After I received that message I tried to reply - but no go - I've been banned once again.

I don't mind getting banned - I've banned from so many places....

but the truth is uncomfortable - ain't it.

Live with it - or don't.

the choice is yours.

I've made mine.

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I’m curious to know what he banned you for?

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I reckon I said something offended him?

I mean anybody can be banned by anybody else - myself - I won't ban any poster at my place unless you present a direct threat upon another - I hardly did that - so maybe he is just a wussy?

ha, ha.

who cares - ban me - I've been banned so many times it rolls off me like water going down the falls.

Being your name is Laura Noncomplier - I suspect you have been treated likewise - I mean lets separate the wheat from the chaff I reckon - and if one is so delicate they "ban" somebody else from commentary - that is indicative - is it not?

So - what I don't care for is the hypocrisy of it.

Here is some good music in that regard:



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Hi Ken, Hopkins is a grade one 'A'Hole - like many of his ilke - their ass is too big for their pants. Because of their coverage they get hubris, big time. AND they can't stand any challenges as it rocks their ego. In my counselling work, I have met them on occasion. Best to ignore and not waste your valuable time - gardening is much more valuable..Ha Ha.

This what AI says, for what it's worth: " Assist - Bloggers may ban others for various reasons, including spammy behavior, harassment, or violating community guidelines. Additionally, personal disagreements or conflicts can also lead to a blogger deciding to block another user."

Onward and upward Ken.



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You probably know better - I decided a long time ago - I don't care "mingling" with ego-filled pompous assholes - but I will engage them in discourse, and sometimes this leads to all sorts of things.....such as this article (ha, ha). And what I said above when I just added an edit with more detailed info is (I paraphrase) - I find it ironic a dude named "Hopkins" banned my ass when it turns out the most famous Hopkins I know of is my direct kin - 13 times down the line.

I provide the proof above. My kin been in this place a long time.

Warm Regards,


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Ah yes Ken, Kin are salt of the earth and should be valued.

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