You never know for sure - there is always uncertainty.

Can we please agree on that - cause I can prove it if need be - I already have.

However, there are some things such as the number of possibilities in this end of year puzzle that I know have a finite solution....a fixed whole number is the solution to this puzzle and I'm gonna get to it cause the methodology is established and tis just a matter of going through the mechanics to get to the final number of shapes can be made discrete 2-dimensionally with six (6) hexagon pieces connected.

Tis sort of a mystery what the possibilities are, but with four hexagons there are seven shapes discrete and with five hexagons there are twenty-three for heaven's sake. With six I'm thinking the number will be close to 100, and I'm hoping it will be prime, but it will be what it is and I'll get there - or somebody else will if I don't - one way or the other!

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You lost me - and I am busy getting setled in Simons Town good buddy and I missed today's post but it's up tomoorow - sorry about that! Moving overseas is a CPA nightmare but Plan 'B' came through 100% - ALL GOOD NOW!

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After all this time - I admit - I have not double-checked properly P&S - but now I'm circling back, and you know me - I'm a stubborn Swabian maniac who loves his family and all children of others - its just May is going to be busy planting things, but I circle around and do my best to correct mistakes.

This puzzle - I consider it harmless 2-D thinking about how hexagon shapes perfect connect - and it gives me pleasure to do my best finding solutions - but the thing truly special about this puzzle when I get the answer "on the dime" or not - I KNOW there is a fixed whole number solution.

Do you remember awhile back I put forth "your" Plan B and mine were somehow connected? Circling back here now really makes me think that is the case - and I think the probability of us meeting face-to-face is increasing - and if we do, I'll have some porter un-named here but made by hand - ready for you friend! Alternatively, I could get to your place - but man - I'm not sure I want to travel the oceans - I know this - I ain't flying in no damn planes!

I think though - the communication here at "SubStack" could really improve if one was allowed to put things in italics or bold text easy in the forum proper when making comments - it leads to better communication semantically. I suspect there are ways to do this already - but who has time for that? The forum ought be accommodating to those discussing fairly.

Best to you P&S - I'm still working on the solution - one step at a time.

It gives me solace knowing I have friends and family just as willful as I am.


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Ha Ha - you are right about Substack comments limitations Ken, - they should allow text italics and bold and image pics at least plus after-post edits.

I take your point about flying - it's iffy now with Boeing failing and pilots dropping dead at the wheel. But we will get together my friend in due course when the angels allow - in the meantime, I defer to my Creator's Will as to where and when I go. It's worked all my life which is why I have finally found my paradise!

Best as always


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Well - I hope to get to do likewise and live into my 9th decade - and continue to be somebody my wife looks at me as says:

"you are a crazy weirdo"

with her eyes - being you must know - my wife and I - we can talk without speaking.

We are bound together.

I put a lot of effort into this damn puzzle, but I've been too busy to "double-check" things, but I'm think tis time to circle back around and get the answer definitive. I can do it - anybody could and the younger folks out there - I think they sense the change in the wind - and to get a tad personnel about it - I think you daughter you mentioned she chose to stay in England - I don't think I would mess with her and when it comes to daughters - one thing I have learned is - they got a mind of their own.

I ain't ever gonna fly on a plane again - but I might ride a dirigible - why the hell not?

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Ha Ha - a dirigible? I think not Ken - they fall from the sky on a whim! But as regards her indoors, I agree with you - she is superior in all matters domestic, but lacks the foresight of the hunter, which I think you and I are just such. But I remain to be convinced otherwise by a feminist - LOL

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Hey, hey - hey. I got some dirigible ideas P&S - and know this - I am most studied in plastic!

(ha, ha)


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Specifically - how about cellulose acetate - what you think of that polymer some Swiss fellas studied in their garage in the late 1800's if memory serves. I worked at a plant they made that stuff - large-scale - I walked all over that place - I know it top to bottom.

(ha, ha...plastic man - it ought recycle!)


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I'd like to propose a forum where idea are shared and changes in format and programming are kept to an absolute minimum - and then said forum may have time to bloom and what is the rush for changing in flux I query fairly with attitude no doubt? What is the value in that a man getting older wonders.

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Moreover, I think text in bold or italics is easy - images - not sure they ought be in the comments - but bold or italic text - that is grammar school programming - so come on SubStack - get with the game!

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Hey - maybe SubStack and WordPress ought work together synergistically and make improvements based on lessons learned - and then tell the Musky one to just eff off - you know the only time new ideas happen is when those sound in principle form them.

If one is sound in principle, then know fiat currency is fleeting - and who needs those beholden to old ideas on the team?

Particularly on a local level, when the principles they present have been proven incorrect - so Tesla, the company of it - TSLA - was total fabrication - and so who needs or desires the "Musky" one - cause if he shows up - just shows the forum is subsumed.

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Well at sea we all get lost and all get lost at sea if at sea long enough!


Regardless- this puzzle is serious and I've only got a few weeks left to solve it once and for all - for my own sake mainly - I consider it harmless math fun!



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So in about 1 hour the Buffalo Bills are going to play the Dallas Cowboys - another game twixt these two teams who have history with one another - the cowboys got the better record and they just beat the shit out of the Eagles - but the Bill's - they got attitude aplenty.

I think it is going to be a game to remember - my odds are on the Bills.

Place your bets and all bets will be honored.

I bet my life on the Bills prevailing eventually!


* this puzzle is only getting started - I solved most of it already - but there is a game I'm going to watch - I'm cheering for the Bill's!


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So the table there in that image at our place here in Charlotte, NC.

My wife and I and a U-Haul truck drove our butts back and forth from Ocala and on the way back we had that table that my wife's grandma had - and a fine women she was - a fine women from Mississippi - oh how I love her in memory.

Anyhow - the table itself - the actual surface of it - rarely has it been exposed - almost never if memory serves - and like the wise man I am I defer to my wife when it comes to the table we got from her grandma.


I know when to defer.

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Welcome Home!

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I love that!

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