The above image is of the wolf metaphorical and how it looked to me, Cricket & Jimmy T
If you want to know more you can read the first short story about Pee-Wees and a Wolf
This is going to be a story told about folks got moved around from Point A to B. In the end the Wolf whispered.
Edit - 81623 839 - I’ve decided this story was in need of some “housecleaning” and so I have deleted some content that was here previously but no longer needed for the sake of the story
~~~~~~ below is a knot - I’m going to keep practicing ~~~~~~~~~~~
And now on to the story….
Here is a copy of the email sent:
Truly if these folks don’t realize how much some of us love our children then they have another thing coming - the evidence is overwhelming and they are advised to disavow the votes made under duress - either that or we will hunt you down and I ain’t kidding around. When I set my mind to something I’m like a ferocious Jack Russel who will attack a Doberman Pinscher or German Shepard or a Pit Bull for eff sake - FEARLESS!
It was sometime in 1979 when I missed my friends so much tears came to my eyes. I was a sensitive kid. I remember crying on my bed missing them so much. I didn’t understand.
Well, I’ve come to learn, the heart of a child can be broken, but it can heal. Healing is amazing in the human body and the human mind - and that I think is what the wolf may not have understood about me, but who am I to question the “Whisper of the Wolf”.
So I came into the trailer - I came into the math class and I thought I knew something, but I was about to learn otherwise. I thought family and friends would always be around close by - I lived in a community where we kept an eye on each other….and then, my family moved. We moved away - foolishly us kids were excited about it because we thought “life” was nothing but an adventure fun. Well - I reckon it was time to learn some lessons because kids can’t stay pee-wees forever.
I came into the class and I’m pretty sure I ended up sitting near Linda, but not like the other class when we sat next to each other on purpose. In this class, the teacher - I would say she was probably around 30 or maybe a few years more old at the time and her hair was reddish and her demeaner serious and she wasn’t all that fond of yankees on her exterior but inside she loved math the most of all and that is why she was the great teacher she was and I can prove it.
Still - every now and then she would smile a bit and share with us that she had emotions and I noticed and it made me like her even more. She looked upon the class of hapless pathetic pre-teenagers clueless with all their hormones raging and such and realized after a day or two - oh my Lord… is it all these mathematicians are in my class - oh Lord did you “bless me” with this she must of wondered - but Ms. Joyner knew her geometry and I reckon in that class - imagine the chances of this - were some of the best mathematical minds in the country. We were just a bunch of kids but somehow we ended up together in Ms. Joyner’s class and she was the best teacher I ever had. I can say this truly - I love her.
I love her even more I must admit after I seen the message she left in fellow yankees’ yearbook saved - I treasure that image recently seen so thanks Gretchen (ha, ha). You see it turns out a bunch of us Yankees had moved down south mainly from the Buffalo and Rochester areas and then some of us pretty good at math ended up in Ms. Joyner’s class together and she made the best of the opportunity when these smart juvenile yankee and southern kids confluenced into her geometry class and bless her for that.
I won’t deny I was a foolish kid on the campus….I was a fish out of water. I was out of my comfort zone.
You may not believe this kind reader, but after Junior High, I went to High School, I suffered through Calculus lessons in 11th and 12th grades at the hands of Ms. Puitt (god rest her soul I reckon she was most determined to teach kids math), and then I went to college and got a degree in Chemical Engineering at NC State (Magna Cum Laude because nobody is perfect especially when it comes to medieval history and overthinking things). After a few interviews I settled upon Allied-Signal in Baton Rouge, LA or maybe they settled upon me - there were others more “corporate material” than I was no denying, but when it comes to chemical engineering I was top notch. It was a great place to work in Baton Rouge, the Red Stick it is, and I send out a “Boo-ray” call to all my LA friends.
This is what you call a little random interjection in the story, but I was just reading the “boo-ray” link above (you have to “cut and paste it”, and the way the game is described there is not really the way “we” play it, but boo-ray nonetheless is a good game and I appreciated the sense of humor at that site talking about that game I learned in Louisiana - so, out of respect for that, I post this link for consideration:
After I worked there less then a year they figured - why not send Ken to be a production supervisor and I willingly obliged. After a bunch of donuts, long hours working, time at the horse track and the titty bars unfulfilled, after all efforts were made to maximize production of the chemicals soon to be banned - they are known as R-11 and R-12….let me tell you - there were some long nights at the plant trying to push things so hard to maximize production. I know this now - had we gone slow and steady we would have made so much more and the accidents would not have happened - but that ain’t how it happened, and if you want to know more, get a hold of me - much of it is in the public record - but some of it ain’t. Bottom line is I learned a lot after a graduated from NC State and travelled to Louisiana and California…I preferred Louisiana to be honest but damn it got hot there and I mainly just wanted to go home after efforts were made to maximize production unwisely I now know in hindsight.
The purpose of this story has not much to do with what has been typed prior and above. But what has been typed prior and above speaks to the author of this story and the author is me. My name is Ken. Ken Hausle. I graduated from NC State after ranking #6 in my graduating class at East Meck High, or to be proper I should say - I came in a tie for the 6th place. Went to NC State - land of the Wolfpack red indeed and then worked a few years and then through a series of unfortunate mishaps and fortunate happenstance I ended at UNC-Chapel Thrill as I like to refer to it and there is where I learned enough to get a Master’s Degree from the School of Public Health.
Here is a link to Master’s Thesis if you think I’m full of it. My advisor was Deborah Amaral I think and she was a good advisor for me and it is too bad we didn’t have time to get to know each other better, but I helped her out at the time and she helped me and her along with Rich Kamens I think his name is were fine folk to talk with and discuss ideas. Doug Crawford-Brown was also a good advisor, but sometimes he was a bit too smart for his own good you want my opinion….(ha, ha)… it is a link to my thesis that really is mainly about uncertainty:
my thesis - A Decision Framework to Assist Local Communities in Managing Troublesome Solid Waste
Edit: August 9, 2023 9:41 pm EST or as I like to say it: 8923 2141 - as the author of the above master’s thesis here are the two most important snippets I think just now - seriously - here they are from the authors fingers direct:
So - enough for the intro - in this story there is going to be a wolf delicate in one’s mind’s eye - delicate and fearsome - so fearsome. Said wolf is known to be kind in heart and is going to reveal one by one the 21 who voted to give a harmful jab to innocence but six months old. One by one the 21 who voted this way will be exposed for the killers they must be - the deceitful, lying, hateful, selfish, foolish, unwise, incompetent, spoiled rotten brats they are. One by one.
I’m not kidding around.
Whisper of the Wolf
~~~~~~~whisper of the wolf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~whisper of the woods…whisper this and that~~~~~~~
whisper a whisper the wolf howls in the wind!
Here is a link to the committee - be aware not all member are the same as the ones made the fateful vote 21-0 to basically give an experimental medicine they say to your babies six months old:
So, now for the sake of convenience, I’ll list the committee members presently one by one even though I know already they may not be the same members as voted that fateful vote - but most of them are - and it is known.
First - for the sake of reference - another link:
OK, here we go:
Grace M. Lee, MD, MPH
BELL, Beth P., MD, MPH
POEHLING, Katherine A., MD, MPH
really - I could go on and I will. I’m going to one by one work my way through the 21 voted to jab the kids. Seriously - I’m not kidding around and being I got my Master’s Degree in Public Health and I been around the block a time or two, let me tell you I know how to interpret data. And apparently all you on the committee must of had your heads stuck up each others conflict of interest assholes and so you decided group-think wise to vote 21-0. What an ignominious bunch you are - pompous bought and sold killers the evidence suggests. So - one at a time I will call you out.
Certain member of the committee received an email they ignored - in fact they all received it and the email was from the wolf - many emailed them suggesting kindly they reconsider what they are about to do but they ignored it all and voted away their souls.
Tis 8223 1045 pm presently and now I’ll share a copy of the email I sent and I’m not kidding around if you think I am you may not realize just how much some of us love our children - here is the email I sent: the email is above and now you are about to realize how much some of us love our children. So if you click on the link above one of the first recipients is a Ms. Janet Woodcock. Lets look her up shall we?
Janet Woodcock -
I wonder if Janet knows just how much some of us love our children.
You got to wonder about some of these ladies who want to poison the children - you got to wonder - do they have their heads on straight? I think not - I think they are contaminated harmful hateful in a way - they want the babies to die.
