil will bless (Genesis 50:20). A lot has been revealed to the righteous through revelations as G-đ gets 1st right of refusal on all [nano]tech especially 🖇️💉📎🧬 Psalms 89 says his thrown is built on truth justice and righteousness so we are lighting UP their ill-ű-minations.
Here are my last few podcasts fwiw:
Hosted by Todd Callender
World iP Sequence
US Patent Trail
Article I reference & collaborated on with friend and Ai:
Where you been Geoff - you still in touch with that Sheriff?
Update: Healing well, praise HaShem!
Interviewed Reiner on video last, like a week b4 they jailed him
Bonus questions he answered a few days later as I didn't get off all my Qs:
Do you need the Sherrif's # or the updated plan to do a criminal summons vs arrest. I really waited on the L☆RD and had to deal w/ my court persecution, controlled divorce retaliation & turbo cancer cited above. I have 2 articles coming out and 1 of them I seek peer reviewers like you. If interested, I'd be appreciative and honored.
Gracious - I didn't know you'd been through all that - I send prayer's of healing to you.
As for your article, I'd be "happy" to review it - not sure I count as a "peer reviewer" but if you think my feedback would be helpful - sure. No problem.
I couldn't find your email address even though I searched and we had a thread about a certain resume. My fault. Can you send it again for the peer review please.
Geoff - I've been "out of pocket" for the last few days.....I'll send you an email with my contact info.
Geoff - if you meant it send the thread you want me to review - if not - then let me know please. When I say I'm willing to do something I mean it, but if you ask for help and then don't follow up, then that is telling - so please respond to this and let me know what you desire - otherwise, I will assume you didn't really mean it - and I understand - life if full of difficulty, but please in the future - don't ask for help unless you mean it.
Your friend,
Got it, was able to unlock some settings here. I'm tired of the attacks, not you the platforms, lawyers and demons. My 2 articles are very close to ready for review yet not yet. Here's a fun piece with way less righteous research behind it to just pass some time:
End of Nov:
You'll get it earlier
Crisis at Cadwalader
End of Dec:
You'll get it earlier
Top 25 Bioweapon inventions
Yo Geoff - this story is still being told!
God Bless.
I know, RFK Jr atty & friends are letting me run lead on the PR yet the Kanye Racist 2/7 day is making it wild kinda fun, may extradition news worthy for MSM:
I remember watching ole Reiner and that bag of "displeasure" sat next to him during many a call when the truth was being revealed - and little did he know she was a traitor I reckon - and then he went to Mejico - had to go get some passport material apparently - and then was apprehended illegally - what a crock of pathetic piss pot losers those who try to hide their nefarious ambitions are - and truly - Justified Retribution awaits them.
You have done a great service documenting what you have - now friend - tis the time for healing for you - no worries though mate - the Wolfpack is on the Hunt!
ha, ha.....it feels good to get the blood flowing...
ha, ha, ha.....
that was tremendous Geoff!
What happening to Reiner is deplorable & they didn't let him see his mother's funeral who passed. He has been in there for over a year. What are the charges Ken? I interview hundreds if not 1000s of Legal minds in mine line of work and when I interviewed Reiner on my pro bono side I found him to be sincere like many of his guests. All he was doing was discovery with impact:
Geoff - I suspect you and I are of "like mind" when it comes to Reiner. Just like I discussed at this site been around so long - my thoughts regarding Julian Assange.
Really - tis sort of the "same difference".
I applaud your efforts to assist another held unfairly in detention.
With that said, I think you and I both have paths going in our own directions and that is a good thing - I'm not sure we could ever "work together" but that is no admonishment of your efforts - quite the contrary - tis just a recognition or an acknowledgement on my end - "we have different paths" - they wind this way and that and on occasion we meet each other somewhere and I hope tis agreed - we both desire a better future.
So, God Bless you I say and may your actions be fruitful and may we all remember there are so many of us out there who crave justice - and that makes all the difference.
I look forward to crossing paths again when it happens - if it does - and I hope Germany comes to its senses - there is one gas line still intact - and the others could be repaired - and that would be a start of reparations - and Reiner ought be free - and I'm sure his mother loves her son even if he wasn't released from detention for her funeral. What a shame that is upon the evil imposters taken over the Germany I love. But tis true - most of the citizens who had the wherewithal got the hell out of that place and ventured into uncertainty - as is the case for my family - and that is history I reckon.
