So, if you understand the basic rules of "Oh Hell" - here is a link on that:


you would know that you get 10 points for making your bid and 1 point per trick taken.

So what I find ironic as I look at the scoresheet is near the end of the game, two bids were changed, and my sister is a fair scorekeeper. One bid changed from a 4 to a 5 and the other changed from a 7 to a 6. Seems to be, if the bidders had stuck with their first intuition, they would have made their bid! Ha, ha......now you should better understand the scoring in "Oh Hell"....and truly, in my family, we play with 2 jokers and those jokers came into play on the last hand which I swear I remember it as if it was yesterday.....that is what it means to have your "mind" in the game!



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I'll tell a bit about the last hand. The way we play, when there are 4 players is we start out at 1 card each and then work our way up the 13 cards and we have 2 jokers in the deck. The jokers could be described as "nothing" cards....they are most valuable and when you lose a hand when you had a joker in it, you ought bow your head down in shame most of the time, but Oh Hell is tricky especially when all the players are practiced. So in the last hand, me and my sister both had jokers left as our last card...........ha, ha, ha.........She played hers first and then I played mine, and then my brother was stuck with the trick and didn't make his bid and I won the game!

That was fun!

I'll never forget it.


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(Talking/Responding to myself ......41823 1333 est)

OK, I just played a game of Oh Hell in that app I linked - that is a nice little program and per the rules of the app we worked our way down to 1 card and started climbing back up again (in my family we don't play it that way, but the game has many variations and I'll play however you want to as long as the play is "fair). Anyhow, I was ahead as we started climbing back up the ladder, but damn that "Mike" AI player was playing pretty good in this game and he was only 7 points behind me - In general I prefer to have victory sealed up before the final hand, but the game of Oh Hell does have elements random - you could be the best player in the world and still lose to AI if you get "unlucky" in hands dealt. I didnt' finish the game, but let me say I am impressed by the programming and truly that little app would be a great way to learn Oh Hell. I think I support it and the way it is setup seems to be just somebody who loves programming games to share with others. I appreciate that.

So, about two hours ago I was literally "in the chair" as the dentist was drilling into my one tooth been giving me trouble with an assistant who was not as compassionate as she ought to have been - I tried to cure it on my own, but seemed like it wasn't going to go away (the tooth pain), so while I've decided to truly avoid the doctor's office and prescriptions they offer, I think we need dentists and hopefully my tooth has been repaired. I can tell you this - it was most unpleasant, but we got through it even though my jaw muscles tire easily because most of the time I'm in my own mind and not talking too much, but if you want I could talk your head off.....that is why I am a good Oh Hell player and I'm pretty sure if I played this app in 100 games I would win over 90 of them. If somebody want to place a bet on that, then lets do - that would be fun! I mean come on admit it - games are more fun when bets are placed upon them - it gives them a sense of significance. It helps stay in focus and play the game as best you are capable. I'm not talking trash, just like somebody might say "I never lie", but I'm just saying I can talk your head off and I play a mean game of cards! I play to win.

So, just today, I decided to wash the pepper sprouts again - they have done pretty well the last few days but I saw indications that aphids were beginning to reemerge and last night it got down into the 40's so I had to take the plants inside. They are back outside now, and I washed them again thoroughly. I intend on planting some of these peppers in the ground and I anticipate I will be picking various peppers off the plants in a few months and I'll share pictures all along the way because - I like to share.


ps - do you think "lets" should be "lets" or should it be "let's"...I prefer the former.

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I have a yard that encourages Gold Finch to hang around, they eat ALL the aphids.

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I'll tell you this though - next season if the aphids show up I will kill them chemically.

But this year I grew some peppers that have now survived and I reckon they are aphid resistant - something tells me that might be of value - are you interested Rick or are you just a smart ass know it all?

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Hey Rick - my peppers have grown and my ambitions as well - are you going to call me stupid again?

