Phew Ken, you seem to be similar to my artist wife who sees things I would never notice. We each have our own world maps but which one is real? (Test question). Read Part 2 tomorrow.

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I always check out your article P&S - and I have plans on sending some seeds your way.....

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WOW most grateful Ken, good buddy; my garden is getting there: This might interest you: "Southern New Jersey Small Yard Garden Tour, Zone 7a"


I love the birdies in the background. We are encouraging them here too.



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It favors Mother Nature when one encourages the birdies P&S - so I do as well - and we have had Cardinals, Bluebirds, Carolina wrens, sparrows, snow birds and more - along with the squirrels of course feasting on the seeds we offer up in good faith - along with a water bath a clean diligently when I am around here in our place in Charlotte - and when I am not - well soon my daughter will be here and upon her I lay these duties and I hope she is up for the task.

Something is blowing in the wind P&S - or maybe tis just the day of Saint Valentine - lets look him up shall we: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Valentine

Saint Valentine (Italian: San Valentino; Latin: Valentinus) was a 3rd-century Roman saint, commemorated in Western Christianity on February 14 and in Eastern Orthodoxy on July 6. From the High Middle Ages, his feast day has been associated with a tradition of courtly love. He is also a patron saint of Terni, epilepsy and beekeepers.[2][3] Saint Valentine was a clergyman – either a priest or a bishop – in the Roman Empire who ministered to persecuted Christians.[4] He was martyred and his body buried on the Via Flaminia on February 14, which has been observed as the Feast of Saint Valentine (Saint Valentine's Day) since at least the eighth century.[5]

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I had forgotten the day Ken, so thanks for the info - now I know a little more.

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So the check above was sent to an entity I support - and support that entity I do - but the check never arrived apparently - either that or it wasn't deposited.

Well - tis not advisable to sit upon a check - and now the check will be rebuffed till my birthday in 2025 - wow - lesson learned for me.

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Not a one of the folks come to this place - and you know I got the metrics on the number of "looks" - not a one of you can fathom a guess?

Well - all I can say is "look closer" but if what you see does not appeal then I reckon you can't even fathom a guess?

That makes me sad but firms my resolve - to focus on matters at hand.

I thought the readers here - and I've been losing readers mainly - still the ones who stuck around - I swear I thought they knew better - but maybe that is not the case.

Just like a few years ago I was NOT allowed to visit the son of my niece - cause you see I refused the jab for good reason - I ain't no fool but I know so many been fooled - but really - if you can't learn from mistakes - then I guess you are loosing bloodflow to your brain - and truly that is not a good indicator of your future health - cause we need that bloodflow to learn - do we not?


So if you are afraid and full of fear I cast you off - I don't want you around - I'm sick and tired of fearful ones who can't think for themselves - and if you think this text is obstinate, then you obviously have no idea what I am about - and so truly - nobody even has a guess?


wow - sad times we live in these days - big changes are on the way - I'd rather die a man of principle who was unabashed and fearless than somebody afraid of being "canceled" - so there - seems fear has overcome so many - god help us all I reckon.

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