I’m going to point out each and every one who voted 21-0 to give the jab to the babies and I want each and every one of them to face punishment for the hateful crime they committed. I’m not kidding around.
Silver is element #47 on the table. Let me share a bit about it I’m reading on the “The Elements Calendar” to my left I just flipped for the month of August in the year of 2023:
THE MAIN PROBLEM WITH SILVER IS that it tarnishes which would seem like an immediate disqualification for a metal of kings. But despite its shortcomings, silver is an element associated since antiquity with glory and riches.
Well now ain’t that the truth. In fact, the description goes on to say of all the elements silver is the BEST conductor and the MOST reflective. No wonder the best mirrors have silver in them and silver is critical for many purposes.
I mean wasn’t it 30 silver coins that convinced Judas to turn on Jesus?
I reckon mammon is the root of all evil in a way and don’t they say - follow the money?
Well, I can’t deny I’m most fond of silver and that is why it appeals to me, but there is NO WAY in hell I’d ever let a silver coin (or a gold one for that matter) convince me to vote to give “the jab of death” to little kids. That speaks to the power of mammon and I suspect is also why the vote was unanimous. Whether they realize it not, those who voted 21-0 were under the spell of mammon. Join the club of those under the spell of mammon I reckon and who am I to tell anybody how to live their lives, but the thing is if you harm the children there are consequences and not all the silver or gold in the world will save your soul that you sold to mammon.
Does silver matter to the wolfpack?
Does a bluebird crave coin?
I think the answer to both questions is a resounding NO - but when it comes to humans, some have gone so far as to justify the craving for mammon to be righteous Frankly that speaks to why so many humans seems to have lost touch with what matters - but not all humans. Some of us have principles.
Apparently those on the committee think they are above reproach, but I intent on showing the conflict of interest that impacted their vote and their pocketbooks, and I intend on proving they chose with indifference to harm the children and the punishment for that is severe - it is the loss of your soul.
Chapter 2a - The Pool Party
A party was arranged and there was a swimming pool at a residence and folks travelled various distances to come together as a family and celebrate being together with loved ones. There was only one little kid there and hopefully in the future there will be more cause how you supposed teach a kid about “chicken fighting” in a swimming pool if there is no fair competition kid versus kid (at least one on each team)?
Hey - you know what chicken fighting in the swimming pool is don’t you? OK, each chicken fighting team includes one person mostly in the water and another person on that person’s shoulders with waving arms free and hopefully strong calves for wrapping and holding tight while both hands remain free to challenge and rebuke the opposing team(s)! Then in the water - if it is a one team against another only chicken fight, then both the top and bottom members of each pair try to separate the other team’s players and drop them in the water or some such while they remain standing together and then they can declare themselves if the bodies of the opposing team become physically separated…..the victors of the chicken fight!
Bottom line is all I can say is there were 4 generations of us there and it was wonderful being with loved ones - we have been together for a LONG time. There was no chicken fighting this time, but there was good banter and lots of love and some sadness as well of course. Such is life.
Something is happening - can you feel it?
Lets put the chips on the table - shall we? Then let the rain fall I reckon….
wolfs are howling….everywhere
Chapter 2b - The Members From North Carolina
Being North Carolina is a big place for me - somewhere important and somewhere I respect - somewhere and I’m not kidding I been all over this state - all over every little itty bit of it. I reckon, I’ll focus my attention on folks close to home on the committee who voted to jab the kids - cause it just makes sense to focus on matters close to home first and then if what you think resonates, then let it go where it will.
So I think I posted a name above earlier, somebody out of Wake Forest if memory serves and I fully intend on circling back the way I tend to do when I have a goal in mind - somebody I want to communicate with directly or send a message resolutely. So, Ms. Katherine P. it was not coincidence you name showed up when it did and so when it comes time for Chapter 2c I suspect you will be the focus of my attention in this story and I will share public information about you - don’t fret I ain’t going to post your address or any such foolishness - oh no….tis worse than that baby - I’m going to show how you sold your soul for the sake of ego and to the detriment of babies but six months old….and if you think I’m kidding around let me for the sake of fair disclosure inform you that I am well studied and I have many contacts and when I get through showing all the evidence regarding you… could be you may wish you had never set foot in North Carolina - just saying. I’m not kidding around and some of us love our children.
You are on notice. You and a bunch of other folks in NC are on notice.
(a list will be presented here later when ALL those who voted 21-0 on this particular vote are identified definitively and then I will list all of their names below as well as provide a verifiable link to the source of information)
Chapter 2c - Wake Forest University
So, when I was in college at NC State in my junior year I had a girlfriend who was a student at Salem College - - in Winston-Salem, NC if you can imagine that. I wonder who “Winston” was, but I know about Salem - oh I know more than you would believe I suspect, but I know.
Anyhow, when I was visiting her one time my vehicle got a flat tire and in the act of replacing the tire I was not keeping my mind focused on the task at hand and the car slipped off the jack and fell to the ground as it passed through my hand…..luckily for us….me and my girlfriend at the time, a nurse was nearby and when she saw my finger dangling she said - let me take you to the hospital NOW.
It was “Baptist Hospital” I recall and I believe that place is affiliated with Wake Forest University. So, we got there, and yes my finger was bloody and limp, but the slice actually went from the upper middle part of my hand towards the base of my middle finger and sure enough: a tendon had been severed complete. But - it wasn’t no freaking life threatening emergency thank goodness. We sat there waiting for treatment a few hours I seem to recall.
Well, I suppose if something bad happens and you got to go to the hospital, then consider yourself blessed if you get to be “Exhibit #1” on hand surgery to repair a severed tendon delicate in the hand going to the middle finger. The only thing that hurt was the local anesthesia into the armpit and then the best part is I got to listen to everything they were saying as they performed surgery to repair the tendon with students attent-full as the master surgeon conducted surgery delicate. I won’t tell was said - some of it to a patient was a tad disconcerting, but after about 40 years since this shit happened - my tendon still works well and that I must respectfully say is impressive.
So no doubt, back then in the 80’s they must of had a hell of hand surgeon teaching students at the Medical School at presumably Wake Forest University which I recall is affiliated with the Babtist hospital. I wonder what went wrong after that?
Now let me introduce the first person on my email above I intend on sharing some public information.
Her name is: …………(you should already know)………………
Chapter 2d - From the Mouth of the CDC
CDC Recommends COVID-19 Vaccines for Young Children
Media Statement
For Immediate Release: Saturday, June 18, 2022
Contact: Media Relations
(404) 639-3286Today, CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, M.D., M.P.H., endorsed the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) recommendation that all children 6 months through 5 years of age should receive a COVID-19 vaccine. This expands eligibility for vaccination to nearly 20 million additional children and means that all Americans ages 6 months and older are now eligible for vaccination.
Parents and caregivers can now get their children 6 months through 5 years of age vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines to better protect them from COVID-19. All children, including children who have already had COVID-19, should get vaccinated.
COVID-19 vaccines have undergone—and will continue to undergo—the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history. Parents and caregivers can play an active role in monitoring the safety of these vaccines by signing their children up for v-safe – personalized and confidential health check-ins via text messages and web surveys where they can easily share with CDC how a child feels after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
Distribution of pediatric vaccinations for these younger children has started across the country, and will be available at thousands of pediatric practices, pharmacies, Federally Qualified Health Centers, local health departments, clinics, and other locations this week. Children in this younger age group can be vaccinated with whichever vaccine is available (either Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech). Parents can reach out to their doctor, nurse, local pharmacy, or health department, or visit to see where vaccines for children are available.
The following is attributable to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky:
“Together, with science leading the charge, we have taken another important step forward in our nation’s fight against COVID-19. We know millions of parents and caregivers are eager to get their young children vaccinated, and with today’s decision, they can. I encourage parents and caregivers with questions to talk to their doctor, nurse, or local pharmacist to learn more about the benefits of vaccinations and the importance of protecting their children by getting them vaccinated.”
So consider this chart below:
OK, let me ask you this - where in that chart does exposure to harmful experimental jabs show up? I mean think about it - think about it seriously….who the hell could of figured there might be entities who literally voted to approve and chose of their own volition to inject an experimental bit of complexity some have referred to as a “bioweapon” into the bodies of little babies but six months old? Sons of bitches - who woulda thunk that?
Frankly it makes the above chart meaningless because the above chart is sort of based on the assumption that “we” won’t be choosing to harm each other - what a naive fool I must of been when I made the chart above.