Best to you friend and I'm sure we will meet again - but if we don't, I'm sure our interactions were genuine - and metaphorically - just as I said to some of the other "rabbits" when we were in the "hole" together - we will always treasure this experience even if it wasn't what we would have chosen.....you know?
Hey - what you think the chances are the Lady Wolfpack beats Notre Dame?
Talk to you later I suspect and be well.
How bout the Lady Wolfpack today - and really - tis not advisable to ignore the Whisper of the Wolf - that is what I think Geoff - and so I will share more about the patents - but I will do it at my own place and my own time and really - as you know already - the word is getting out - and all remains to be seen is whether there is Justified Retribution upon those who have willingly caused so much harm.
In fact - here I'll share the link you have already shared - but of course tis buried deep down here - but word has a way of getting out - so "rest assured" - some of us demand justice, but it won't come from "badgering" nor will "admonitions" make any difference nor solicitation - but rather I put forth it will be recognition of HARM that demands justice and frankly consider the daughter of Bo Thompson at WBT AM radio in this regard - Sophmore at Wake Forest died of a blood clot - so two links to follow - one out of respect for you and another regarding the daughter aforementioned for whom tis not difficult to conclude the root cause and if I was her Daddy I'd want to get to the bottom of this and find those responsible - you know Geoff? I suspect you do.
So - lets let this be my closing communication to you Sir - cause as you express accurately: que sera sera
and now the links:
Please be aware - Wake Forest University is discussed in the story of the "Whisper of the Wolf" above - and that is a fact. Tis so sad the loss of this fine young women - a lover of sports who was the daughter of a fella grew up just across the street from me literally in Charlotte, NC and who went to the same high school my daughters attended - and be aware - the Wolfpack is on high alert - and they are howling out this:
Ralph Baric is on NOTICE - as is UNC-Chapel Hill School of Public Health.
Not kidding around - but don't try to find the wolves out there Geoff - cause they will disappear in the forest in a heart beat. I hope you understand this message to you direct - and thankyou is what the Wolfpack expresses to those like you - truth seekers in the wind I reckon - till next time when we meet again.....and let there be justice the wolves howl in the wind....
with menace no doubt - justice is demanded
Justified Retribution the wolves howl....
Geoff - let me be honest with you OK? You have been somebody seems to have your mind on the pulse of so many events - you have typed kind and wise words to me - and let me say I appreciate that.
However, you asked me to "peer review" an article and I replied that I would - and that was months ago....no big deal.....but you keep asking me to send you my email address - and Geoff - that address is OUT there....it is known - you and I have corresponded directly.
So please understand, I was willing to peer review before, but now I'm not so sure. I hope you can understand that - and if what I think you may have ready to publish is definitive - I hope it is - then KNOW Geoff - you have my support. Not kidding around.
Warm Regards to another fella from the crazy state of North Carolina!
Ken - NC State - BS ChE - magna cum lauda...87.......MSPH - School of Public Health - UNC-Chapel Thrill - straight A's just like my daughter - was it "91" - it really was 90....got a plaque saying - I'm special!
Geoff - let me thank you graciously for responding to my communication and then posting here. I've checked some of the videos above, but not fully yet. There is one I plan on watching in full, but I think they would be advised to have a little less "advertisement" in the beginning. Let the presentation of it sell itself versus trying to market things upfront is what I think.
Now, one little clarification. While you may have transferred from NC State to UNC-Chapel Hill, and that may be what you meant, I graduated NC State, worked a few years, and then went to Chapel "Thrill" in pursuit of an "advanced degree". Funny how things unfold sometimes - me and my friends from those times, they were very good friends and my buddies and I we had a place on Church Street we rented - no AC there at the time, but we didn't care - and my future wife and I spent some pleasent evenings in the upstairs room at that place - if you know what I'm getting at! I love Chapel Hill. We used to go to "He's not Here"...it was just a hop skip and jump from our place. Wow - good memories.
Thanks Geoff.
I'm going to tell a memory about a time on Church Street when what turned out to be my future wife......she and I were walking around and we decided to go to a restaurant....now mind you this was a gal I had some previous interactions with and I think both she and I already knew, but you must know how precarious things can be.....
I'll just say this - it was in Chapel Hill the love of my life and I chose each other.
Just happened to be perusing back through this - and via a link here - I found this video from what - "2 years ago" - so check this out - I'm listening to it now - was there concern regarding "nuclear war" - when the alarms went off in this building - and if so - what you think went down there - and what you think happened - I know this by virtue of time passed - the nuclear weapons have not YET been delivered - but seriously - why in God's name do we live in this world of "fear" when it ought be evident - better times beckon?
