This is what I suggest one take a closer look:
Can you “figure” it out - you know what is - if so - what is it?
I said I was going to do this here - and so just to “prove” when I say I’m going to do something - I mean it. Here is where I said I was going to ask others - to take a closer look.
Edit - 13025 1343 - been doing a bit of digging today and got a question for you kind reader - you ever been in prison? I have - it sucked on the cold concrete floor - but I been to worse places than that - and I’m still alive - so fret not - if one has will - mountains move out of the way….not kidding…
The “bars” in prison ain’t much different then the “re-bar” we got on our deck, but the sunlight you see there and the shadows - in prison - that is in short supply….so of course balance is critical - cause too much of one or the other…….well let me say yesterday driving home the brutal insane bright sunlight blinded me and I reckon I’m lucky to be alive just now - but I am alive - and I’m a “dreamer”.
~~~~~ and now - an even “closer” look upon it ~~~~~~~
you realize - after awhile - you get “too close” no matter what - resolution is limited and you get real, real close on just a little spot - it sort of becomes “meaningless” with out contextual reference - case in point on that below - look close:
You realize - part of that is “real” and part is “shadow” - do you not? Imagine you look at that first - could you figure it out? I doubt it.
Since this is the first post of this nature - this is the first - take a closer look image:
I want to go on record right here and right now - I oppose vaccination - vaccines cause more harm then good - the evidence is in - tis rock solid - wake up - cause future generations deserve better. That is that and I ain’t kidding around.
Ralph Baric ought be indicted - he has caused much harm - he has harmed my alma mater - I don’t give a shit how much money big pharma pays - harm is harm - tis evident and tis known.
Make your choice.
Be aware - there are those of us out here, we might mind our own business, but you come with intent to harm children you rise our ire - and we are of the forest, the hills, the land - we are fierce, mean, and ruthless - we will hunt you down if you don’t immediately stop this harm upon the future of humanity.
You have been warned - tis a one-time warning.
Not kidding around.
BK, 13025 1247
~~~~~~~~~ and now as I said I would - time to do a deep dive into the funds I sent….
ready, set go: here we go ~~~~~~~~`
Now see above there - it says “Increase Investment” - does that not mean I already have an investment - oh it says $2000 “pending” - so first and foremost I’m going to confirm the $2000 was sent - with $40 fee mind ya - if it was - I’ll dig deeper and if they think they gone a scam my ass - well, lets just see…..and so now I dig deeper.
The Wolfpack is on the Hunt
For reference sake:
Well - here it is - PROOF - funds were deposited.
You wouldn’t believe the “troubles” I had just to get that - but the date is shown and it comes from my account - the money was SENT.
So, that is Step 1. Step 2 is to find out the status of those funds - and communication in this regard has been most lacking - and deficient and if Substack or “wefunder” thinks they gonna scam me - they got another thing coming - cause I ain’t kidding around - and when the mother-effing gd bankers stole - literally STOLE RSX from me - my antennas went up - and never again - so I’m gonna dig deeper - do you doubt me.
Here is more info:
Funny thing - odd in a way - I didn’t even have to “login” - this just showed up….what the fuck does that mean - I mean how the hell they know “tis me” - when I just did a search on “wefunder”.
Oh well, we all have “IP” addresses - and really be aware - anything you say and do on the web is being tracked - but when I ask does this investment get realized - and as an “early investor” am I able to sell what I invested to a “bidder” or are the funds illiquid?
Anybody - anybody got an answer to that - and as a side note - I don’t appreciate that somehow without even “logging in” this info was already there….something is amiss….
Wonder if Billy Bad Ass got something to do with it.
I mean on my new laptop I’ve made all efforts to completely keep MS off of it and maybe for my next one it will be “linux-based” - sort of like that so-called “ai” coming out of China recent - and this all just confirms my sentiment - that Billy Bad Ass along with Ralph Baric need to be indicted and then face justice.
Per above - I OWN 76.08 shares of "Substack" - I remember when my wife instructed me to purchase Netflix and I did, but then I sold those shares - and that was opportunity cost of about I don't know $700,000 last time I cared to check - who cares - what good is money if one is detached from life?
I remember when I thought I ought by a bitcoin when it was but $600 and mind you this ain't "sour grapes", but I decided the hassle wasn't worth it - and I still think that. Cause think about it - bitcoin is like fiat currency - tis nothing but a "mathematical construct" - tis truly imaginary and when faith is lost it will be worthless....just like fiat currency and frankly the US $ burdened by debt - but that debt friend tis not mine nor yours - it belongs to the federal reserve - that entity formed in 1913 during Christmas time session of congress after most were gone - they barely had a quorum - and was formed after some slimy banker met at Jekyll Island in Georgia - a penal colony.
That debt is not mine nor tis it yours citizen - it belongs to the central bankers - and may they be buried underneath it and all the harm associated.
I got more material to share - and I will share it. I have it saved now in so many places and I know I'm not alone and tis known - twas a coup when the so-called "Federal Reserve" was setup and since then the fucking central bankers been running roughshod over all us citizens and I say - enough is enough.
Can somebody within Substack kindly tell me the status of my "subscriber offered" investment of $2000 into the Substack venture as PROVEN above - the funds were sent please.
If not - get ready for me to unravel what the eff is going on - and if this was a "scam" as suggested by Ms. Sasha - then, well get ready - for some repercussions.
So - really - is anybody at Substack paying attention to this sort of shit - cause the lack of communication on this is indicative - and I don't appreciate sending funds in good faith and then getting treated to nothing but silence.