This bout it?
In my garden postings over the years some have wondered about growing plants in pots
The lines are “tight” no doubt - I ask for forgiveness, but I share freely - I share
I ask for forgiveness, I give forgiveness - and I ask for it as well. The children are precious no doubt - so is hard work done on a counter job. No comparison to the preciousness of children and Kahlil Gibran is an artist whose poems merit more attention you want my humble opinion.
I got humility - do U?
This is what I’m not being allowed to post - so why should I pay for service in the wrong? I ain’t going to - cause what is the point of having a place “registered” and paid for if they ain’t gonna let you use your own place to share ideas?
One more layer and backsplash tile being considered….
(edit - the above image is after the 2nd acrylic “topcoat” - now tis time to just wait 14 days for full “curing”).
I got nothing to hide
OK - fine - lets have it out now!
~~ ha, ha…~~~
Some more images - just taken - tis 51524 2007 as I type this and post these images of the counter top well attended.
What you think - you think my hands are painted? They are but this counter is well appreciated and that is why I worked to bring it back cause I have respect and my hands got paint on them - but I ain’t done with the job yet - I plan in advance and I appreciate quality - what u do?
BK - 51524 2010
Black sink I reckon - coated in primer - the next coat is on the way - but I already have reserved that for somebody else - I’ll share it with her and her alone!
Here is something you all maybe perusing this place ought know - when one gets into a place of repose and hunkers down with the love one has - then later on when the next layer gets applied - little flaws will no longer be revealed - but do you deny I prepped this counter - and I went above and beyond the call of duty - cause after I place the next layer - image to be shared ONLY with the love of my life - then I will put some epoxy after 14 days and that will seal the deal!
~~~~~ tis 51524 1550 - not kidding around ~~~~~
So, this year after I literally planted all the plants I’ve been growing now for months and tending to - after there were still some left - and after I saw the setup my niece’s husband had put in place - I decided - why not just plant some of these final plants for which there is no room leftover (assuming things go desired) in pots big!
So, that is what I did - after I went to Lowe’s and got some soil for said purpose, these leftover plants - no disrespect to them whatsoever - in fact they are special - they got set in some pots big. They will reside on the deck proper - and this will be a way to learn about growing plants in pots.
Not kidding around.
More images will be posted on this article, so you must know, I’m constantly editing new articles - adding thoughts and whatnot - so sometimes tis of value if you are interested to come back and check later after you get the email on the article - cause I do edit in time.
I could tell you the history sort of of each plant in the image above - but now they all have some space to grow proper - and I intend on keeping them on the deck and I have visions of sending an image later - when they are full of fruit!
I know not all vision come true, but without a vision of the future - how is anything going to change for the better?
That is a fair question in my humble opinion stated and typed - not kidding around.
Peace to you and your family and in a few months I’ll do a compare and contrast versus plants planted in the soil versus those in pots on the deck. But I sure hope the ones in the pots on the deck do well - cause if they do - they will be easy to overwinter.
More images to follow.
~~~~ first edit ~!~~!~ check this out ~~~~
tis the container for the epoxy I have already tested and will be using upon full curing of the acrylic top-coat on the counter job I’m in the midst of - more images on that for sure will be sent - you wouldn’t believe the testing procedures I adhere to.
So this is the plastic container the epoxy recipe goes within and it was sitting on top of the tile-work that will form the backsplash on this counter project I’m working on at my “business address” - and I’m not kidding around.
~~~~ second edit ~!~~!~ job prepped ~~~~
The counter job and all the preparation involved is ready to happen!
Here are the ingredients - the epoxy gets laid 14 days later after the acrylic is fully cured. Not kidding around.
and now a bonus image of the place the counters reside:
Primer applied (51524 - 1212)
Per the image up “top” - It takes 8 hours to be ready - for the next step!
Not kidding around.
51424 1714
you all want to know just how mean I can be?
Well guess what - I ain’t gonna tell - but ask my friends they will back me up and confirm just how mean I can be.
Seize the Gray - from ole D. Wayne Lukas wins the Preakness today in Baltimore!
Dan comes in 2nd place.
How you like them apples?