In the "Cone of Silence" spell I've cast upon myself I'll try to tell those what I support, but I won't post any comment unless tis on my own place within the Cone of Silence - if you want in on this then have at it, but know this - if you come with bad intent into the Cone of Silence chosen willingly, then death awaits you - so my advice - don't bring no bad intent unless you want to put it to the test - and if you do, then know this - I've already proven that I will kill, so don't test me again please....but if you must, then be ready for death.
I've decided - I got more important things to do than talk with stranger - I cast a Cone of Silence upon myself in regards to that - and if you think you can convince me one way or the other - know this....the Cone of Silence keeps sound in and it also prevents sound from entering - tis a spell I cast upon myself in good faith and with wisdom.....cause I know and I'm not kidding around.
See you and hopefully talk with you after the full eclipse, but my family means the world to me and I will gladly bleed to death or be no more - if it keeps them safe......and for my own sake - tis time for some silent reflection I reckon - time for repose - time to consider how small we are in the whole universe of it all - tis it not?
You decide for yourself - but this is my last post for awhile - but I will come back with Update #8 when the time is proper - I can say this - these sprouts - they have will to grow - they are loved.
I thought you meant this when you posted about 'The Cone of Silence'
Here's the youtube link for Puddles Pity Party version of Simon & Garfunkel's 'Sound Of Silence'
In the "Cone of Silence" spell I've cast upon myself I'll try to tell those what I support, but I won't post any comment unless tis on my own place within the Cone of Silence - if you want in on this then have at it, but know this - if you come with bad intent into the Cone of Silence chosen willingly, then death awaits you - so my advice - don't bring no bad intent unless you want to put it to the test - and if you do, then know this - I've already proven that I will kill, so don't test me again please....but if you must, then be ready for death.
I've decided - I got more important things to do than talk with stranger - I cast a Cone of Silence upon myself in regards to that - and if you think you can convince me one way or the other - know this....the Cone of Silence keeps sound in and it also prevents sound from entering - tis a spell I cast upon myself in good faith and with wisdom.....cause I know and I'm not kidding around.
See you and hopefully talk with you after the full eclipse, but my family means the world to me and I will gladly bleed to death or be no more - if it keeps them safe......and for my own sake - tis time for some silent reflection I reckon - time for repose - time to consider how small we are in the whole universe of it all - tis it not?
You decide for yourself - but this is my last post for awhile - but I will come back with Update #8 when the time is proper - I can say this - these sprouts - they have will to grow - they are loved.