So in an act of good faith, I want to share this - even though I know my aphid troubles are over - but just in case:


Hi Ken, sorry to hear about your aphid problem. I solved my aphid problem years ago....(edit). While cleaning up a very old gardening shed I found a box of tobacco snuff, the box was marked save for the aphids. The old lady didn’t want the old man to steal her snuff. I have used the snuff on my wife’s roses for years now, such that we don’t have very many aphid outbreaks anymore. The commercial products we used, rose powders and sprays never worked as well. So the box contained a dozen little cannisters and I’ve only gone thru two containers, and that’s with taking a few snuffs for myself in the summer. I take a pinch out and sprinkle it on the top of the buds and leaves, blowing a bit of powder on the undersides. You can see the aphids turn brown and drop off the plant. Tobacco snuff can be found on the internet for sale as well as at any good tobacco store. Mine is unflavored by W.E. Garrett marked mild sweet snuff. It’s a light brown very fine powder. The snuff is non-toxic, my cats play in the garden. Water will wash it off, so reapply as needed after a watering or rain. Over the years the snuff that washed or fell on the ground has prevented further outbreaks. It won’t hurt you or your peppers, washes off and any residue is non-toxic. It doesn’t work on the Japanese beetles that have been showing up the last 2-3 years. It seems to have also helped prevent rust virus and mouldy mildew, but that may just be getting rid of the aphids. Go buy a small tin of snuff and save those peppers.


I think that is good advice - I also think borax is an option - but ladybugs are the best and I reckon I got to order a new batch!


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This is truly why I started this place - it is a place to share ideas.

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We found success with Castile soap, a little bit of mint, sprayed onto the offending bugs...the ones pir chickens couldn't easily get to. Less success with diatamaceous earth. The combo of chickens, spray, and earth rid our peppers of them bugs.

My friend simply bought lady bugs and said that worked... May try that, and keep chickens out and see what happens.

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Incidentally - if you check back - I got some pictures of lady bugs - not kidding!

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I'm becoming a fan of "borax" and all the things it offers - it might be a way to kill bugs but humans, and all life for that matter - both plants and animals - we need boron biochemically. Anyhow - these aphids know better then to mess with me in '24. In '24 only the serious will survive and the aphids be advised to back off for the chickadee eats you up!


Thanks for posting here


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My wife goes to war with the bugs, keeps a good little garden, keeps it non toxic - organic.

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So in the '23 season the aphids caused lots of troubles and maybe it was cause I tried to save that one ghost pepper plant - man she was fine.

But she didn't live, the aphids killed her and then they tried to kill the babies after that - then I knew it was war and I got some pepper to grow and guess what aphids....


I won't make the same mistakes again and '24 tis a whole new season - I have high hopes.


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