You know - I would seriously appreciate some feedback regarding this People's Proclamation text above, so please.....let me know what you think - I can take critique. I desire feedback - I've said as such in the text above - so really....what you think?
I have some "material" from the site referenced above when it was first published - it had a considerable amount of material there - a lot of discussion - mostly (and probably) superfluous - but I think I'm going to "dig" that material out and publish it again - here at this Substack place - and that is something I'm looking forward to doing - cause I say with no desire for praise - you wouldn't believe all the material I have in the archives.
I think the time has come to publish some of it - after some careful editing of course.
This is the other thing I vow to do in 2025 - God willing.
Sorry to all those got that via email and it was "doubled" - there were some odd "network difficulties" when I first tried to post this and that must be why it double-posted, but I have made an edit already.
I don't intend on editing this here, but I may add the original images that were from the original site - you wouldn't believe would not believe some of what was there....but it is distilled down to its essence above and I stand by it resolutely.
You know - I would seriously appreciate some feedback regarding this People's Proclamation text above, so please.....let me know what you think - I can take critique. I desire feedback - I've said as such in the text above - so really....what you think?
I have some "material" from the site referenced above when it was first published - it had a considerable amount of material there - a lot of discussion - mostly (and probably) superfluous - but I think I'm going to "dig" that material out and publish it again - here at this Substack place - and that is something I'm looking forward to doing - cause I say with no desire for praise - you wouldn't believe all the material I have in the archives.
I think the time has come to publish some of it - after some careful editing of course.
This is the other thing I vow to do in 2025 - God willing.
Let the best ideas prevail.
Just to make a cross-link of my own place, let me share this link:
There is a lot of flux in the air just now - resist it for the sake of a better future is my council.
Sorry to all those got that via email and it was "doubled" - there were some odd "network difficulties" when I first tried to post this and that must be why it double-posted, but I have made an edit already.
I don't intend on editing this here, but I may add the original images that were from the original site - you wouldn't believe would not believe some of what was there....but it is distilled down to its essence above and I stand by it resolutely.
I want Resolution.
In all humility,
Ken Hausle