I cast the Cone of Silence upon myself….
A trip back in time….
~~~~~~~ tis known ~~~~~~
caution is advised - tis time to delete some things and try to “get back into the cone zone” with the start of Spring……yesterday I “got out of it”…so let me cast it again….some spells can be broken, but best not to break a spell you cast upon your own self….so, let me cast it again and see if it “sticks” this time….
tis “back on” I hope…I’ve got little plants to tend to and there work to be done that is
not in front of any monitor….
31924 1010…
Tomorrow I say to thee wee lad - Tomorrow tis Saint Patty’s Day - ah - they love the moss in dear ole Erin - Ireland she be - an Island so fine….just like the Moss in my yard - fine, low maintenance, durable collective, and desirable no doubt. Here - let me prove it in the “Cone of Silence” cast successful.
Plus - hats off to the NC State Men’s Wolfpack team - you bought back some fine memories twixt the love of my life and I tonight - thankyou fellas - you all can hold your head high playing a 5th game in five days and prevailing to secure a bid to the March Madness Dance! I should add - the players on Chapel Thrill sure ain’t no “blue-collar” ones as the announcer dimwit said (he must not be from the Carolinas) and I got a long memory and Baric (Ralph Baric - I call you out!) ought be indicted by now and UNC-Chapel Hill is on notice and especially the School of Public Health - cause what has gone down is a CRIME and we know - the wolf whispered in my ear….
~~~~~~~ end of edit …31624 2218 - happy Saint Patrick’s day tomorrow ~~~~~~
~Not kidding around~
The Cone of Silence works both “in and out”…..(see below):
The sprouts are getting some time in the “sun” for hardening purposes - in the Cone of Silence….
(ha, ha - us “geeks” we enjoy a good game no doubt - and even in “silence” I can type!)
Just made a simple update here - to point out the words in “bold” but maybe should of used italics…maybe later, but when in the “Cone of Silence” - options are limited by design…..here is the link I’m referring to:
Soon there is going to be an eclipse total - I’m going to be in the totality of it…..
So besides the Cone of Silence I cast upon myself - the only thing I might do it post some images here - but consider this:
I remember the sound of silence as well:
I thought you meant this when you posted about 'The Cone of Silence' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWtPPWi6OMQ
Here's the youtube link for Puddles Pity Party version of Simon & Garfunkel's 'Sound Of Silence' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3RXf0E_Vuw
In the "Cone of Silence" spell I've cast upon myself I'll try to tell those what I support, but I won't post any comment unless tis on my own place within the Cone of Silence - if you want in on this then have at it, but know this - if you come with bad intent into the Cone of Silence chosen willingly, then death awaits you - so my advice - don't bring no bad intent unless you want to put it to the test - and if you do, then know this - I've already proven that I will kill, so don't test me again please....but if you must, then be ready for death.