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I remember when you mentioned about the birds eathin the aphids, but hells-bells I can't have too many birds flying around inside! We did have some birds in the house one time and oh the stories I could tell about that - I love birds and we have golden finches in the neighborhood and so many others, including chickadees, that as long as I can keep these peppers alive and get them in the ground outside, I'm pretty sure the aphid issue will come to conclusion in favor of the peppers!

Thanks Rick.


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I'm not dumb enough to grow peppers inside.

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Maybe Rick you ain't dumb enough to see the left from the right....you know your attitude is in need of a fixing!

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ha, ha....neither am I anymore I reckon except if I try to do it again there are lessons I've learned and what would be the harm in trying again.....but, I won't deny I considered what you said and chose not to make the low concentrate boric acid solution.....I agree with you that it is best to have birds and other critters eating the aphids.....and birds in particular in the garden are positive in general because you know their poop is high in phosphorus if memory serves and other helpful ingredients in moderation.

All I can say, is I would like to think I'm a bit less dumb now!

(Hells-Bells - I think it and I need no affirmation on that.....

Ha, ha.


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Thanks BK.

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Great to see you here Andy. This is perhaps the main place where I've posted ideas that I think you may be contemplating. I started this website in 2007.


I'll try to check out your place more thoroughly.

Warm Regards,


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G'day Ken! Pretty sure you lurk over at SOTT, where I used to before the SOTT editors went all censorship on me and banned my account. Nice to see you here.

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Hey JP - I posted on sott today.

I don't know many got banned from that place - I do remember one fella kept saying the same thing and nothing wrong with that, but then he got sort of adamant about it and hostile.

Why do you think you got banned and are you still?

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I got banned when SOTT editors posted a pro-Virus piece, and I used Laura's Cassiopean forum to show their belief in viruses was based solely on religiously-authoritative pronouncements of the alien thoughts inside Laura's head. Haven't returned to SOTT since, and in fact Substack remains my last connection with the wider infosphere. I no longer watch, listen or read ANY news, mainstream or alternative.

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Well you may have found one of the few folks on planet earth who understand what you speak of....so that is kind of mysterious is it not?

I think the whole belief in virus sort of entities runs very deep and some would be willing to harm so many others than admit virus are only figments of their imagination. That is what I think but I could be wrong.

With that said, for me sott.net has been a great place of learning and I didn't get banned from there, but nobody and no place is perfect I reckon, so I'm glad you have reached out to me here. I think on the story I've got going about pee-wees playing and seriously good coaches, that I have spoken to my my philosophy regarding censoring anything anybody says at my place. Hells-bells, I'm just trying to get some readers here and I won't censor anybody except as posted on that other link and explained there.

So, I thought I had more to say, and I swear I did, but I think I have forgotten what it was I was gonna type, but I'll type this - I'm a member of camp Béchamp - I'm an advocate of terrain theory and I don't spend my time worrying about virus uncertain - in my view whether a virus exists or not doesn't really matter, but in imagination I know the worst virus of all and it is - the virus of fear.

I called this out from the get-go and I play to win.

I'm just not sure I got a chance against these aphids cause they have really sucked the saps out of my baby pepper sprouts, but if that is the case, then lesson learned and either way I'm thinking I'm gonna have an abundance of cucumbers, zucchini, squash, and hopefully okra this season and for sure I can tell you that the heirloom tomatoes are rearing to go - I got the proof about 4 feet away from me - some tomatoes who want to get outside have already emerged and these plants are ready to go and so am I.


All I can say now is I know that was a hell of a long bit of typing on my end and I've decided I don't care about typos and I won't edit it - I'm glad your here and maybe together we can help each other out.


Best to you,


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Hi JP - you are correct. I have posted at SOTT often over the last few years although my intent going forward is to spend a little less time and energy there. I do appreciate many of the articles at SOTT as well as most of those who contribute & comment. Sorry to hear that your experience sounds more negative, but thanks for touching based here at "my" Substack place. I'll check yours out as well.



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