(Edit - 2525 1051 - I’m making some “formatting updates” here, but I think I’ve settled on how I will be ordering the ‘25 Gardening Season Posts - also I’ve decided this particular post about planting the seeds - tis #2 and it will have an “a” and a “b” entry)
I have some choices to make - there are so many seeds - but the setup is in place and ingredients have arrived - the stainless steel table in place and the grow lights as well
I got so many seeds - but preference goes to the ones recent I reckon - even though I intend on trying some of the older once - just to see - if they remain “viable” - I swear I got some tabasco seeds round here somewhere….here are the images - and that is that.
Tomorrow or the next day, just like today and yesterday - I will decide.
Yesterday I put this little “greenhouse” up - yesterday was quite the day - I’ll never tell!
Yesterday was a day I halfway might forget, but today is today - I got some choices to make.
Tomorrow I’ll make some fateful choices - it will affect the future for me at least no doubt!
End of post unlikely to be edited…….
oh wait….check this out
Tis 2425 234