Here is another thing to contemplate - edited today:
Now truly what made those who voted 21-0 think they could inject something evidently harmful into babies but six months old? Some of us have studied the data, we have been speaking our mind now for many moons and truly justice must be served.
Some of us study hard and some of us have principle. Some of us have minds of our own and we know the travesty we reside within and we ain’t going to just sit around and take it - there must be justified retribution. We know and I know I’m not alone.
I can hear the howling of the wolfpack…..I can sense it. I feel it. The pack is on the hunt.
You might think you can “take out” one member of the pack, but the pack will remain nonetheless.
Chapter 3a - U may not know this
You may not know this but there are some pretty smart folks wondering about 5G and the benefits of it or lack thereof. Some of the folks thinking about it - consider this - why would anyone “think” about technology anew…..well, some of them are wondering whether it really is a good thing or not. Consider me in their camp.
Just as I know must go on record formally and post publicly the camp I reside within (and by the way, in the game that is the next map I will get the top score if I want to): Tis camp Béchamp. Anthony knew his shit and Pasteur was a germy asshole and terrain theory is where it is at and we are just now starting to realize - this may be something we need to come to terms with. Do you think I’m kidding around? Do you trust the medical establishment?
Here is more info regarding Béchamp:
Take it with a grain of salt and Chuckie our World History teacher at East Meck used to say as he stroked your forearm gently - Chuckie had a temper but he was the real deal and a fine teacher if there ever was one. God rest your soul Chuckie - know this: you are loved and you made a difference.
Now you know what camp I reside within - what you gonna do about it?
Chapter 3b - U may not want to read this
You would be amazed or maybe you wouldn’t at all the information I have come across over the last few years. I have links recorded, pages printed, thumb-drives with files, I have evidence aplenty and I know my shit. If you think I don’t, put me to the test, but know this - if you do I will respond forcefully. Cause in the month of gusto ideas that matter will be discussed and do you want to know what I think at bottom?
Let the best ideas prevail!
If you agree with that, then you would not believe the possible beautiful future I can imagine when folks local work together for the betterment of all - it is possible and don’t let anybody suggest otherwise to you - in fact, my advice is to just turn off your smart device and try to sense the wind.
It is a war of sort - a “5G” war - but some play fair and some don’t - but the beauty is those of us who “play fair” are in the majority and we can assert our will and if you want my opinion we will - cause there is no way to stifle a good idea - can’t be done.
So - those who voted 21-0 I will say one last time - you are on notice.
Tis a war of minds and I play to win. I hope you do as well assuming you are a friend or a kind reader - if you ain’t, then be aware - you don’t know now do ya?
I really feel the wolves howling and it is reaching a crescendo!
Chapter 3c - Why 5G seems to be concerning
A few posts from the places I subscribe to:
and now a few links:
Some more music I feel compelled to link to….
There is another link I hope to share, but the problem is the video that used to be there, and it was truly historical in nature and seemed unbiased to my eye, is no longer available and for a long time that has rubbed me the wrong way…..but guess what - there are other sources and I will present it eventually here at this story about the Whisper of the Wolf.
CHAPTER 4 - Typos
Typos that need to be corrected will be - I already know there are a bunch of typos here, but notwithstanding that let me share an image regarding safety:
I’m pretty sure the tip of this finger is no longer there and that most like it was preventable - the accident that caused that tip to be harmed….but thing is….boys will be boys I reckon, and here is a link to where that image was “captured” and now shared here freely.
Typos happen but those who voted 21-0 chose to vote as such on their own accord, and therefore, they are responsible for the consequences that are a direct outcome of their vote “seal of approval”. If it can be shown there was nefarious intent behind the experimental jabs, then the ones who votes as such are complicit in the nefarious scheme.
Chapter 4a - A quiet day
The wolf came out of it reverie and rolled around a bit and wondered….what is going on - even the wolf did not know….but the wolf knew this:
The Pack Always Prevails
as far and as long as there is in wolf memory the pack always remained, and therefore fair to conclude: “the pack always prevails” in the mind of a wolf.
Chapter 4b - A wolf unexpected
So this is metaphorical. I was walking in the forest the other day and I heard something off to the left… being it was a peaceful walk and what I heard didn’t seem to have any animosity to it, and I had nothing better to do, I decided why not - “lets” check out what I think I heard….I thought in my own head.
I’m not sure how to describe the sound, it was like a broken twig maybe or a movement to a better location….whatever…..I followed the sound of it and looked around. After a few minutes I concluded nothing to be seen here and then as I turned to go in the other direction something caught my eye, and then I saw the wolf again and the wolf saw me.
CHAPTER 5 - Walking the Halls in the School of Public Health
So, when I got to the school of Public Health at UNC-Ch, after the department of Ecology apparently rejected my application for entry (even though my scores on the GRE were off the charts in my humble opinion) because I had insufficient background study in biology (even though I had followed the “biochemical” track in the school of Chemical Engineering at NC State), when I first got there I remember walking the halls in the building - there was a good feeling there and though the prior months had been hectic, and I didn’t get “accepted” to the first place I applied, they did accept me into the School of Public Health.
I got an award hanging here in my office - it says the following: (oh forget it….maybe I’ll post a picture of the plaque later - I already have it is here):
Basically it was an award given for “Outstanding Academic and Professional Potential in Environmental Sciences”….and this award was conferred to me in year of 1991. The award was shared with another - and she was somebody I didn’t know - she was another member of the School of Public Health - Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering I reckon. I wasn’t expecting that “award”, I didn’t ask for it, and I recall there was no ceremony when it was received - they just gave it to me after I basically had already finished there because I went back to work before I graduated official and in 1991 I had other more important matters on my mind.
Anyhow, 1991 is the year I got married to the love of my life and little did I know then what I know now about whom I roamed the halls with in those long ago years of youthful fancy I reckon. One of the fellas there was named Baric - and let me just say - that fella is part of this story and if I knew what I know now then…..I would have done the deed…….ah to be an “innocent” grad student think the sky is the limit.
I know now who else roamed those halls, and the time for justice is approaching and those who have committed these acts MUST be held to account - the scales are in the balance - Lady Libra suffers no fools.
~~Lady Libra is one fine lady and I give her respect~~
and now for the readers consideration - consider this:
and another for the “fun” of it:
Sad world we live in the wolf expressed in his eyes and I responded likewise.
Chapter 5a - The Baric Connection
Here is a publicly available resume I came across regarding Ralph S. Baric:
When it comes to the “contracts and grants” (Section VII above) - there are 43 of them listed over several pages and I got a feeling that doesn’t even include many of them nor the details of how he may have finanicially benefited from his “research” - nothing wrong with that mind ya, but it is informative with respect to choices made and action taken.
Fact of the matter is both Baric and I went to both NC State and UNC-Ch. I’m sure he and I encountered each other in the hallways - at least at Chapel Hill no doubt and most likely we encountered each other at NC State as well. Tis a small world I reckon, but this fella has his fingers mixed up in many things and I don’t think the activity in the long run he has been spearheading is in the interest nor to the benefit of my alma maters - institutions of “higher learning” supposedly - or are they just institutions for accepting grant money from “big harma” - you figure it out, but seems as such to me.
If you want the full resume, just get a hold of me - I have it as well as so much evidence regarding activity this Baric fellas has been involved in - it is known and if there has been nefarious activity, which I suspect is the case (I’m saddened to “report” here what many already have concluded fairly), then there must be justice or else it could be the end of many institutions and organizations and other entities many folks treasure. Think about it - if an entity is harmful overall, there are consequences and sometimes if the harm is considerable, the consequences must be equivalent or stronger for the sake of creating future disincentive for the nefarious activity. Reality is I suspect we will soon enough be witnessing the outright dismissal and elimination of numerous entities that have chosen to harm innocence large scale.
August is the month of Gusto!
Chapter 5b - Other Connections that Matter
And now, I’m going to post some links to places that might be worth “checking out” - no harm in that - just sharing info:
Inside the hell of East Palestine: Unanswered questions, frustration and the lingering threat of toxic chemicals - The Messenger - there are probably few folks in the country as capable as I would be in assessing the event that occurred in Palestine, but the thing is if I’m on the “root cause” analysis team, then I put it on the table in an effort to get to the bottom of it - I play fair.
Safety monitoring for the “experimental jabs” was MOST deficient and I put forth this was intentional.