“defenestration” some think is a fine way to deliver justice - and in hindsight - and in the current day - tis hard to argue with that I reckon. Cause - of course - what is good for the goose tis good for the gander - and really - truth resides in so many “recollections” from the past - and within that truth a serious lesson resides - and that is - “thee shall reap what thee sows”.
Ain't it ironic how they want to hide their complicity in criminal activity - but the truth of the matter is literally those who voted this way are more than complicit in the crime against humanity known - and frankly, the are the first ought be bought in front of a court of justice - tis not as if they can save their souls for all the harm they have caused, but rather tis those of us awaiting justice for whom they are called. I call them out. I demand justice - be it in a court of a law proper or if necessary in the fucking jungle - cause tis known the harm caused and justice is demanded you mother effers caused so much harm - you are called to stand trial - if you refuse be aware - jungle justice will be delivered no matter what you do - and may you forevermore contemplate in the deepest catacombs of hell all the harm you are DIRECTLY responsible for those 21 of you voted to deliver the jabs of death to my kin and to children but six months old. May you burn in hell forevermore.
One wonders if forgiveness can be given - by now seems to late - but disavow while you can if you want to save your soul - otherwise be ready to be reaped into pieces for all the harm thee has caused direct - tis known.
Here is an update on miss Katherine P came to North Carolina.
I tell you - where does she "get off" trying to tell others the difference twixt hesitancy and acceptance? Gracious me - seems she has learned nothing.
Frankly it seems many have learned nothing and so what does that mean kind reader? Well fuck me - it means hard lessons on the way no doubt - hard, serious and permanent.
So all those entities pushed these jabs of evident harm - you must know some serious Justified Retribution is forming - and it is forming in opposition to the harm you pushed and it is more than fierce - it is a sign of times changing.
That is that.
I got a fine laptop on the way - a good device for gaming and other purposes. Just now delivery has been delayed and let me tell ya - poor service is remembered.
Ralph Baric has had many more calling out his name.
I rest my case - to a degree.
Go back and check - those of us who called it out first - we deserve something - don't we - or are you loser who were willing to give the jabs to everybody and their brother gonna pretend this shit didn't happen?
By the way - it ain't possible to pretend it didn't happen - cause consequences every day become more and more evident - so get a clue you loser took the jabs - wake up - get a fucking clue. Otherwise - shut the FUCK up - you were WRONG - tis proven - so now tis time for consequence.
Lady Libra demands it - and there is no stopping her and her minions -
Ralph Baric ought be arrested for this crime against humanity he is directly responsible for given he was the "creator" of the so-called "virus". The harm is proven - so now accountability is demanded - the Wolfpack demands accountability.
Without it - you all might as well commit humanity to extinction - cause without accountability - times will NEVER get better.
You choose.
Extinction for ALL humanity or accountability for Ralph Baric - the swimming effer out of UNC-Chapel Hill - a place go down in history as where all humanity perished I reckon if there be no accountability for Baric.....seems a simply choice.
I've chosen.
Now U choose.
Um - I like to announce and I ain't gonna "pin" this - I don't know how long it will last - but I have come upon the video I griped about being removed in the article above and here it is:
I can't find the link to it - but at the very end of this article - just now - If I can do it - I will share this publicly shared video - so others can see what really have a significant effect upon me....please let me try to share this. It will be at the very end of the article I'm about to edit.
(This is "pinned" temporarily....) - this is an edit.
