So my friends and I - sometimes we get into some discourse and well - we have all learned over our years together - I’m talking “long-time” friends - we don’t always agree, but for the most part we enjoy each others company.
So - if I ever have visitors come to my place in Fries, VA - a place I offer up - no fee expected - it is offered in goodwill - then this is what it will look like before the walk into the home:
I say kind reader - it is a story probably never going to be told - the long mystery as to how this foyer is at it is presently….but what matters more is the next image - I hope my friends don’t mind me sharing this…..(I’ll ask for forgiveness later if so….
So - any reader been here for awhile you must know - I love tile work, I love playing games, and I have some good friends - I am a good friend.
With that said - cans you see the “shading” on the bricks…..different….it is there for a reason no doubt - ain’t that like most things we sense?
Go Bills!
BK, 11625 1317
Oh shit……lol……this needs some music.
damn - not on my “trusty” device - full of tunes….let me find what comes to mind….
oh lets be sappy for the moment - I love this song - I share it freely - as they likewise:
Hey Molly! - I know you ain’t got any hair - but I like your music no matter!
Go Bills!
You know what - lets add another…
OK - here we go - tell me no lies - does the voice of this young women singing fine from the Hills of Appalachia - now sound most similar to the voice of Molly Tuttle?
~~~~ I can’t find it just now - sorry - I know I posted it - I’ll find it later ~~~~
It was a “youth group” two young ladies and their brother playing fine music from the hills of North Carolina - and as light is day and dark is night the young lady singing there on the steps of the mansion on Raleigh - her voice sounded most similar to Ms. Molly Tuttle I say - and the proof is already known - the video will be provided later - I got work to do.
Go Bills!
~~~~ tis later - I found it - I came across it today on the screen - seems I ought be able to find it easy now? ….
Here it is…repeat performance as well….
I ought stop I know - but I’m having some positive emotions just now sharing…
No matter what happens I know this.
1. I love my family to the bone.
2. I will defend to the death.
3. Don't mess with my family or friends.
4. If you do, then you will encounter me direct.
5. Not kidding around.
ps - the definition of "mess" if for U to interpret - I know who I am, who my friends are, my family and my neighbors