This was a pretty important court case in the early days of the US of A. Here is a tidbit:
In the landmark Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland, Chief Justice John Marshall handed down one of his most important decisions regarding the expansion of Federal power. This case involved the power of Congress to charter a bank, which sparked the even broader issue of the division of powers between state and the Federal Government.
Honest to goodness, there are some of us “out here” who have studied hard, who know our shit, and we have principles, and we can’t abide what is going on - we will not tolerate it.
Justice must be served.
Large-scale harm upon innocence demands justified retribution - does it not?
Just saying….I’m not kidding around.
and the indigo bunting chirps away knowing - better times are on the horizon
CHAPTER 6 - This Gives me Pause….
earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions (,274.75,421
It shows upper elevation winds around the “South” pole and let me tell you the winds are circling fearsomely - it has been this way for many a day - I’ve been studying the data and the link above if you click on it is “chock” full of good data no doubt.
Just like the evidence is overwhelming - there are electrical forces in play here you must know and know this - we know as well - we know already - we know.
Chapter 6a - Auditing Technique
OK, I will share with the kind readers here an “auditing” technique those of us practiced in the arts of “ESHA” utilized when we went to audit a site - it is as simple as this….pick out some “random” examples of this or that and then put those examples to the test from an auditing standpoint. So, you must know I’m not trying to be mean, but when I came to a site to perform an audit, I took the job seriously and I enjoyed the interaction and what not, but I had a job to do and my job was to assess compliance from an ESHA perspective. I took my job serious and am a hard worker.
So, here are the two random “contracts and grants” that have been selected by virtue of being close together I reckon for further evaluation and assessment with respect to the matter of the audit - ok - here they are:
78. Baric, RS and Sims AC. 2005. Development of mouse hepatitis virus and SARS-CoV infectious cDNA constructs. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 287:229-252. PMID: 15609514
79. Baric, RS and Sims, AC. 2005. Humanized mice develop coronavirus respiratory disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102(23):8073-4. PMCID: PMC1149438
Turns out #’s 78 and 79 were selected for further assessment - when I was on an audit and gauged the way the person responding to the question face-to-face behaved…..well it informed both my assessment and my determination.
Here, for the fun of it I will do a cut and past on #78 and a search upon it and post the results below for the readers edification:
Ummm….I just clicked that link and read it - this part gives me “pause”.
The availability of coronavirus infectious cDNAs heralds a new era in coronavirus genetics and genomic applications, especially within the replicase proteins whose functions in replication and pathogenesis are virtually unknown.
Whenever the terms “virtual” and “unknown” are in sequence essentially - that is what I would like to call out as a “RED FLAG” of concern from the discerning auditor.
Additionally - for the sake of reference:
And now the results for #79:
Easy access for the link above
I’ve just discovered the version I have of the link above is not exactly the same….I’d like to post the file, but not sure that is allowed here and so I’ll hold tight but I think some screws are starting to tighten and the pressure is beginning to increase as the pressing commences in earnest upon those who intentionally have chose to harm innocence large-scale - uhh really. This is why I say to them - disavow the vote you made and for those behind it all -
We will hunt you down
I sure hope my wallet shows up soon, but if don’t, I don’t care really. I know what matters and really if I knew then what I know now I would have done the deed because I am a man of principle and I was then and I am moreso now.
I was not a mean auditor, but if you had something to hide, then you probably didn’t want to see me coming through the door.
(the howls commenced….
you sense the
wolf whispering in the wind?)
CHAPTER 7 - Exposed
I share this image freely - it exposes me but it also reveals that I’m not kidding around.
(image deleted - let me see if I can find another….
how you like them coin?)
So you have a fiat window fine looking out on the river real with a tree I’ve been very close by, you have the element for the month of August - it is silver in 2023 - #47… got some Cuervo, a Logitech speaker control device and a red towel over the table below which the PC resides after the previous one had some inadvertent liquid fall into it thus shorting out the motherboard. But I found a replacement motherboard and I changed things out and that pc now resides at our getaway place - the one under the red towel is based on lessons learned - it has a fine soundcard in it.
If you want to get into details you could look at the edge of the windowsill where the river tree is presented. The things on that ledge are close to my heart, but ask a question and I’ll answer if it is fair enough….if you see that bit of purple there - that fine stone - it came from my grandpa via his granddaughter who is my cousin and she gave it to me when we were young and she holds a special place in my heart to this day. The “chips” there - they were part of the poker game and they might be again assuming we play across the table. If so, count me in.
Since I’ve gotten so “personal” here, here is another view out the window:
I had to check myself, but that little piece up to the right of the……(ha, ha - I call that the K-chip….ha, ha….ha..) is just some wax it seems…..I call the chip the K-chip for evident reasons, but there is a story behind it amongst my poker playing pals!
Chapter 7a - In the Governor’s Mansion
You know in the video below, I’ve said this elsewhere, but there is a ghost in that mansion - he was the first governor there and apparently perished a few months after moving in…history in NC just like VA for that matter runs deep.
Music at The Mansion: Mandolin Orange - YouTube
Chapter 7b - Intentional Confusion
Today is August 26, 2023 (82623). Take a look at the image below from a site that I appreciate, but still take a look.
The “Title” presented and the image above are from “Weather Underground” - part of the Weather Channel I believe which is “owned” or part of IBM I think. I feel like this image presents confounding info. If this is the “state” of journalism, it is most disconcerting because the image is NOT for the storm named Franklin! Rather, it is for a potential storm currently characterized as “Disturbance #1”.
Here an image from the NHC gives a fuller picture:
I would like to suggest that media entitles lately do this sort of confusing crap all the time and I can prove they have misled the public on purpose and it was planned on this and many other topics. Lately it has not only gone “over the top” it is nefarious and it must be stopped.
OK, the snippet below is from an article where the “conclusions reached” I consider most suspect and “convenient” - I mean you have seen the data on athletes and heart conditions and the incidence of such - have you not? I can tell you - it has nothing to do with the climate and perhaps I should present that data in more detail in Chapter 8, because you can rest assured I have it and it is irrefutable. So, out of respect for #3 from the Buffalo Bills - please consider this:
I’m just gonna say I doubt this - I know congenital heart issues do occur, but I suspect given what has transpired over the last few years, this damage was caused by the covid jabs - just like so many - so many, many, many other - millions have been injured and numbers of both injured and excess deaths seem to only be growing during this time of so many disheartening realities folks have a hard time coming to terms with.
(Lets, consider this a hypothetical “courtroom confrontation” in questioning)
Let me ask you this simple question you who voted unanimously 21-0. Bronny James was a high-school prospect destined for college ball and how many high-school prospects of this nature are there in any given year? (rhetorical) My guess is the number is way less than 100,000 (based on data). So now, let me ask you this - how many prospects have suffered recently from heart ailments? (I’d sure like to know about this but I kind of already have the info). Moreover, let me ask this direct to the those who voted 21-0 as well as direct to Baric out of UNC-Ch: Were you aware of the potential heart damage these experimental jabs may cause? If you say yes, please explain the basis of your vote. If you say no, please explain why the hell you are making this vote in the first place. If you plead the 5th, assuming anybody gives heed to that document, then that is most interesting and suggests you already knew and for that you will be held to account.
Well let me just tell you folks - time to grow up and stop being puppets.
I send out a howl to my wolf friends out there - Go Wolfpack!
CHAPTER 8 - Overwhelming Evidence
I had a feeling this day was going to come. I had no idea exactly how it was going to unfold or when specifically, but I had a feeling this day was going to come and I suppose for me it happened on that day I still remember and I’m getting emotional typing this - but it happened when I witnessed on live TV #3 from the Buffalo Bills, the safety mind ya, falling on the field the way he did and my heart jumped out when I saw it and I knew what I witnessed on live TV.
Regardless, it is important for one to keep one’s wits about at all times and now I know perhaps the most important purpose of this story besides revealing the conflicts of interest we all already ought be aware of, is to expose the reality of the harm that has been caused as evidenced by heart damage to many younger folks that statistically speaking are not only “out of the norm” - they are off the charts. And so tis time for young students to wake up from their daydreams of easy living and realize there is some harmful intent directed upon many by a few and the few are wrong and we know and I am going to prove this.
So, as a starting point - consider this link below:
Another athlete drops dead: Cyclist Rab Wardell dies two days after winning Scottish title -- Society's Child --
(the above is from
(all you got to do it cut and paste the text above to get to the link proper and the comment specific shown above - and you wouldn’t believe the evidence or do you already know as I do? - if so, stop sitting on your ass and do something for eff sake).
