The Hexagon Puzzle - Six Tiles (Solved?)
Preliminary "speculative answer" has been determined - tis 88 - after much consternation - I think this puzzle is solved - it ought be prime but maybe it ain't?
As its name suggests, this article is a continuation on a previous one as follows:
Please refer back to that for reference.
The purpose of this article is to get a sort of “fresh start” as I pursue the solution to this puzzle been on my mind a long time.
Here is Shape #11:
Had to edit that above - turns out shape 11a was redundant with another already presented - time is 122323 1708 - twas shape 8-e per the link above.
(for reference this was based on shape 2-g presented in a previous article - the base shape 1-5…..then the new shapes are new I think - total is now 66!)
Here is Shape #12
That is five (5) more - total is now 71.
Shape 13:
One - 1 more - NOT - to -too more - count is now 72!
So twas a 5 and a 1 to end origin shape #2 - now onto origin shape #3 (after I get that last one done that was missed then found….
(oops - 122323 1932 - there is 1 more shape #2 to consider - corrections made on the fly!) FLUX is moving FAST - (see Shape 5b for redundancy explanation - the other one was redundant with 2b - from previous post) - they both are no longer shown, but I got a copy - do you?
Do you think I’m kidding around?
This might seem obvious - but from a “programming” standpoint I don’t think it is trivial. So here is the “simple” way to program this to contemplate whether a shape being considered is “new” or not - all you got to do is take the 6th shape added to the others and “sense” whether it creates a “shape of 5” already been considered…..if so, the shape is redundant.
Thing is AI is only as smart as how it is programmed - programming geometry is equivalent to programming the game of “Go”, but it doesn’t contain the wisdom of the human mind - tis just code.
So, per that logic, I think I will be able to avoid future “scratches” and I’ll get to the final whole number finite and definitive soon enough!
Bills are down 10-0. Could be one of those games - here is “Shape #14” - it offers up no new shapes but that is only cause it was the last out of the many in “Shape #2” five-tile combos…had the order been different I’m sure it has shapes to offer up.
The count remains 72 - I know I have a lot of “double-checking” to do - what you think I been doing already? ha, ha….anyhow - I’ll do it. I’m gonna get to the “speculative solution” fore the end of ‘23!
Now - I’m tired and there is a game I’ll watch for a bit….
21-19 as I type it….anybody’s game I reckon
~~~~~~ tis 122523 1334 ~~~~~~
These are the “base” shapes that will form the possible new shapes 15 - 18.
(the above snippet is from a previous article - it shows “4 shapes” made with 5 tiles that have not yet been assessed……I’m looking at just now - I don’t think there are going to contribute to many “new” shapes…..maybe four of five…. - I hope to find some of them today)
~~~~~ here are three (3….oops, make that 2) more ~~~~~~~
Total is now 74. I’m guessing 83 may be the final total, but I’ll find out soon enough. Maybe 89.
Thing is I knew there wouldn’t be many shapes from the origin Shape #3 (3a - 3d give Shapes 15-18) - just like the last of the Shape #2’s considered had less to offer up cause of the order examined - however, some of the shapes coming up for consideration have less in common with the previous shapes examined - or at least a significant differentiation maybe? - and this might lead to a bit of a blossoming of more new shapes…we should know soon enough!
Shapes 19-21 will stem from the shapes below:
(the above snippet was just “now” edited - literally - cause I’m learning on the fly and making edits quick - I got a puzzle to solve!)
~~~~ Here we go - #19 ~~~~~ freshly placed - not yet edited….
I already know one more shape - a beauty - not yet revealed!
~ Number 20 ~
three more shapes left for consideration - total is now 82.
~~~~~ final edit for the evening - most likely - I think I already see some might be redundant - if they are - I’ll scratch them out - this puzzle ain’t finished and sometimes the solution ain’t evident till you get real close to the “end” and then double-check along the way……
~~~~~ ah - the day tis not over yet - ha ~~~~~
Here is Shape #21
does that make 84 so far?
Two more shapes to go - two more base shapes - then time for double-checking - the answer it at hand.
A “speculative answer” had already been provided - but I’d just assume get “through” all the shapes - right or wrong - the methodology is sound - the final answer is definitive, fixed, and whole and it cannot be changed.
Oh boy - coming to a conclusion - two shapes left to consider fore double-checking - and these shapes - they make me ponder - I need to “sleep on em”….they are so fine.
For the “moment” - 122523 2017 - that makes four (4) new shapes.
The total prior to “double-checking” after 23 shapes is 88.
Now - is 88 a prime number? The answer to that is NO.
I know I got some double-checking to do.
~~~~~~ Hey - can you tell the difference? ~~~~~~~
Consider that the “last one” and the one prior a “trial run” - either way - the answer is
89 is not correct - is it 88? I don’t think so - I think it is 89, but maybe I’m biased and I ain’t done double-checking, but here is where I stand presently - and tis consistent in trying to find the solution…..
(the speculative answer at this moment in time is not eighty-nine - tis 88)
(closing loops)
I play serious.
to be double-checked!
Time and time again.
BK, 122523 2018
more evidence (I’ll delete this now at the end of the month of gusto in 2024 - time is 83124 1223) - if you want to see more - and learn about other shape considerations - check out this link:
“Awaiting moderation” - moderation by whom I ponder - but no matter - we know already.
Game on!
Sons of bitches - this ain't easy to double-check, but it could be 88 is the answer and not 89 a prime number that I'm biased towards. Could still be 83 if there are "5" double counts in the mix, but I'm getting tired and older and I ain't got time for this. Of course, how the hell am I going to solve this for seven hexagons in a 2-dimensional plane if I'm not sure what the answer is with six?
There must be some way to prove this definitively, and I worked my way through all the shapes once again, but I'm a bit flummoxed by it all - and maybe the answer is actually 88 and not 89?
Regardless and either way, lets say the answer is 88 - and mind ya there is a fixed whole number answer to this puzzle, but if it is 88, the order is as follows:
1 with 1 hexagon.
1 with 2 hexagons.
3 with 3 hexagons.
7 with 4 hexagons.
23 with 5 hexagons.
88 with 6 hexagons.
So, the sequence is 1, 1, 3, 7, 23, 88.
What dear reader is the next whole number when 7 hexagons are connected as described?
Do you know and can you prove 88?
So, the ratio of 7/3 = 2.333333333
The ratio of 23/7 = 3.285714286
The ratio of 88/23 = 3.82608695652
Hmm - where is this heading?
Well - lets take the ratios to another level cause what I was thinking earlier ain't accurate:
3.826/3.2857 = 1.16444
and 3.2857/2.333 = a higher number = 1.41
So going with this, now that I corrected an earlier error in processing suggest with seven hexagons the value will be perhaps 1.1 times higher in ratio - so that would give a ratio of 3.83 * 1.1 (guess approximation) * 88 = 371 shapes give or take and for 8 shapes one could estimate that number (371) times 1.05 * 3.83 * 1.1 = 1641 give or take.
I've figured out Shapes #12 and #13 in my head. I'll try to at least pose those images fore the end of the day....."Shape #14" will reference back to a "new" shape when this was done for five (5) hexagons but the act of doing this puzzle the way I have has given me some ideas along the way and I think I will have a "speculative" answer - but then it will need to be double-checked!
Peace on Earth!
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