Here are the current members of the committee and their associates:
Here they are typed out on this day - November 24, 2024:
ASTURIAS, Edwin Jose, MD
Professor of Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases Epidemiology
University of Colorado School of Medicine and Colorado School of Public Health
Jules Amer Chair in Community Pediatrics
Aurora, CO
Term: 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2028
BREWER, Noel T., PhD
Gillings Distinguished Professor in Public Health
Department of Health Behavior
Gillings School of Global Public Health
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Term: 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2028
Chief Medical Officer
Watts HealthCare Corporation
Los Angeles, CA
Past President, National Medical Association
Term: 7/26/2021 – 6/30/2025
Director, Mount Auburn Travel Medicine Center
Division of Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine, Mount Auburn Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Term: 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2028
Professor of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine
Professor of Epidemiology, University of Washington
School of Public Health
Attending Physician, Harborview Medical Center
Seattle, WA
Term: 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2028
Associate Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Medical Science (Clinical)
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Associate Program Director
Brown Combined Residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
Providence, RI
Term: 9/28/2021 – 6/30/2025
Vice President for Medical Affairs
Dean, Carver College of Medicine
University of Iowa
Term: 3/4/2024 – 6/30/2027
Attending Physician, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College
New York, NY
Term: 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2028
Professor and Travelers Chair in Geriatrics and Gerontology
UConn Center on Aging
Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (OAIC)
UConn Health
Farmington, CT
Term: 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2028
Owner, Cayuga Family Medicine
Ithaca, New York
Term: 7/26/2021 – 6/30/2025
MALDONADO, Yvonne (Bonnie), MD
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Diversity
Taube Endowed Professor of Global Health and Infectious Diseases
Professor of Pediatrics and of Epidemiology and Population Health
Interim Chair, Department of Medicine
Stanford University School of Medicine
Medical Director, Infection Prevention and Control and Attending Physician
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford
Department of Pediatrics
Palo Alto, CA
Term: 3/4/2024 – 6/30/2027
MOSER, Charlotte A., MS
Co-Director, Vaccine Education Center
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Term: 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2028
Chief, Immunization Branch
California Department of Public Health
Richmond, CA
Term: 3/6/2024 – 6/30/2027
SHAW, Albert C., MD, PhD, FIDSA
Professor of Medicine
Section of Infectious Diseases
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut
Term: 3/4/2024 – 6/30/2027
Here is a little info about one of the members from my alma mater - oh go figure....gracious me....a jab lover no doubt....paid well I'm sure - for delivering jabs...
here is is office:
325 Rosenau Hall
CB #7440
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
ps I walked those halls and Rosenau is puking as I type this - puking in his grave wondering - why the hell they name the hall after me - I disavow that place - they need some justice severe.
Edit: Ironic it is - he was a Jew - but that don't take stock in my mind....not all Jews are zionist - and not all zionist are Jews - duh....
Edit #2: Although - sons of bitches - reading it more closely - now I see the close ties twixt jabs and UNC-Chapel Hill - School of Public Health - my alma mater - the place I got my Master's Degree - as linked in the article above - and truly - these believers in "Germ Theory" - I think they have gone down a lonely path that is a dead end - they don't understand "terrain" - those of us in Camp Béchamp - well....we do - those of us still alive and breathing - those of us refused the jab as I did - and had I known all this shit about my alma mater - I might of thought twice about getting a degree at the "School of Public Health" (my ass...) - but despite my GRE scores very impressive if I might say - I got rejected by the Department of Ecology and UNC-Chapel Hill - that was my first choice - oh well - history has a way of unfolding I reckon....and the more I find out - the more I disavow that place in my mind.
What a shame - what ignominy it is - sellers of souls for silver - pushers of harm - having the audacity to claim "public health" - my ass on that.....
the chiefs barely escaped Carolina this time - they are not a good team - and neither is the School of Public Health at UNC Chapel Hill - and this is KNOWN. That place needs to be investigated - Ralph Baric is a cancer upon my alma mater - but guess it could have been predicted - by the mindset of the name of the fella the halls we walked in is named after - oh woe is me.....
They are harm pushers I'm sad to type - but that is sort of the conclusion hard not to reach - when one is a student of facts, understands statistics, and actually cares about commonweal.
Tis a good thing to be ambidextrous - I am mainly "left-handed" but forced to learn the right-handed way as well I was - and now I'm ambidextrous - that means I use both sides of my brain.
That's the reality of it - I can think with both sides of my brain.
I got an open mind - and Liberty and Virtue are two principles resolute - and resolution is in the wind!
So get this - Bronny James now plays for the Lakers - his Daddy's team - and Damar Hamlin has gotten a few interceptions, but let me suggest the following:
1. With respect to Bronny James - I hope he does well - but seems evident - sort of like the Supertramp song - Bloody Well Right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4ys6YSfJDA
2. When it comes to Hamlin - he could of been so much better - and really another safety would be better for the Buffalo Bills I think - and that fella - he is at risk of dying any given day on the field - so why do these pushers of harm try to put it in our faces - and I hope the Bills get a better safety - no offense Damar - but I've watched your play - you ain't the same anymore. Tis obvious.
In the minds of the Wolfpack - Nothing is forgotten and Nobody is forgotten.
The Wolfpack is a team - the live together and die together
but can't deny being the Wolves remain amongst us
well - so does the Wolfpack.
duh....the Wolfpack is