I have data on the incidence of athletes dropping dead and for your info - something is amiss and the folks who voted 21-0 should have known better but now - tis WAR I reckon!
(To be Continued)
You must not realize - I will NEVER forget:
I’m not kidding around and respectfully as part of living through this event again I would like to comment on the image above of the big game twixt the Bills vs Bengals that happened when #3 fell on the field - I’m going to post this with respect:
I was watching the game intently and I saw #3 fall abruptly.
My heart was broken the moment I witnessed the way he fell - I’d seen this already - it was in the record and he fell as if suddenly there was no blood and no energy in his body - he fell abruptly - I’d seen it already and now all of us saw it on live TV
When I seen it, I said to my wife in sadness - honey - I think I just saw somebody die on the field of play. I said to her - honey I care not a whit anymore about the game nor the NFL.
My faith, my hope, my childhood dreams of being a Buffalo Bills fan till the day I died, died the day I saw #3 fall on the field - and since then my heart just dies more a bit one day at a time. It is as if my home town has been stripped of its dignity.
No wonder the co-owner of the Buffalo Bills suffered from heart ailments herself - and to think they tried to keep it all silent.
Must be hard for Josh Allen to keep his California-Wyoming head about hisself with all this ridiculousness going on and we all know Kansas City is a team “blessed” unfair, but at the end of the day I have faith in the spirit of the folks from Buffalo.
Tough folks grew up there and really - don’t mess with the bison.
Before I say anything more I want to put out a thanks to #64 kneeling on the field in recognition of the seriousness of the moment, the coaches of the Bills who all were on the field in the moment, the players of the Bills who knew some difficult choices needed to be made. I want the Bills team to know that all of you - all the players and the coaches - you are champions in my mind. Your dignity and love for team members must be what made the difference and the season mattered no more is what I think and frankly hard not to wonder whether any season matter now, but maybe the game will get back to its former glory? Heaven’s to Betsy I don’t know, but I still love the Buffalo Bills. You can take the NFL out of me, but you can never take ownership of my love for the Buffalo Bills and I have my wedding shoes as proof of that and truly if you mess with Buffalo you might not realize - we got connections and we know how to get over hurdles, tough times, and high snow piles - the kids from Buffalo are tough no doubt - you want to argue with me on that?
I’ll never forget that play and I saw the way Damar fell on the field….come on folks - tis time to face the reality of the situation - now or never I reckon
I’ll tell you this - a bit of respect deserve respect in return and so I share this:
Number 64 player kneeling on the field - a true NFL player inwit
Karras is a third-generation NFL player. His grandfather, Ted Karras Sr., and great uncles, Lou Karras and Alex Karras, played in the NFL during the 1950s and 1960s, and his father Ted Karras Jr. played during the 1987 season. He is also the seventh family member over three generations to play football in the Big Ten.[13] Ted attended the same school, Saint Matthew Catholic School in Indianapolis, IN, (K-8) as Nick Martin of the Houston Texans, Zack Martin of the Dallas Cowboys, and Cap Boso of the Chicago Bears.[14] His grandfather, his father, and Karras himself have all won NFL championships with the Bears, Redskins, and Patriots, respectively.[9] Karras is a self-proclaimed fan of and trivia expert on ‘The Office’ TV series.
And now because I can, I’ll post some articles containing further evidence of the harm these experimental jabs cause - and really if you can’t figure this out by now you must be a puppet to the system and if you are my advice would be this - take a walk in the forest barefoot and get a clue about what really matters:
With that stated, I sure hope there are not any known lies in this article below:
Sudden Death in Athletes - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (
If there are, there is going to be hell to pay just like the folks in Hawaii no doubt are wondering - who has their back?
The initial diagnostic assessment of any athlete undergoing screening for cardiac diseases and/or an athlete undergoing assessment for syncope is an ECG. The ECG will provide information on the rate and rhythm of the heart and can indicate structural abnormalities. Assessment of the ECG should include the following:
Shortened PR interval and/or accessory pathways
Long QTc interval (greater than 480 ms)
Short QTc interval (less than 340 ms)
Brugada type 1 pattern
Premature ventricular contractions (greater than 1)
Doublets or triplets
Mobitz type II atrioventricular block
Complete left bundle branch block (LBBB)
T wave inversion (unless in V1-V3 and also under age 16)
QRS greater than 140ms
Epsilon wave
Other significant findings that can present on an ECG include pathological Q waves, significant ST-segment changes, and third-degree atrioventricular blocks.[19]
Got a simple question to ask - has anybody queried at to whether these covid jabs might be correlated with heart troubles amongst the young? If not, why not? If not, who are you protecting? If not, is it not your job to investigate these sort of things - or could it be you are beholden to the effing military industrial complex and all the money big harma pays for advertisements? Might that be why you don’t give a shit about all the increased incidence in heart ailments amongst the young and the most obvious explanation as to the cause of that? If so, know this - you are called out.
Seriously - tis a war I reckon and some of us care about the children.
A ferocious wolf howl went out into the wind and whether it was heard or not matter not - the howl was made - the pack is not to be denied
OK, cause I can and I will let me share this link here:
How common is cardiac arrest in young athletes like Bronny James? (
Now within the link the following is expressed:
How common is cardiac arrest in young athletes?
Cardiac arrest is extremely rare and occurs in 1 out of 100,000 athletes, said Clark.
But “it still happens enough that we worry about it,” said Congeni.
There are 25 to 75 cases a year and that’s only of the reported cases in high schools, college and professional sports, so there could be more, he said.
OK, taking that at face value, the odds of this event occurring is 1 out of 100,000 and I ask a simple question - have the cases of this sort of thing been on the uprise? If so, why is this not being called out. Evidence I’ve seen suggest heart ailments are increasing and this evidence is more than just anecdotal. So seriously you gubment agencies - are you around to protect public health or are all you doing is being the pusher man for big harma? That is a fair effing question and the heads in the CDC and the FDA really ought to have been rolling about 12 months ago, but better late then never? I’m sorry for that NC chick just took the job at the CDC I think cause she ought to have known better and now honey - you are on the hot seat.
Glad I’m not there, but I have nothing but disdain for the medical establishment and ought be no wonder why nobody will trust them ever again - neither that establishment nor the gubment mind ya - this shit runs deep and some of us are so fedup we will take it to the end game.
We play to win.
Now the wolf whispers:
I believe the above article covers the time period from 1980-2006, so it could serve as a good baseline (“benchmark”). Simple question I have is what is the data present day on this and if the incidence of “sudden death” is on the rise amongst young athletes in particular, then what most likely is the cause dear reader?
Truly - the evidence….it is overwhelming - surrender to the evidence or die knowing you supported those who chose with ill will to give jabs experimental to babies just six months old - the choice is yours, but once you make it, then live with it or die with it I reckon.
And now for old times sake - a poem from the past republished….just in case:
My will must be yelled the pompous who
Wield the strings for we are the elite few
They did as told and chuckled with spittle
Oh how stupid are the small and little
What a marvelous lot we are on top
Superior we are; we can’t be stopped
Pass the wine; the wine of blood
We’ll do as we please for the rest are but mud
Out in the field toiling away
A lonely voice cried out – there shall be a new day
A knowing wind blew coming from the east
It spoke of the pompous who as nothing but a beast
The lonely voice was picked up by the wind
And carried aloft across lands and ocean
Others chimed in and soon there was song
Music of harmony no longer lonesome
The numbers grew exponentially
The strings were cut discriminately
Flapping in the wind the strings wound together
The chuckles were hushed by the foul weather
Ropes had been formed in mysterious solution
The time had come for justified retribution
The few felt fear…it was all they knew
The ropes pulled them in; a solution so true.
The story is not finished.
CHAPTER 9 - It Has a Name
The name is Idalia. I’m going to look that up, but here is the image presently:
Looks like the prediction presently is a hurricane will be coming ashore near Tampa Bay or maybe Orlando. Funny that.
The name Idalia is girl's name of Italian origin meaning "behold the sun". A pretty, if unusual choice for a summer baby, particularly a girl with an ancestor named Ida. An epithet of the goddess Aphrodite, Idalia is derived from the Greek place name Idalion.
Chapter 9a - Elitist in a Corner
This is what I think about elitist in a corner of their own making:
I think big changes are on the way and I didn’t even need the Wolf to whisper that, but the Wolf did and I already knew and the Wolf realized and I did as well.
