U no how it goes don’t ya?
Edit - 11625 - 1812 - the job is finished:
I reckon I be advised to seek out some “cold-weather” hens - I don’t mind if the eggs aren’t as frequent - just when you lay an egg - make it worthwhile please - madam hen.
Ps - Go Bills!
You wouldn’t believe how that “bunting” been blowing in the wind….
Go Bills!
~~~~ this ought be the final edit…. ~~~~~
Consider this “trippy” image…..
But seriously - read below about just how easy it is to get a chicken coop going!
So, I ordered a fairly simple small-scale “chicken coop” and delivery was much quicker then expected and the post office folks were getting annoyed with the packages, but while I was waiting for a package that required “my signature” that was delayed now mind ya - turned into a chicken coop got picked up late, but I got it today (11325).
EDIT - EDIT - EDIT - 11425 1641
Chicken coop is basically constructed - there are a few steps to go. Overall I’m pleased with quality (there was one piece - “Piece X” - a support bar that could have been better designed, but otherwise I think it is pretty decent quality given the price paid). The assembly instructions are in need of considerable improvement and there may be some really simple things they could change that would go a long way to avoiding confusion - I mean I’ve put a fair amount of this sort of “pre-fab” structures together, but I won’t deny I made several mistakes along the way……and I was trying to be careful - oh well. At least most of the mistakes I realized fairly soon and was able to make corrections without having to “re-do” too much…..and really, the reality of this sort of structure is after the “first-time” I can usually do it the next time more than twice as fast. This job called for “two installers”, but I was able to do it on my own. The manual said “30 minutes” when there are two - and that may be the case but hells-bells it took almost that long just to get all the pieces out of the cartons and separated.
Anyhow - here are a few images - in reverse order:
There is a “tarp” that goes over the small caged “run” - and a few other pieces I haven’t fully connected yet, but this is pretty much it - the future home of three or four hens I reckon.
Another view…..
This shows a bit of the interior area prior to adding the “run”
This thing has a “lot of pieces” - I’m glad is is basically finished. I’m ready for fresh eggs soon!
(OK - this is an edit from 11325 - hells bells - I got so much “material” - you wouldn’t believe me if I told you - so I wont! - here is some more - on this edit - tis 11325 1735 as I’m typing in “real time” - here goes - pictures recent):
Here it is:
$379 is the price - and that includes delivery. I’ll provide a review after I have that coop together tomorrow - and really the Bills-Ravens game - it has the making of a classic - but I hope tis an easy win for the Bills - cause come on - have you seen Hamlin lately - #3 - have you seen the hard tackles he has been making? I have - it gives me hope that there is a cure.
Anyhow - all I got left to get is the chickens - cause this coop is built tomorrow - you can bank on it.
Do you see my dog Evie?
You “see” her now don’t ya!
Go Bills!
~~~~~~~ end of edit ~~~~~~~ tis 1737 - I can type quickly - Go Bills! ~~~~~~~~
I’m gonna post the images I took in reverse order….they speak for themselves.
(image deleted!)
Go Bills!
(ha, ha….)
BK - 11325 1702
~ the time now is 1843 and I’m not kidding around - it is a Monday and I’m typing this on a keyboard that is backlit - and here is an edit - and after it is presented - I will provide a link to another article of mine connected - cause come on - we are all connected - are we not? ~
And so I say so many times treasure is just in front of our faces but the treasure is not realized…..well maybe tis time to do something better with “coal”?
What you think reader?
I know this - I vow to have chickens at my place this season - I want them eggs - and sometimes one has to take matters into their own hands - don’t you think?
Is is the article connected - I post it at the end of this article - caution is advised - if you go there - it may become a “rabbit hole” for ya…..a hole with no escape like a parenthesis left (
So what you see in the image above is literally a small-scale "chicken coop" and yes indeed - it was made in China. I ordered it from Amazon and it was delivered much more rapidly then expected, but I got her to the Getaway Place today - got the packages from the Post Office - than you so much "Elizabeth" I think your name is and Brendan as well.....Elizabeth helped me get the package out of the office and Brendan let me know it had been there for a whole week or so this morning - it was bizarre in a way - delivery was way more rapid than normal - maybe it was a fluke, but as I've indicated elsewhere, I just purchased a new laptop and I was awaiting delivery of that - but that delivery - out of Louisville via Ontario, CA was much delayed....a little quandary of life I reckon - but nothing in the big scheme of it all when it comes to chickens - and there is a reason I am here now - I'm going to build this "coop" tomorrow and set it in place. Images will be forthcoming on this although I do have some other work I need to get done....so it might be a day or two. I'll do it - If I'm alive in a day or two - I will share another post - and update.
Congrats, one New Year's goals, know a few people who have them and highly recommend!