OK - bringing this to conclusion for the day - check this out and my hands my fingers, my mouth, my wrists - they are on FIRE - in a good way - so time to show the final product now in the fridge…..a moment please - tis 1859 as I type this:
Well tis 1912 just now on 919124 and ran into some difficulties there but I am most persistent and really - here is the heat of the peppa concentrate so far - not kidding around. I mean I feel the heat on my hands - I’ve felt it in my mouth - I’ve felt it for awhile now - and I got tolerance for these peppa and those think they can sense communication or HOT peppa - let me tell ya - hot, hot, hot - hot - I ain’t kidding around….
~~~~~ bk - tis 1914 now - may the best ideas prevail ~~~~~~
Well - there is no like the present and today I’ve decided - I can’t keep these peppers in the fridge indefinitely - eventually they will degrade….
So - today is the day to dry them out.
Got the sliding glass door wide open - two dogs here today - and the image below show commencement of some “peppa concentrating” by virtue of slow moisture elimination….meanwhile - the heat remains - cause notice the temperature used.
(Less than the boiling point of H2O! - I changed them both to the same as well).
Welcome to our kitchen.
Peppers to be dried - part of em
In the oven they go - with a little fan blowing for effective moisture removal in the exhaust air……turned it up to 180 for comparison sake and consistency.
I got more peppers than I know what to do with - so these ones leftover (after some were separated out due to expected “lack of heat potential” will be dried in an air fryer.
Welcome to the back porch - 180 is the temp setting (degrees F).
I’ll be back in a couple hours to report on progress.
~~~~~~ OK - 50 minutes in tis 1118 now ~~~~~~~
I “shook” em up - they are soft to the touch - moisture and heat is in the air no doubt - I need to finish this fore too long - otherwise my wife ain’t gonna appreciate the smell in the air! Ha, ha.
I swapped the cookie sheets in the oven
~~~~~~ Edit 2 - tis 1128 ~~~~~~
I can literally smell the peppa up in my office about 50 feet away elevated about 20 feet with the window open - holy moly - I might need to get a “permit” to do this in the future, but I can’t deny the whole neighborhood gonna a get a whiff of Ken’s Hot Peppa! - ha, ha…..
🤣 + 😂 = hot peppa in the air!
~~~~~ edit - tis ain’t my style necessarily - but I’ll tell what I’m about to do ~~~~
tis 1207 on the same day as I type this - and I called up a neighbor and inquired - “can you smell peppa in the air” - she said no, so that is good but I can smell em from where I am about 50 feet away, and so I think it is time to “temper” this drying effort and what I’m going to do is turn off all the heat sources and clean off a section on the porch tiles and then drop them peppers outside under the fan for a little time of slow drying……later I’ll collect them up but I suspect their volume is already reduced by at least 25%…..and being how “soft” they were to the touch, they have much moisture on the exterior so why not give them some ambient air and plenty of surface area to continue the slow drying process - cause if the smell is in the air - that is product lost so-to-speak or it might just be an aromatic version of peppa goodness…. so excuse me, I’ll be back in a few moments to share the image of what I said I would do above.
A moment please….ok 1217 - images on the way:
Oh boy - there they are - volume reduced - I’m gonna let them dry outside ambient for awhile and then - back in the fridge they go!
~~~~~ end of edit - tis 1219 ~~~~
Final edit - put the product in double-sealed baggage - and squished it kind of harm - the vapors coming of it were not to be disregarded - but tis evident - volume has been reduced - now this stuff gets some more time in the fridge!
If I offer up “product” you can rest assured - it has been quality controlled and mind ya I cleaned those tiles on my hands and knees for I set the semi-dry peppa upon them. I’m a top notch chemical engineer - I’ve been to many places - I’ve seen a lot of things - I know how to do this and that - and my product is quality-controlled.
The Time now is 1236 and let me go get the image already ready:
What you see there is all the peppers started out with - double wrapped and full of peppa love!
You know - I figure - what is the point of leaving the product in the fridge - so I’m continuing my efforts and I share this in good will - the time now tis 1342 - and oh boy - product I have to offer will be presented near the end and this probably ought be the last edit - unless I decide to bring this to conclusion - here goes:
This is some “juicy” peppa hot!
Don’t do this without gloves proper
These are the “juices” I squeezed out - with my bare hands (and gloves on - duh!)
You see what is in that jar just when the image was taken - tis “peppa essence” I tell ya - I tasted some of it and I still feel it - in a good way
Here is the final product at this stage - I mixed the peppers “not so heatful” in with it and the price of barter of this is what I inquire? If forces to put a value on it I’d say tis at least worth 1 troy ounce gold coin - this stuff was the essence of “hot peppa” - it don’t come cheap.
~~ the time now is 1348 - the day tis 91924 ~~
Warm Regards to all readers - stay resolute upon your principles is my suggestion.
BK - tis now 91924 1236 - just squished em one more time and then put em in the fridge for safe stewing.
So now - be aware - I explain the process above of concentrating the ingredient the peppas hot got within and truly I feel the heat in my fingers still as I type this - and best part is - it feels good to me.
It feels good - and if nothing else - there is value in that and make an offer fair if you want the product I offer up for barter.