Here is an update on Idalia - she is thinking that while over the warm waters of the Gulf she ought get a bit stronger and deliver an uppercut blow to Florida.
You see the “M” in the image above - that means winds have reached at least 115 mph.
The thing I find sort of interesting is it seems to me she is doing a dance with “Franklin”, who frankly is even stronger and will be packing some strong wind up into the North Atlantic long after Idalia has delivered the uppercut I reckon from the standpoint of hurricanes forming and whatnot.
Chapter 9b - Pathetic Models
Now, because I have little patience for pathetic models, I have seen the “spaghetti” pathways for Idalia, and truly these pathways have changed considerably over the last 24 hours and here is an example:
I’m telling you it just goes to show how poor the models are and truly they don’t know and possibly they are only trying to scare folks cause I don’t know about you, but I don’t trust no gubment website nor do I trust the Medical Establishment a bit of a whit of a slit of titty effing slice of nothing bs it is.
Regardless - the pathways are the “higher-calculus” projections and if you see how much they have changed in the last 24 hours makes one wonder - is calculus trustworthy? Usually the answer is yes, but like everything else, calculus is flawed at the edges.
As for the gubment it lately seems to be flawed not only at the edges, but basically through and through. That is why I think - big changes are on the way.
As for the storm, if I was a betting man, I’d say it isn’t going to be as bad as it is projected to be and it might actually deliver some rain needed….but that is just my thought at the present moment.
The moment presently where I reside can be characterized as follows:
82823 1345 and a fifteen seconds…give or take
Chapter 9c - Proof
I can prove this image is not accurate - some data is missing - I mean - where the hell is “Franklin”?
Regardless, let me ask you - does Idalia (or the makings of her) look well organized to you? She doesn’t to me - I think she is not going to amount to much, but I suppose it depends on surface water conditions, humidity in the ambient air surrounding, wind flows in the upper atmosphere and a whole bunch of other parameters, but so far I find Idalia unconvincing - she seems like nothing more than Disturbance #1 trying to make trouble….who knows…maybe she will amount to something - I don’t think so, but she might - it will be interesting to see how much they try to push the “fear” on this storm.
As for Franklin - one can’t help but wonder - are they hiding radar data? Are they hiding other data - I reckon the answer to that is effing known. The answer is YES. And when it comes to “consumer law”, Pfizer, Moderna and all of the effing “big harma” are on notice - fraud is fraud and you are not protected against harm caused (despite all the contractual arrangements made - with the military complex) from consumer law harm statutes because that law is based upon Common Law longstanding and Common Law has been around a lot longer than you Pfizer and all you other big harma companies. Truly - you are worthless. Literally - you have no value and there will be consequences for all the harm caused because some of us will not abide those who choose willfully to harm children.
Real time rain storm below:
and now the update:
This update does not give me solace.
I don’t mind getting into the thick of it…I like to get mixed into some good things. Check this out!
Now you see what I mean about the difference twixt Idalia and Franklin? But seriously, imagine you were on a ship heading to Jamestown and thought the seas had been nice and pleasant and little did you know what you were fixing to face?
CHAPTER 10 - August is the Month of Gusto!
August did not disappoint and sure enough it has been full of gusto. The Wolf looked over the scenery and “whispered to itself”……perhaps it is time for some repose.
The Wolf laid down amongst the pack and took a nap. The wolf had dreams about August 2024….perhaps then, the Wolf will come back and this story can be bought a conclusion. The Wolf slept well.
~~~83123 1052~~~~
This story now needs to stew a bit……
too much gusto is not sustainable in the long run….
Tis time to contemplate the best way to work together as a pack……
the wolf floated away in the mind of the reader, but the wolf will be back I suspect.
Chapter 10a - This Storm Continues to Confound
I suspect there may be some “rich men north of Richmond” who be advised to keep an eye on this storm named “Lee” - after Robert tis it named one might ponder….
Seems fitting in a way on effing 9/11 22 years after the event of it….(we know by the way), that a storm named Lee is heading towards Maine I reckon… can’t help but ponder if Bernie got the votes he ought to have been “granted” as to whether or not we would be in the present day situation after the horrendous crime of nine-effing-eleven, but seriously some scientists and engineers have assessed the data and the evidence is over-effing-whelming.
This story ain’t over. It is only getting going and those who cast some choices made pompously with elitist ambitions without regard to the harm caused to every day folk have got another thing coming and it is called:
Chapter 10b - My Girl
So, the image below is of my girl - you got a problem with my girl?
Tonight, on nine effing eleven twenty two years later….the Bills and the Jets will face each other on Monday Night Football - no TM on that.
The above images shows my dog Evie and what she thinks about tonight’s game - rumor I heard at the last moment is they pulled Damar from the game….makes one ponder does it not.
Either way - Go Bills, but either way, I don’t really care anymore cause I saw what happened when #3 fell on the field in that game against the bengals….
Chapter 10c - A Rabbit-Hole Clue that Matters….
Merit matters.
Now that thread may be over, but the puzzle will be solved and for that matter - we already know.
We know.
Merit matters.
Chapter 10d - Cause I Can
And now let me present “The Wall” free of ads.
P̲ink Flo̲yd - T̲h̲e̲ W̲a̲l̲l̲ (Full Album)1979 - YouTube
We know - get it while you can.
As I prepare myself for tonight’s show, this is the song that is on my mind:
Sheryl Crow, Johnny Cash - Redemption Day - YouTube
We know. We have known for a long time and we are fedup.
CHAPTER 11 - Hurricanes!
Hey - do any of you all remember Hurricane Rita?
Consider the current hurricane of the day in that regard - here is the latest:
Something else I noticed….that other hurricane in the Atlantic - “Margot” I think the name is….that storm is pushing energy that is basically likely to keep Lee in the Bay he seems to be heading into on his way to Maine and the border nearby.
You heard it hear - just remember - top winds alone does not speak to the force of any given storm. Size must be taken into consideration as well and they admit at the site - their wind models are deficient.
Chapter 11a - Correction
Its not a “Bay” after all - tis the Gulf of Maine - whoulda thunk it?
Here is another thing, look at the maps above and look on a map app for yourself, but if a storm goes right up into the Gulf of Maine and then through the middle of Bay of Fundy, I can’t help but wonder if the models don’t get the wave heights correct on this as well given the size of the storm named Lee that is already outside the bounds of their wind models….
Seriously - where will the water being pushed in with force circular spiraling around go if the storm comes right up the middle of the gulf and the bay thereafter to the border of Maine and Canada direct?
It could happen.
Place your bets, but if you think you are going to harm our children without a response from those of us who care and who know, then be aware - some certain things aren’t worth betting upon.
…..and now tis time to go for awhile I reckon….
Chapter 11b - The Latest
Well, I’ve been gone a bit, but here is the “latest” - a static image at surface level of the winds:
What you see above is “Lee” (bottom left) and “Margot” (upper right)…..I put forth the way Margot is behaving is sort of influencing Lee’s pathway and Lee seems to be heading straight for the Gulf of Maine, which until yesterday, I can’t say I’ve ever heard much about that water body.
Who knows if “Lee” will have significant impact, but I wouldn’t bet against Lee and I advise the folk in the Gulf of Maine area to steer clear of the coast for the sake of safe keeping and prudence cause this storm could be deadly.
~~~~~ a little edit I can’t resist ~~~~~
OK - Imagine you wanted to break the record for the quickest one-man naturally powered boat journey from Fajã Grande (it is that little itty bitty island northeast of Margot) to New York City? You see the way those storms are aligned? If you timed things just correct (especially in the “middle”) you could ride the wind from Point A to Point B in record time I reckon - so there is that if nothing else.
Chapter 11c - Because I Can
Because I can I reckon I will being I already mentioned the rare opportunity for a quick one-person boat trip from Fajã Grande to New York City. The site that image came from is the same as another image posted above and I believe I provided a link showing the winds at “high elevation” over the South Pole - now let me just ask you this - if these winds are natural phenomena do you not sense all the “free” electrical energy in those winds? I mean they could power the whole planet and then energy would essentially be “free” in a way and if that was the case, I wonder what would happen next?
Seriously - motion around the center-point of an axis is basically what electricity is all about - rotational movement is used to generate a charge of electrons which then can be directed for various purposes - regardless - there is energy in those winds over the South Pole and I don’t think it is properly understood and this is a shame because we ought know.
