Fab stuff Ken, I thoroughly enjoy your pics which I hope to emulate on my new Substack later this year.

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If you go back to the '24 season - tis those picture show the peppers in the making - and now tis '25 season. Lessons learned along the way - nothing is guaranteed - but seeds like to sprout if tended well - and I intend on taking these seed sprouted and tending to them lovingly - and then - let the chips fall where they will.

I know my Lord and my Lord knows me. In fact, let me share this from another place registered independent of this place - I share it in free will - and times now P&S are most precarious you must know - so be aware:


MERIT is what really matters and my LORD knows that. Either we will all be gone, or we will figure out a better way together as I believe we can....so whats the pain in suffering a bit of torture when in the end it makes no difference because we are all going to die if the puppets don't grow up and get a mind of their own. That is how I see it just now. Do you have a different opinion - if so, and it is a peaceful, then I am all ears. As for the psycopaths who care not about the "percieved puppets in their own pompous minds", I think a HARD lesson is coming your way and it is coming soon - you have been warned and do your own due diligence before you make a choice you will later regret.



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My opinion is your's Ken - and yes, it looks like the evil ones have it coming, as indeed it is written: "Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap; because the one sowing with a view to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh, but the one sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit." [ Galatians 6:7,8]

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I love that and your mastery of the lessons is why I treasure your friendship - even if we have never met face to face.


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But we will Ken - Inshallah. (I learned this in Egypt 2001)

"In sha' Allah, usually called the Istit̲h̲nāʾ, is an Arabic-language expression meaning 'if God wills' or 'God willing'. It is mentioned in the Quran, which requires its use when mentioning future events. It signifies that nothing, neither action nor thought, happens without God's permission." Wikipedia

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Just today - I was forced to "thin" out some of the seedlings. I don't care for this aspect of the work and next Season I'm going to improve in this regard - but too many sprouts all packed to together with roots all looking to get water and nutrients amongst the young sprouts is not healthy for them as a group - and then of course - one makes an effort to transplant - not all the sprouts can survive that stress - but fact of the matter is - these little sprouts the ones still in soil - they will surprise you with their desire to live and let you know - no need to be "over-delicate" - "we" appreciate somebody tending to us is what I think the sprouts shared with me today.

I hope to have an update Post tomorrow - and I've ordered some more "grow-lights" cause my setup this year demands more space.

More info will be forthcoming on this - as long as I'm still breathing.

When a man has vested so much energy over so many years towards ambitions to have a garden it sort of demands full attention is what I think - and I'm willing to offer that up - cause guess what - I can do it....My wife and I are basically - "debt free" - we ain't rich by a long shot, but we got what we need to get along - and now I'm focusing - like a laser - upon my garden ambitions. I plan on having some serious peppa - just like I did in '24.

Warm Regards - and this cold spell - it can't last forever - Spring beckons.


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