'25 Season: Post #1- Start of '25 Season: 2225
That ole groundhog "Punxsutawney Phil" saw his shadow this morning - but Winter is going to end Regardless & NOW tis time to make planting preparations
The ‘24 Gardening Season was a success in my view, so I’ve gone back and checked the potting soil and other materials used last year - cause if something works well, why make changes? This is particularly so being we had some guests over yesterday one of whom also tried to grow peppers from similar seeds as I used - and at least for the “Carolina Reapers”, this other individual indicated - he just couldn’t get them to germinate. Myself - I had no problems, so it just makes good sense to try to replicate my efforts in that regard.
So, I figured I would start off this season sharing some of the soil “accoutrements” I will be using again. Later on I’ll speak to how I mix things up and place the seeds. With respect to containers used, I’m planning a few upgrades, but I’ll also speak to that later.
Before I get into the details, let me also say that I am very pleased this morning to report that the “Ghost Mama” (as I call her) is still alive! She dropped all her leaves a few weeks ago after the aphids started sucking the sap out of her and then I had to trim her back, but she is one tough Bhut Jolokia and she is going on 3-years old. Here is an image I took about an hour ago:
You see that leaf bud emerging I hope - there are more on this plant - not so sure about the others yet. I also dropped some ladybugs in the pots today and put the rest of em back in the fridge for later application after I gave them a bit of water to drink….I’m pleased that these ladybugs seem very lively.
Now - here are some of the ingredients I use when creating the soil to plant seeds:
There is also this stuff called “perlite”….
I had success with this last year as well:
And here is some more…..
OK - one thing I haven’t shown above is “peat moss” which is favored by “acid-preferring” crops such as peppers and tomatoes, but the peat moss was mixed into the soil in the garden proper and wasn’t part of the initial potting soil for germination (Edit: 2225 1034: I should clarify that one of the product above does contain peat moss - but it was a minor ingredient and probably is not ideal for all seeds germination efforts - but peppers and tomatoes just love the stuff mixed proper is what I think). This is what I got last year - I still have some left, but being it comes from Canada - I reckon price will be going up and I think I’ll stock up a bit.
I have also acquired some of this which I need to study up on a bit, but I think it might be useful and the price was minimal:
Well - There you have it - ingredients that worked last year plus some “Blood Meal” I plan on using in ‘25 Season.
My next update will show actual steps in planting the seeds.
Hope all are well and it feels GOOD to be focusing on my gardening ambitions once again.
BK, 2225 916
This is some good music - I post it honor of my wife after we just walked around the forsaken block - my wife has no idea just how much I love her - and if I love her I must love the children she delivered. In 2025 - things are gonna change - tis the year of TURNING - for the better or worse.
Drives a man crazy with love….
This is what follows - and get this - 408 views - so now I share it - I share it again - posted but 3 days ago - so thank you seriously - “UndercoverIndie” - some of us know - the first song about the “lady” - oh hombre - way to go!
bizarre the image that shows - but I don’t mind - I’m sitting under an umbrella!
(now one may inquire - why is the one reel turning faster - I’ll tell you - tis simple - it has less film upon it - duh….)
My next post will likely be in a few days - I’ll post the planting of the seeds - if they germinate they do - if they don’t - then lesson learned - but I commit to sharing my efforts here and I do it in hopes of a better future for you and me!
~~~~~~ edit - OH SHIT ~~~~
my daughter has forced this out of me
and now just to be a “mean father” about it all, let me speak again about fascia - tis an organ in the human body - it is the connecting tissue to all our organs - and really - Pasteur as he admitted on his death bed was WRONG, wrong, wrong - enough is enough - why we afraid of little germs I ponder - and who is pushing all this fear that has apparently “infected” my own daughter:
I’m pretty sure my daughter thinks she knows it all - and she enjoys telling her Papa how wrong she he is….and Papa will take it to a moment, but at some moment Papa got to tell this little girl - get a clue honey - unless you want to live your life in fear.
The choice is yours - you are a grown women - but fear is your guide? If so, get ready for a life full of never-ending drama - and frankly - that don’t appeal to me sweety. So you know I love you - but the time for living in fear is coming to an end - the choice is yours - I hope you make a good one.
With love - I say - don’t be afraid - be fierce in resolution.
~~~~~~ Final Edit - 2325 933 - ~~~~~~
Check this out - from the link above - and uh - some of these old scientific journals, books, and articles were in French - being well being - they are! I betcha my daughter - she is fluent in French could interpret them…..You know I love you honey!
Now, I got some serious work to do today - I will be setting up a greenhouse and making preparations for seed planting - both will be discussed in the #2 article for the ‘25 Gardening Season - cause this site is called:
“BK Gardening Ambitions” - is it not?
BK, 2325
Check this out - I post it in honor of my daughter - she is FIERCE!
So the love of my life and I woke up early today and we watched the prognostications of Punxsutawney Phil and you must know - I'm pretty fond of Pennsylvania - it was started as a Quaker place by William Penn - did you know that kind reader.
Oh - my goodness - there is so much information I desire to share - and share it I have and share it I will - but know this -
I play to win!