Chapter 11d - Tis a Small World
Check out this image below and it will inform you that one of the readers here who is soon about to make a transitional move that I respect is more than likely facing some potential winds coming from the west in the place he used to reside - that is assuming he hasn’t already gotten the hell ought of that place that I reckon must be toast. Anyhow -
Seems it must be windy in:
Isle of Barra
But that ain’t unusual now is it? Winds are a blowing for sure!
Chapter 11e - A Few Final Thoughts
You examine the data and make your own conclusions - some of us already have and the evidence is overwhelming - we know.
We know what to do.
I call for Justified Retribution.
Chapter 12 is on the way no doubt - let me leave you with this though before that chapter starts I reckon:
Really - I mean truly….I mean with full deliberation and principle: We Know.
Not kidding around.
CHAPTER 12 - There are 5 States I have in Mind
There are five states I have in mind - I have had them in my mind for awhile. One of the states is Tennessee and here is an example of the music from that place:
I’ve already provided music from North Carolina above - in the Gubner’s mansion and so one ought deduce North Carolina is another state I have in mind. Of course our getaway place is Virginia, so you can’t leave Virginia out can ya - and really is West Virginia not part of Virginia….plus of course you have Louisville and the state of Kentucky.
Now let me just say - those a five fine states in my book!
Chapter 12a - One Storm Ends and Another Begins
This article snippet below speaks for itself - seriously, there are debts accumulating and Lady Libra balances the scales and she suffer no fools and gleefully takes pleasure in killing those entities who enter the cave of wealth and death uninvited.
The folks in Libya deserve better - they had better, but he was assassinated - one of many and one thing leads to another. Ghaddafi had the interest of the folks in Libya at heart best I can deduce and so I reckon in the minds of some being he had the audacity to challenge the “almighty” exceptional US $ - he had to be eliminated….well all I can say as at the end of the day - you will reap what you sow.
These floods are a warning and a travesty needless - heed the warning is my advice and may the souls lost there rest in peace knowing they are not forgotten - same for the children left behind in the fires in Lahaina.
Some of us are aware and we know.
Some of us love our children and we play to win.
Chapter 12b - The Mistake
Right or wrong you got the gun you got some sway on the conversation, but when you got the gun wrong you make mistakes - here is the first mistake from a video I have posted above:
This is when he holstered his gun and after that it became uncertain and that was uncertainty chosen when the gun was holstered for the sake of mammon I reckon, or maybe it simply became 1 versus the 2 others if you prefer - a triangle of sorts - either way, once the gun was flippantly holstered, the odds changed. So - that was a mistake, but we all make em - we all make mistakes and he just wanted the treasure I reckon…
Some of us pay attention and we know and we have learned some hard lessons and we figure - well if we learned em, why can’t others.
Chapter 12c - Irresistible to Me
I can’t resist this…
We know!
Chapter 12d - Past History
This story about a Wolf Whispering is fixing to circle back around.
A week has passed - one game over another played.
I play to win.
CHAPTER 13 - A Song about Time
But through eternal night……
This is a test:
Chapter 13a - The Ring of Fire
Chapter 13b - Well Hells Bells
One thing leads to another I reckon - ask the dancing queen if you want to know some say, but I wonder what is the dance about the queen desires?
The “test” is over - I guess that was a blip in time when I got the message twice that this story could not be updated.
Not kidding around.
Just another chick full of harm
baby killer she is…
Chapter 13c - Owner of a Lonely Heart
CHAPTER 14 - The Moment
There always is a moment when everything changes on a dime.
Chapter 14a - Lets Get Down to Business Shall We?
Here is an interesting graphic:
Here is a link where the graphic was clipped as a snippet:
From the mouth of the beast so to speak
Here is something I typed in a comment to another fine poster on SubStack - this is what I typed:
I appreciate what you express. Maybe I could find it on my own, but I would like to know each and every facility that produced any of the vials by any of the various manufacturers. I would like to see the Standard Operating Procedures that were put in place to make this product "on the fly" and whether safety measures that are required for good quality control were implemented properly or simply disregarded.
I suspect we both know the answer to that but I would like to do a deep dive on that topic and a few facilities randomly chosen for further auditing of the manufacturing practices they had in place when they made these vials of lets call it what it is: poison.
I would like to interview individual operators on the production line to understand the specific actions taken and where ALL ingredients were added in the process - and when and how they did it. In doing this I would assess their level of skill individually with respect to production of the "product" and also learn what the operators were aware of and whether they were just "following instructions". I suspect all of this is already on video cameras recorded and archived and truly I want to know if there were some cases where "ingredients" were added such that there was NOT uniformity in the vials produced above and beyond lack of uniformity, which as you say is "to be expected" given how hastily everything was and has been and continues to be.....
Stepping aside from it all it is nothing but freaking flux over the top rushed and all evidence suggest it has all been done on purpose, but evidence direct from the manufacturing facilities is likely irrefutable in this regard and could be of value prooving what is already evident.
Now, with all of that typed - do I think it is going to happen?
Do I think so many don't already know?
No to the first and yes to the second and so those that already know but are fearful and ashamed to admit they were deceived and have been used and are wrong in their views and their inability to see the evident ELEPHANT in the room with respect to the harm caused by these jabs deliberate - they are complicit in this nefarious crime against humanity.
With Respect,
It was typed at this aritcle:
Game On!
Chapter 14b - Within This Box
Within this box is ingredients for some porter fine that intend on brewing.
The box was placed by the delivery person on my front porch where I installed some tile-work. Do you like the patterns of it? It was hard work but most fulfilling when I covered the bricks falling apart on the stairs leading up to our front porch. You wouldn’t believe the symmetry it has in it per the mind of the crafter and cutter of tiles - it was a labor of love.
Chapter 14c - Within my Future
Within my future, this or something similar is going to be in my back porch area tiled as well with love when we brew some porter with the ingredients in the box above:
I play for keeps and the beer will be $7.50 per 16 ounce bottle and you get to keep the bottle with a self-capping device - that is a win-win I reckon.
You know everybody wants to get value out of their efforts and so I’m in the process of navigating through that territory - meanwhile I plan on getting some serious permaculture action going at my own getaway place I share with family together and having good equipment small-scale is critical in that regard towards efforts to self-sustainability.
Those who voted 21-0 to give this jab harmful - what is the value of your soul versus all the harm been caused to so many others - I ask you that sincerely and tell you this:
You ought be ashamed in all you ignominy of harm - it will not be abided.
Chapter 15 - PROOF
Now kind reader if you have made it down here to Chapter 15, let me tell you about contingencies in planning. Below is an image of some containers chock full of sustenance for anybody in need if things get out of hand and one is not able to travel from Point A to Point B, but I’ll tell you this….in time ALL things and I mean everything in the universe is in flux and so everything is always changing at all time and nothing stays static - that is the beauty of time, but time moves in one direction only and it is important to be prudent in regards to future possibilities - so here is where sustenance resides for at least a month or two amongst a family of four or more assuming water supplies are at hand:
Not only is there food for a family there there are trash bags industrial strength to take out the trash when it is no longer needed or useful or of value to anybody or anything and frankly during this time of “high flux” there is so much trash that needs to be thrown away. There is some trash that is soon to face justified retribution - mark it here if nowhere else.
I believe a moment is at hand where push is going to come to shove and if you are not prepared in advance you will be shoved off the planet literally…..but if you were expecting handouts none will be proffered, so learn to live on your own sustainably for eff sake and stop being victims.
More proof is on the way and you 21 who voted the way you did - disavow your vote or face the consequences - Lady Libra suffers no fools.
Chapter 15a - Coming in for the Kill
So they think they can trick the pack
Oh my Pfizer - is there conflict of interest
Your honor - please place all the names in the snippet below on notice for the potential harm they have advocated upon the children and your honor I put forth they have done this with malice.
Not kidding around.
Chapter 15b - We are Getting a Bit Deeper in the Hole
I notice what’s her name no longer seems to be on the committee – I wonder if that is worth checking up upon.
You must realize I will post the names of the 21 in order in due time and justice awaits those who sold their souls.
Soon - real soon I’m going to post the official list of those who were amongst the 21 who sold their souls to mammon I reckon - that is a devil’s bargain they are destined to lose and I reckon they already have lost their souls - so what is left for those who do not choose to disavow the vote they made for the sake of mammon I reckon. Not much but live’s of despair before they get caught by the pack.
Truly - you have sold your souls and you are complicit in this crime against humanity that is known and some of us stand strong on principle and we refute you and your ilk forever. It is war and those with PhD’s clueless are most likely going to fall first.
CHAPTER 16 - The Steps
This is my tile work and I worked hard on these steps.
Welcome to my home to any invited guest - if you are not invited, then bug off.
Chapter 16a - Committee Members
OK, more than likely these were the committee members who voted in April 2022 to approve the jabs to babies but six months old 21-0:
Members during the time period per an archived link
With that said for the sake of prudence I’m going to list them one by one below:
LEE, Grace M., MD, MPH
Associate Chief Medical Officer for Practice Innovation
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital
Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA
Term: 8/4/2021 – 6/30/2023
COHN, Amanda, MD
Senior Advisor for Vaccines
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA
Professor and Division Director
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City, KS
Term: 10/26/2018 – 6/30/2022
Immunization Program Clinical Consultant
Infectious Disease, Epidemiology, Prevention & Control Division
Minnesota Department of Health
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Term: 7/1/2019 – 6/30/2023
BELL, Beth P., MD, MPH
Clinical Professor
Department of Global Health, School of Public Health
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Term: 7/1/2019 – 6/30/2023
Immunization Program Clinical Consultant
Infectious Disease, Epidemiology, Prevention & Control Division
Minnesota Department of Health
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Term: 7/1/2019 – 6/30/2023
BELL, Beth P., MD, MPH
Clinical Professor
Department of Global Health, School of Public Health
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Term: 7/1/2019 – 6/30/2023
Professor of Medicine
Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD
Term: 12/23/2020 – 6/30/2024
DALEY, Matthew F., MD
Senior Investigator
Institute for Health Research
Kaiser Permanente Colorado
Aurora, CO
Term: 1/4/2021 – 6/30/2024
KOTTON, Camille Nelson, MD, FIDSA, FAST
Clinical Director, Transplant and Immunocompromised Host Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases Division, Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA
Term: 12/23/2020 – 6/30/2024
LONG, Sarah S., MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Drexel University College of Medicine
Section of Infectious Diseases
St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Term: 12/24/2020 – 6/30/2024
MCNALLY, Veronica V., JD
President and CEO
Franny Strong Foundation
West Bloomfield, Michigan
Term: 10/31/2018 – 6/30/2022
POEHLING, Katherine A., MD, MPH
Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology and Prevention
Director, Pediatric Population Health
Department of Pediatrics
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, NC
Term: 7/1/2019 – 6/30/2023
SÁNCHEZ, Pablo J., M.D.
Professor of Pediatrics
The Ohio State University – Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Divisions of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine and Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Director, Clinical & Translational Research (Neonatology)
Center for Perinatal Research
The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Columbus, Ohio
Term: 7/1/2019 – 6/30/2023
TALBOT, Helen Keipp, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Term: 10/29/2018 – 6/30/2022
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
HANCE, Mary Beth
Senior Policy Advisor
Division of Quality, Evaluations and Health Outcomes
Children and Adults Health Programs Group
Center for Medicaid, CHIP and Survey & Certification
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Baltimore, MD
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
FINK, Doran, MD, PhD
Deputy Director, Clinical, Division of Vaccines and Related Products Applications
Office of Vaccines Research and Review
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
Silver Spring, MD
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Chief Medical Officer
Division of Injury Compensation Programs
Rockville, MD
Indian Health Service (IHS)
Medical Epidemiologist
Portland Area Indian Health Service
Portland, OR
Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
KIM, David, MD, MA
Director, Division of Vaccines, OIDP
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, DC
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
BEIGEL, John, M.D.
Associate Director for Clinical Research
Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Bethesda, MD
Well now - does that add up to 21. I think it does but there are some other names mentioned and here they are:
There are more, but there are too many too list, but you get the point and the link has already been provided.
I have a simple question to ask - do you trust the medical establishment?
I don’t. Not a bit of a whit of a flick of a flint on a stick with a tick on it suffering from a flea biting its testicles and some fire close by…..I don’t trust the medical establishment one bit of a whit - basically nothing - no trust. None.
Chapter 16b - After all those Names
How about another visit from the girl from Ipenema.
You know if you got a PhD doesn’t make you any smarter don’t ya? I mean it probably means you are smart in one way but you could be really dumb in many others ways. So anybody says to anybody else - you must be dumb….remember this - some smart folks seem to be most stupid and have lost sense of their wit. They evidently are not inwit and that is inadvisable cause if you are in not inwyt you must be stupid…..that is what the Kentish think I reckon from the fella who preserved their language when he translated the French text on being inwyt.
Check this out: inwit is what the monks think
Here is a nice song that followed the one previous, so I’ll share it because guess what - I am inwit.
There is a lot of wisdom in these words and you want my humble catholic boy opinion? The time for peace is upon us.
I feel peace and I sense it in the wind. I can feel it. I feel it.
Disavow the vote you made for your own sake but there are those of us out here and we sense and we crave and we desire peace so all you who have sacrificed your souls to mammon know this - you have lost your humanity but we have not.
Epilogue - Maybe things are fixing to get better?
….this story is now told - I’ve said my piece and now tis time to move on to better times
the future is bright in my book…….
(Be on the lookout for the next story: Sally and the Navigator)
This story refuses to end and know this - the wolf always - the wolfpack always every time in wolf history - always gets its prey - tis the law of the jungle - tis irrefutable
Don’t doubt the wolf - the pack will circle around and consume you in the wolves mind - don’t doubt the wolfpack if you want to live.
In the end the Wolf Whispered
The end.
~ what is the part of a story - told after the story has been finished? -
Oh, I think it is the epilogue - so that commences here:
I’m going to dig deep in that conversation been recorded above - cause the Wolf Whispered in my Ear - and I listen.
and so now, let us continue in the epilogue:
Do you UNDERSTAND - you are under oath and you are here in front of this committee - do you understand the seriousness of the discourse here to be recorded?
No fucking excuses - you said you understand - you will be held to account.
How bout you elaborate on that “collaborative research”….
skipping along - this is utter bs…
You say 99% - can you back that up or was it just a figure of speech?
You say China - you got dealing with them labs in China?
Answer truthfully Baric - you mother effer.
This is the last part of the epilogue (for now) but ain’t it evident?
I mean - tis a piece of apple pie evident - the whole thing was a scam of harm upon innocence and so many still fall for it - makes a fella sick - makes me puke.
But the wolves are on the hunt - and the Wolfpack always gets its prey!
I’ve watched enough to know - I want to share this:
As I said I would……
Much thanks to a fine Gentleman at who said he would save this - when both he and I knew - it might not be easy to find….
The time is 112424 1727 and somehow this gives me solace posting this here - it gives me hope for a better future that beckons.
~~~~~ a little connecting edit I desire to share - tis 2025 - the wolf is patient ~~~~~
and this as well…
and now the Wolf & I bid U adu!
CHAPTER 17 - Tis story ain’t over yet
Courtesy a reader here I’m going to start sharing some serious info - cause you know when a Wolfpack on in the hunt, and when it has been “so long” since they have had a kill, then tis time to start doing some serious hunting and so “Thanks Geoff” - I post this first snippet here and there are more to follow:
Oh me oh my - the evidence is more than in - tis known beyond any doubt.
Here - another snippet - and truly the wolves will “smell you out”
There is more than where that came from - much more - the evidence is in and tis known - only thing left now is for Justified Retribution to be delivered - because without accountability there will be no justice - and that is what both I and the wolf whispered completely concur upon.
Hey - remember this:
Nobody is forgotten and Nothing is forgotten
I swear I had the typed above, so I decided to type it again. Remember this as well - a bit of time has transpired since this story "hit the web" - and now some of the links above no longer "go anywhere" - in a way is that not more evidence......
Really folks - tis now or never....make a choice.
My choice gets informed when certain things don't "function" as expected - that is info you know - and it will beheld against YOU - so I doubt the "notes sharing" button is gonna hasn't now for days, but I'm on record - and really - a fierce wind is coming.
Absolutely brilliant Ken, thank you so very much for sharing your unique experience of the power of Mammon and those that have sold their souls. Sadly many have fallen to the enticing power of riches in this world but fail to understand that this is all transient and their misdeeds will be judged in the final roll call.
I cannot deny the truth that Jesus expounds in the Gospels: "“Stop storing up for yourselves treasures on the earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." [Matthew 6: 19-21]